Thursday, June 21

'eye candy' ~ part five...

dear readers, i must inform you, my man has lurked upon my blog (gasp, shock and a little bit of horror) he said "it's all just madness, Tif " to which i replied "oh thank you, that is just what i'm aiming for"...then he proceeded to talk about capital letters and 'dot dot dots' by which time i had zoned out...yawning

we have a new addition to the 'dottie angel' family for your 'eye candy' pleasure today...
it became clear before Miss S. Machine had her 'turn for the worst' that she longed to foster a little machine, so after she became very very sick i decided to see what i could do to make her dream come true.
on sunday i went shopping on EBay, i rarely head over there now as it can be rather fatal for my i found this little machine, all on her own, looking for a home. i watched and i waited just like i have learnt to the last minute i placed my bid and she was mine!
i love it when no one else wants the treasure you have found, of course i always have a nagging thought in the back of my head ("why does no one else want that treasure, Tif") we welcomed Little Missy into our home yesterday, my man laughed out loud when he saw her and exclaimed "i bet that seller couldn't believe their luck when you came along" and then he tipped her upside down to look at all her bits... i can just imagine the kind of kid he was at school...

sadly, Miss S. Machine isn't able to enjoy her little girl. but standing over her, taking good care of her, until Miss S. Machine (gosh, i do get weary of typing her name) is able to take over, is the proud Mr S. Machine...

as if that wasn't enough 'eye candy' for one day let alone the whole week, i just want to show you my new tags that came back from the printers yesterday..the lovely Hope designed them for me and although i loved my old tags, it will certainly make life a lot easier around here, plus i feel most grown up with these professional items surrounding me...and there's more ("just stop Tif, it's all too much") my fabric labels turned up today thank goodness...i had completely run out and was having to delve into my 'winter' ones (dark colors) all round i am a very happy bunny today..(actually i look more like a deranged bunny in that pic, hey ho)

front and back, plus washing instructions (if you need a close up read)

business cards, sadly missing my shop address..but remember i am not thinking about that detail less i break down and cry..

postcards for all my lovely customers and any strangers who happen to pass by my door

out for the day tomorrow with her 'pretty sweet' wedges, band aids and not forgetting the zimmer frame ~ Tif

oooh! and the competition results coming up tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

This all looks great and very professional! Like you I have just had some 'Janet Clare' name tapes ordered too - from a schoolwear supplier - I love them, and I particularly love seeing my creations with my name on them.That's a bit sad isn't it?

Francesca said...

you've excelled yourself with those gorgeous bags tif (yesterdays post), so lovely. i love your new machine, i'm sure she'll feel very at home.

Mandy @ Belle and Boo said...

oohhh thats lots of lovely eye candy. What a pretty pink sewing machine, she looks at home in your studio all ready.

Love Honor Disobey said...

Holy Smoke! That has got to be the cutest sewing machine I have ever seen! What a little treasure you got there. I can visualise dainty little hands making dainty little things with it. It's pink and pint-sized! x

Anonymous said...

Your business cards and washing instruction cards match your lovely new sewing machine-a happy coincidence makes for beautiful photos!
Have a good day,

Lucykate Crafts... said...

ace sewing machine : ) i've spent too much time on ebay recently buying polly pocket for lucy. she has very bad eyesight and has glasses but also doing patching after school so she's having a treat each week if we have more than 5 ticks on the patch chart. she hates wearing them so last night i made her a pink felt one with a flower on it, much happier now!

Casey Maura said...

love the little (pink!!) machine... far too cute!! :) your eye candy posts all week have really been a highlight to my blog-reading and inspired me to get back on track with my own projects and such. :) thanks, tif! ;)

oh--and i love your new business cards and postcards! so lovely!!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet lil pink machine! Soooo cute :)
P.S. Sshhh, I totally sat at work on the computer yesterday afternoon hitting refresh on your Etsy shop looking at all the new pretties. Such gorgeous work you do! My dream is that someday you post a few bigger slips for us size 16-18 girls.

Betty said...

I love your tags and I would have bid on that cute little sewing machine if I had seen her first! It's adorable and so are your purses down below.

Gigibird said...

the little pink sewing machine - it is a prop and not a working machine?

You need a little pixie to help you:)

Now you have printed labels does that mean your sweatshop full of your children will close?

debbie said...

THAT is an incredibly adorable sewing machine. Even I, who lives in fear of 'the machine', can appreciate her beauty. And how protective Mr S Machine looks standing over her - gorgeous. Cannot wait for 'le sac' to be on my shoulder - just need to find that French Market now...

Violette Crumble said...

This is certainly my 1-stop shopping for free eye-candy. Love all the new stuff!

Anonymous said...

I spotted Hope's work right away. The tags are beautiful and suit your work perfectly.
How cute is that sewing machine?!

jungle dream pagoda said...

I have often "watched" toy sewing machines on e-bay,but never could I justify the purchase for myself. It is perfect for you on the other hand! the new tags are quite wonderful,and I love that your beautiful lady became an angel.

Anonymous said...

I love your business cards and washing instructions - very cute.

Anonymous said...

omg! i got that little kaybee for christmas when i was about 7 or 8 and still have it (and love it!)...