Friday, September 21

strike three and you're out...

i know dear readers the scene of Tif brutally "beating" her 'poor paper donkey' so viciously with her wooden kitchen spoon maybe disturbing for some of you...

but if i told you at the time of "smashing" my birthday pinata that i was thinking about a certain 'seller' of a certain empty yellow house...

and that the aforementioned 'seller' has chosen to withdraw from a contract...

and that the said 'seller' will no longer be selling his lonely yellow house to us ...

i think you can understand why it only took three strikes to break the poor donkey's neck...
and the treasure,
ah yes the was all a girl could ask for in life, chocolate and money...

looking again for the perfect house...(she knows it's out there somewhere) ~ Tif


Jennifer said...

Happy belated birthday! Glad you scored with the pinata!

Lucykate Crafts... said...

oh no, how annoying about the yellow house. think it got off lightly with a beating with a wooden spoon, i'd of used a broom stick!

Anonymous said...

Well I see you are not the only one who takes great photographs in your house! Mad money and chocolate, perfect!

Violette Crumble said...

Happy 39!

I had to read this post three times because I thought I must have misunderstood what you were saying. WTF?

devinemom said...

what a great sequence you shot here. Happy birthday! I am sorry to hear about the house falling through. I wish you the best of luck on the house hunt. I will be keeping this birthday idea in my head until march...great idea.

gilfling said...

Oh tiff - happy happy belated birthday! I am so sorry to hear about the yellow house - it brings to mind that ol saying - 'what's for you will no' go by you' ok even though I am scottish I cannot type in a scottish accent so you may imagine it said by someone like Dame Maggie Smith who would manage to say it with the perfectly lilting tone that it needs to make it sound heartfelt and genuine.

Love these photos!!

Tracy x said...

crap - i would have jumped up and down on the donkey....
so sorry about the house - it was not meant to be your home - your "real" new home is just waiting for you to find it....
i just hope it shouts loudly in your direction x

have a great weekend donkey beater with great hair.

t x

A Saucerful Of Secrets said...

Best wishes for your Birthday Tiff, sorry to hear about the yellow house but I think things happen for a reason and that something better is waiting for you to find it, happy hunting xx

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, love the pinata! Sorry about the house, maybe it wasn't meant to be and the perfect house is just out there waiting for you find it?

dottie angel said...

thanks for all the "donkey bashing, house falling through" always help me to pick myself up, dust myself down and start again :)

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, Tif! (The big 39 is lurking round the corner in February for me...) I am very sorry about the little yellow house, but I'll second Christine--I'm sure something even better is out there for you somewhere. Best of luck in the hunt!

jungle dream pagoda said...

Happy birthday!Most definitely a house is out there waiting for your family to love it!

Anonymous said...

You do look a natural with that stick Tif!
Sorry about your house though.

Monica said...

Some sellers!! You'll find the right house at the right time!

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

I know how you feel and I hope, as it did for me, it will prove that you would have bought the wrong house once you are newly setteled into the right one!!!
Suzie Sews

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with the house hunting. Something better is waiting for you!

I really like how Suzie Sews worded her comment. Nicely said! (And I hope it's true). :)