- full slips - 26 (just beautiful, the details and hemlines are wonderful)
- nighties - 10 ('nellies' and 'noras' in the making...)
- dressing gowns - 11 (not sure if i will be able to use them, but putting my 'thinking hat' on)
- dresses - 2 (perfect for customizing)
- french knickers - 1 (need i say more...)
- wedding dress - 1 (having a think on this one too)
- lace cape - 1 (interesting and thinking if i can use the lace trim...)
- bed jackets - 2 (sweet and would make lovely evening jackets)
- half slips -1 (just right)
- linens, doilies and hankies - (too many to count)
Thursday, May 31
me, my flouncy skirt and an 'angel in disguise'...
Wednesday, May 30
'thing number 7' alongside 'show and tell'...
i had no choice as 'Thing Number 7' ~ QUALIFICATIONS is relevant for 'show and tell' and with out knowing the former you will not be able to appreciate why i am so in awe of my 'show and tell' this week...so here goes
i have zero, zippo qualifications, i went to school to socialize and dabble in the 'arts', sadly i left school with very little to show for my time there...went on to meet my man at seventeen, worked as a bar maid and by the time i was twenty-three i was married with our #1, by the time i was twenty-nine i had added three more...this really has never been a problem for me as i always hoped to have a large family and stay at home. but over the past few years as my little brood has become older and quite frankly (trying very hard here for the right word...let's just say i call these the 'thankless parenting years') i have become less and less content...
so when you read my 'mumblings' or see 'new listings' in my shop, you can picture me and where it all happens. i can't even explain in words what this little space means to me, i keep going upstairs just to take a look...if you are still there reading this, then thank you for sticking it out...and thank you to gigibird and others that pointed out to me that if i didn't have the 'avoidance skills' that i have required over time, i won't be the creative soul i am today...
"not avoiding tagging tomorrow" and
"promising never to ramble on for so long again" ~ Tif
Tuesday, May 29
three buckets and 'thing number 6'...
Monday, May 28
the one with just him and me...
i thought i would start the week out with a few thrifty finds that me and my man found sunday...we went down to the market, together, alone, by ourselves, just him and me...we have realized that the only way to be by ourselves in the past few years (now the 'four hungry children' are older) is to go out. we make a big effort and manage this about three times a year...this was the second time this year so maybe we might break our record before the year is out...anyhow it was all very lovely (except for the rain) and he held the umbrella while i did the rummaging...i had gone with an intention of finding a small cupboard for a 'project' that we have spent most of the weekend working on (unveiling in 'show and tell' later in the week)...i did get lucky as it was so wet and rainy, prices were good and not as many people about.
i found my little cupboard, i will change out the drawer pulls in time, i'm thinking these would look pretty...and i also have some lovely paper to line it with...for now Mr S. Machine is living on top. who by the way has been cleaned up with my toothbrush and is looking mighty handsome along side Mabel...
Sunday, May 27
ain't raining on my parade...
i kept my mouth firmly zipped on this one dear readers, as i did not want to count my chickens like last time... but now i can let you know that today for the first time ever my 'four hungry children' witnessed their 'old mum' buying a newspaper, actually buying ten to be precise. i have not gone batty, nope i had my reasons and here it is...
Friday, May 25
the thrifting and the listing...
while i was looking through the slips with ever increasing despair, our #1 comes up and mentions she's seen quite a sweet sewing machine and i should take a look...well what a treasure she had unearthed all in its original case with the accessories, straight out of 1956. i have very little use for it, but i had to have it and i know why, it was that pesky little craft book with the cute sewing machine on the front...if i own this machine then i too can have a lovely life like the front of the book...so there it is, i now have to find a place for it amongst all the other stuff i keep bringing back, (thinking of introducing him to Miss. S. Machine, who by the way is doing much better today, thank you)...i only managed to unearth a few bits of fabric, but they look like they will work very nicely as apron skirts!
Thursday, May 24
the one with the missing cutting tool...
SUSPECT #1 - sleeps all day and all night, definitely shifty and is a dark horse in disguise
SUSPECT #2 - has managed to shred every single piece of furniture and carpet that we own in the space of two years
SUSPECT #3 - very nervy, meek and mild, has irritable bowl syndrome that causes him distress along with myself on a daily basis
SUSPECT #4 - his name is Speedy for a reason, blink and he's gone
Wednesday, May 23
'show and tell' or rather, 'show and click'...
