you are all too kind about my 'kitschy' lamp cushion...our #4 cannot for the life of him see it as a lamp, he said
"oooh, i see you have started making some monster cushions"
"no" says i "it is a lamp just like the tea towels"
"no, it's a monster with a square head, skinny neck and look he has one eye, two feet and a tail"
can't really argue with that...
so we have reached the week of thanksgiving and what better time for me to say a few long overdue "thank yous" here goes (you might need to make yourselves a little more comfy, this could take a while)
thank you for the 'smile' award from
for the 'nice manners' award from
here (which is ironic as i have taken so long to say thank you),
plus all the lovely comments from you dear readers, that you send my way,
the parcels that turn up unexpectedly in the mail...
the support of my new ideas
and on going 'trials' of trying to move...
you are patient, forgiving and very kind.
when i decided to 'swim' a few weeks back, i did not let on that i am in fact a rubbishy kind of swimmer, the type that flays around the minute they realize they can't touch the 'bottom' and do some kind of strange combination of the 'breaststroke' and 'doggie paddle' all with head stuck right out of the you have truly been my 'water wings' over the past weeks and i really must 'thank you' all...
and as a little reward for 'good behavior', i have a 'give away' birdie house tea towel is looking for a home. this little number was the first 'off the press' and if you fancy a chance of winning it then here's what you need to do...
1. locate your 'thinking cap' from somewhere in your home, if you have lost it, i would consider borrowing someone elses, just for a while...
2. make a cup of tea (or maybe something stronger to get the creative thought process warmed up)
3. now here's the need to think about 'who' your alter ego all know
mine by now, and i know
Janet has one i am quite sure you all have one hidden away.
4. leave your 'alter ego' in the comments, or email me and your name will be given to
Ruby to take care of, who is very responsible...(Ruby comes from a lovely etsy seller called
clang clang...she now owns a
crocheted pinafore as she was complaining about feeling chilly in my echoey studio...)
5. Ruby with the help of
our #4 will draw a name out of the bag on Monday 26th Nov, giving you lots of time with your 'thinking caps'...
so there it is...a little 'give away' to make up for my lack of "thanking you kindly" in the past few days, weeks and quite possibly, months...
she's looking forward to reading all the 'alter egos' out there ~ Tif