Monday, June 18

'eye candy' ~ part two...

Miss S. Machine goes in for surgery later this week, i wish i could tell you she was being seen by a top Harley Street specialist, but no, she is being operated upon by a Quack that doesn't even own a fake ID...he trys to assure me with lines such as "it's okay, i'm a professional" and "don't worry, i know what i am doing"...but i am still not convinced. on the up side of all this is the thought that lurks in the back of my head, if she doesn't pull through the operation then i will sue the Quack, for $2000 so i can buy a Bernina...clever eh! i'm not just a pretty face (actually i'm a sith lord, who is showing a none caring side to her little machine who has served her so well...obviously i am turning into a hardened business woman)
to sooth our souls and calm our nerves after worrying about Miss S. Machine's fate, i have a little bit of 'eye candy' lined up...i did spend most of my day trying to catch up on some of these, which was made easier by the lovely Rosaleen (a reader of my blog), who sent me a wonderful parcel full of lace. i also put myself through an hour of 'pain' (for 'pain' read 'yoga') which i then rewarded myself with one of these, that our #2 had made for her dad (hurrah, we own some cupcakes).

in between, i flitted around looking for a few things that might be nice to put up as 'eye candy' for thinking about 'eye candy' i realized that like most arty things, what i think is lovely and i can't live without, the next person might exclaim a dislike to...a bit like gigibird and her experiences with chocolate i totally understand if after looking at a few of my treasures you don't particularly think them anything special. i will not go off and weep, i will hold my head proud and repeat "each to their own" until i feel better...

first we have cushions i made for our #1 and #2's beds, so they don't forget their roots

then we have a tea cosy fashioned out of a thrift store hat that i stuck in Miss W. Machine to felt it up a bit and added shell buttons...

this little 'freaky friend' is our #1's version of an ugly doll, i just love the fabric she used, and once again i find myself regretting the fact that i didn't buy the whole roll...

aprons i have hanging around that make me look like i can cook even though i can't

knitted cuffs i fashioned for my favorite candle holders which look like they belong in a mid century modern house, but came from the one and only Target..

more cushions i made, this time for our couch

and lastly some little bag charms that i made a few months back that hang on my wall

sorry if it's not your kind of 'eye candy', but i like to look at it and it definitely brightens up our space

a little bit of this and a little bit of that, to brighten your day ~ Tif


Hear Me Roar! said...

I loved this post, if mostly because it made me feel a particularly lovely sense of calm to know that I have a friend who knits sweaters for her candle holders and sews buttons on her tea cosy. I think this might possibly be the best type of friend to have, even if she can't spell 'individual'.

Tracey said...

I love seeing all of these little details in your home. It makes me want to see the rooms in their entirety!

Christine said...

I love all your eye candy! especially the bag charms (beautiful) and the teacozy (inspired). The birdy fabric of your 'ugly doll' thing is gorgeous! and of course I love your critters, especially your cute doggie!

Francesca said...

lovely post...i love the union jack cushions, the candle cuffs and the tea cosy epecially.

Anonymous said...

I think the eyecandy was quite sweet...hope your sewing machine is back to working order soon. I'm sure you must be stressed to the max while your "baby" is being worked on!

Everything Stops for Tea said...

It is deffo my type of eye candy lady - its fab!

Lucykate Crafts... said...

very impressed with the union jack cushions!. have you looked at the berninas on ebay?. i've been coveting one since college but have never had enough spare cash. they are the rolls royce of machines, worth every penny

Anonymous said...

You've just made my day Tif, it's the first time I've ever been mentioned in a blog!I can't stop smiling...i'm so glad you loved the lace.
Your aprons are very beautiful by the way!
Hope you have a good day,

Love Honor Disobey said...

hee hee...I have my own personal 'quack' too. I have two successful 'lawsuits' as a result of him doing the washing up. Collectable 1950s crockery and men just dont mix! Thanks for the post, it made me smile xxx

Lori said...

Great post today. I love the bag tags. Do you market those? Everything is pretty. Thanks for the smiles each morning. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, it's the "porn start kitty" pose! My cats do that all the time in the middle of the driveway >^..^<

debbie said...

love love love the candle cuffs - inspired. The aprons look like they belong in the kitchen of a domestic goddess. Also loving the flag cushions. Keep the eye candy coming.

Gigibird said...

How should I say this? Is your man good with his hands? Does he have practical intelligence?
How motivated is he to repair your sewing machine?
I am currently looking for a good home for a jar of Cadbury’s Chocolate spread…..
I loved all your photos of the things around your home – especially the ones covered in fur:) I also love those aprons….I love aprons. I think anyone who blogs loves aprons, and buttons.
The tea cosy is a masterpiece – I am kicking myself as I have just given to charity a lilac hat I could of done the same kind of thing with…..never mind.

Anonymous said...

Wow - what a great post to wake up to. It certainly is a feast for the eyes!

Can I choose a couple of favourites(spelt the UK way!)? Everything is beautiful bu the tea cosy and the candlestick cozies are STUNNING!! It's that simple, stylish Japanese look that I'm always drawn to. Great work Tif!

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing your eye candy and for linking belle and boo..i really like her shop!
:) laura

Mandy @ Belle and Boo said...

the tea cosy and the cushions are just gorgeous

Anonymous said...

mother, dear, your 'eye candy' looks like a car boot sale gone wrong. maybe its the candles... hmm... nonetheless every essence of our household has been captured perfectly.

rummage, rummage, and more rummage.
your #1

Hear Me Roar! said...

Tif, Tif, Dearest Tif. I've just noticed on your "Things I am currently avoiding" bit (which is pure and utter BRILLIANCE I might add) that you still have not purchased a cutter. If I have the proper type I would be happy to give you one of my three, as I've noticed sometimes it's cheaper to buy a new one than to buy replacement blades. I don't NEED three, I don't even WANT three, I just happen to have them. Perhaps I have three for this very occasion, where my stubborn friend has a mental block about where she put hers?

Jennifer said...

Beautiful items. I will be back to check things out again!

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

De lurking to say that you always have such beautiful pictures
Suzie Sews