Tuesday, September 11

sitting here in limbo...

and so i have called on all my 'avoidance' skills and ignored the cyber nightmare for four whole days...until my friend Laurie came round today and took a look and said "Tif, it is quite clear that you need to do something about your website"...we messed around with it for a while and then it became even clearer that i had completely forgotten how i even put the thing together in the first place. obviously i did not retain any information in my long term memory and it is completely blank...have decided to do some more 'avoiding' until my man gets home to help.

in the meantime, i thought we would have a little look at a few things that have been distracting me of late, and in turn making everything in 'neglected cyber world' to go so wrong...
first, the yellow house...ah yes, the very thing that is causing my 'downfall' at the moment. i have spent the past week visiting first with the inspector and then with various qualified people who 'umm' and 'ahh' at the problems that need fixing and then give us a quote...then we go back and start negotiating again. i don't hold out much hope this time, it took a long time before, so i have a feeling it could be the end of the road for this house, but we will see. the extent of it's problems are pretty major.
put it this way, the inspector said as he was writing up his notes on the 'major defects' page, "i haven't written this much in ages" ...if we end up in the yellow house, it won't be yellow for long, apart from a lot of other things that need to be fixed, the siding has to come down...

whilst i was waiting around i took a few snap shots, one of the kitchen, which will have to come out. it doesn't look so bad in the photo, but as my friend Laurie said "wow, it looks much better in the picture than real life!", that tells you a lot. secondly, the vanity sink downstairs...i like this sink, i think it will stay, (wallpaper will go) although now i look closely i am wondering if the fake green marble affect has just been painted on!!

now, while all this has been going on at the yellow house, i have been putting our present house into a state of 'ready to market'...this room is now the one that greets potential buyers as they walk through the door.

it originally just had sofas and musical instruments in it, so i have worked on making it look like a dinning room again...i even covered the chairs in my favorite tablecloth, all the time imagining them in the yellow house...opposite to the dinning space is the front room...

looking far smarter than before. so my plan is, whoever walks through the door will see these spaces and go "i have to buy this house, it is perfect for me" and that will be that..oh and preferably on the first day
when i look at these pictures i really can't believe that i am trying to move from this neat, clean, large space to a rambling, quirky, fixer-upper...

on a more crafty note, i have begun to tire of having my studio packed away and everything inaccessible...so i have decided to turn my attention to my clothes and what i can do to customize them, so far i have two willing victims...

victim #1...sadly my favorite skirt in the whole world that got ruined by bleach...i must confess that i do not use bleach to clean my house, however the need to rid the sliders on my windows of mold and mildew meant drastic action had to be taken...and i took that action dressed in my favorite skirt and with a borrowed bottle of clorox. that will teach me to mess around with the enviroment...

victim #2...a lovely pale pink wool skirt by NOA NOA that i have had for several years, it was a victim of a rogue moth last year (i say that quietly as i caught another one yesterday sniffing around my lovely new yarn). the moth hole in this skirt caused me to tear my closet apart in a frantic state of madness, trying to unearth the little horrors. "why oh why" i cried to myself "do you have to frigging choose my expensive skirt, why can't you choose the cheap crappy skirt hanging next to it" but alas, moths do have a certain taste for quality...anyhow i have decided to dye this one with a color called 'black plum' which was spotted on the clearance aisle recently...i have taken a risk that it was 'end of line' rather than past it's 'dye date'...which reminds me, i cleared my fridge out on Saturday while trying to avoid thinking about the cyber world, i found a barbecue marinading sauce (opened) with a 'sell by date' of June 2004, i was just entertaining the idea of combining it with my 'crock pot' when our #2's eyes alighted upon it and all hell broke loose about what else could be lurking in the fridge..

off to see what Mrs W. Machine has done with her wool skirt and an old packet of dye ~ Tif


Anonymous said...

Your house is BEAUTIFUL!! You have how many children?? And so much lovely whiteness, I am impressed!

Hear Me Roar! said...

Well I must say that your house now looks exactly like the type of place I want to be in, all open and light and airy. I was starting to worry about you ya know, and was in the middle of writing you a regular e-mail when I decided to check one last time to see if you'd updated. We MUST get together soon, if only to cry over our losses... LOL

Cara said...

Your house looks amazing - like it stepped out of the pages of a magazine! Someone would be a fool not to buy it. Shame the yellow would have to go from the new house - it's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Your current house looks great - but the yellow house is better!
We live in an Edwardian 'fixer upper' (that sounds American to me!) and yes, it is always in a constant mess and costs us a fortune and will not be 'done' for about 10 years. But I wouldn't change it for the world.

Gigibird said...

Buying a dump is good on many levels - as long as the price is right and by that I mean you aren't paying a premium of things you will skip.
The vanity sink/unit is revolting!! Get those glasses of yours checked!
I am dipping my toe into customising clothes - I'm not going down the sequin and lion resplendent of the back of anything, but the changing buttons, covering the odd hole/stain with a cute label and taking a few inches of the length - pretty much mandatory when you are knee high to a grass hopper:)
Your home looks fresh, modern and ready for anyone to move in and start living. I'm keeping everything crossed for you;-)

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

What a sylish house. As for your skirts...now thats a tough one. I live in fear of months...
SUzie Sews

Anonymous said...

my god tif! i thought the pictures were from a magazine and were what you were wanting to do! wow

debbie said...

Tif - that vanity unit stinks - get rid of it (if you get the chance that is). Remember my flowery toilet? It's in the same category. House is looking utterly fantastic - right off the pages of Living etc. Only a fool could resist it? I can't wait for the tears of joy and laughter over turning the new place (hopefully) into a gorgeous haven too.

dottie angel said...

do i need my eyes testing...does that lovely little vanity really 'stink'...i thought it was kinda of funky/oldie/worldie...a bit like myself these days...ummm i shall have to go back and take a closer look. it was about the only thing that i thought didn't need ripping out...maybe i was clutching at straws just trying to find just one thing that didn't have to be fixed, sigh.

Lucykate Crafts... said...

your house is looking lovely, i bet it sells quickly when it goes on the market