Tuesday, May 22
i believe in angels...(she's nutty as a fruitcake that Tif)
(i'm not even going to mention the fact that the mirror in our #1's room needs a desperate clean, plus that it took me thirty one attempts to get this shot!)
i like to think they were admiring glances that i noticed, but really they were "what on earth is she wearing" looks. so dear readers, the old cogs in my brain have started to turn...do you think the world is ready for rescued thrift store skirts to be turned into 'dottie angel apron skirts', just watch this space!!
In Disguise : then you have angels like Tasha , who by day works in a cubicle in the bank but at night crafts away burning the midnight oil, this angel hauled twenty eight slips for me on mother's day. out of the kindness of her heart she has added to my 'chinese laundry look' that is over taking the house. some are now green and brown, some a wonderful 'granny knickers' color and others are awaiting their turn...
Monday, May 21
i know i'm slowly losing it...
so the money i had been putting aside to buy a pair of "perfect with any outfit, not too high, possibly red or maybe silver" wedges for the summer was used to cover the enormous cost of my new books. later that night when the house was sleeping, i watched my pile of books and carefully looked through a few pages and then my eye caught this ...
so on sunday, when no one was looking i stole one hour again to myself in my studio and ran myself up a summer apron skirt using an old cotton skirt like this (but brown), a thrift store anthro napkin, one fat quarter, some off cuts of cotton and a very tatty bit of lace...
Sunday, May 20
show me (courtesy of Kevin R)...
Friday, May 18
the missing door...
Thursday, May 17
playing hooky and thing number 3...

our #1 ~ "when you ask my opinion about dottie angel, when you go on about your business or when you have sold something", "also you are always late picking me up and worst still you forget me sometimes"
our #2 ~ "well, where do i start", "you ask annoying questions", "blogging", "the fact that you have a song for every situation", "you shop at forever 21 (just kidding)", "you favor #4 with photo taking", "you go on and on about crafting", "you say the food you cook is edible when quite often it is not", "you always say it is salad for dinner and then it turns out to be something unrecognisable"
our #4 ~ "asking me to pick up piles all the time", "you always give me dinner after the others have got theirs"
our #3, oh yes our sweet #3 ~ "you don't have any, you're perfect"
off to rewrite her will ~ Tif
Wednesday, May 16
old mrs hubbard and her 'show and tell' #2
now, let us move swiftly on to "show and tell" which you remember is to help me stay on track with showing you what i have been beavering away at in the studio . as you recall my start to the week was a slow one, but things got better and so i have managed to finish four full slips, four half slips and two camisoles (not mentioning washing and dying a ton of others), a selection of which you can see below and also in the shop over the next few days...
Tuesday, May 15
the crafty top and thing number one...
in the meantime though, i must tell you i've been tagged by ellene . to start with it bought back memories of being a kid, receiving a letter in the mail that turned out to be a chain letter, that told you to send out twenty copies in twenty minutes to twenty friends or you will have twenty years bad luck, if you live that long! on closer inspection this is not the same (phew!) apparently all i have to do is tell you, dear reader, seven interesting and unknown facts about myself, so that you may get to know me better. um, this is easier said than done. in fact i am beginning to wish for the chain letter, at least that is just copying and sending on...
Monday, May 14
the birthday and the brain...
Sunday, May 13
breaking my 'sludgy' dress code...
i have never been to this store until today and to be honest i had avoided going because there are two things i don't like being faced with...number one: when i look around me and realize that all the shop assistants and customers are half my age and number two: trying on clothes at the same time as two teenage girls is not good for one's self esteem, doesn't matter how pretty the clothes are, standing side by side looking in the mirror, chances are you will look like a sagging dinosaur...
i have also avoided prolonged episodes of shopping for clothes in more recent years because i am falling into the trap of "well that fits and it doesn't look too bad, so why don't i buy it in several different colors and then i'm done" and when i say "colors" that means different shades of 'sludge'...although i use colors in my crafting, i have a great deal of trouble clothing myself in colors.
so we walked through the door of Forever 21 and it was just like stepping into one of my japanese crafting books...just a riot of colors and kitsch fabrics. we spent an hour and half trying on all sorts of things and the girls managed to spend most of their hard earned cash, and me?
well, thanks to my mother-in-law's generosity, i now have four new 'bright' not 'sludgy' summer tops all to wear with (oh god this is scary) skinny cropped jeans, along with one flouncy skirt...