Friday, September 14

a skip in my step...

maybe it's because i fixed up my website...
maybe it's because wide leg trousers are in the stores...

maybe it's because i've been doing a bit of this...
maybe it's because i have gone from this to this...

or maybe it's just 'because'
finding the 'skip' in her step is coming back ~ Tif


Kristy said...

You skip all you like that website is looking fantastic!

Gigibird said...

today I was wearing wide leg trousers while having my hair cut.
Good haircut = happy bunny.
Glad you are skipping - I take it you aren't wearing those wedges then?

Tracy x said...

glad you are feeling springy x
tracy x

Dawn said...

Love the hair...yes, I do!

dottie angel said...

i should be wearing my wedges with my wide legged wonders, but alas i can't bring myself to stagger around in them..instead i have a new 'love' that i found in the UK this summer which i will reveal sometime soon...

Lucykate Crafts... said...

oh my, love the new 'do'. i'm also a wide leg trouser fan, never went in for skinny jeans in the 80's and most certainly don't have the 'after children' figure for them now.

Francesca said...

yes yes yes tif, i'm sure the crafting is's what you do. and a lady can only keep her doilies in a cardboard box for so long. i love your new hair and your trousers. what a difference a day makes!

Linda said...

The website is really great. It looks wonderful

sooz said...

Love the haircut! Can we see what it looks like from the front?

Violette Crumble said...

I have always wanted hair like yours that would lay the way yours does in its new state. So cool and it'll always look good no matter if you brush it or not!

I'm also fascinated by what your machine is doing with the doily.

New website looks great too.

Christine said...

Glad you're feeling more sprightly, your hair looks very cute and I love how you're re-cycling your skirt-I always find a bit of creating blows the blues away (at least momentarily) x

Nonnie said...

It must be something in the air because I too suddenly have a skip in my step. Or maybe it is the haircut because I had a lot chopped off mine last week too. Your new cut looks great by the way. Anyway, whatever it is, glad you've got that spring back.

Jane said...

well done with getting down to the website - I am meant to be sorting out all my paypal buttons that didn't work last week and here I am looking at blogs and before I know it the children will be up and about and I'll be typing the wrong prices into the forms and getting muddled up again.
New hair, new year, new spring,

Poppy Black said...

Your new haircut looks gorgeous and the colour is brilliant! I would love to get mine cut the same way but it is not quite straight enough at the back and would kink out in an unfashionable manner. As for wide leg trousers- there should be no other kind!

Toni said...

What a cute haircut that is, and I LOVE those trousers!

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Yer! for wide liked trousers, I love em, love the sewing and as for the hair so beautiful, you look stunning. I cut mine this year from really long curly hair to a bob, I miss the feel of the hair but I am having great fun with colour...if I don't like it its short enough to grow out...
Yours looks stunning, peeking into your house in the pictures it looks preeety stunning too.Suzie Sews

Anonymous said...

love wide legged trousers (with my hips I kinda have to!) and think your hair looks lovely too.

Jennifer said...

I recently cut my hair too. Love it on you and your streakiness. I am glad things are looking sunny again.

Rubyred said...

Love what you've done to your skirt,and your hair looks fab too!

dottie angel said...

thank you for all the lovely comments on my hair...i am still getting use to it, but i think i am pretty happy :) with the outcome...