Wednesday, October 12

crimes committed...

it would appear two crimes have been committed of late in the shed, one i am guilty of and the other not.

crime number one:
Colin the computer is feeling under the weather, i noted two days ago. thankfully despite my frustration, i fell short of tearing my hair out due to quite liking my hair at the moment and also being most happy my braids now reach over the top of my bonce and are almost touching my ears the 'tother side, which really is most spiffy. i cannot believe how in a few short months my wrappity wrap braidy hairdo is coming along a treat. but i digress, and this not 'a-okay' for we are talking crimes here and this is most serious.

i blame myself for Colin's sorry ways, i foolishly upon bringing 'Lappity' laptop into my life, felt it would be safe to allow Colin into the public domain of the shed. oh the fool that i am...

totally unrelated snapshots of a 'dumptie' made by placing a round cushion on top a stool

i charged Our #4 guilty of crimes committed against Colin, he protested his innocence but i think he looked shifty in the eyes when he pleaded 'not guilty'. in the meantime i was left with no alternative but to ask my man to clean up Colin's act and restore his spiffy ways back to their original spiffiness and with a bit of luck, all the crappity crap now clouding his vision will be gone...

crime number two:
i committed this crime last week with a can of custard yellow paint and a poor unsuspecting cupboard in my studio. after three coats on one side of poor unsuspecting cupboard it dawned on me it was not my destiny to own a glossy custard yellow cupboard. such is my restless ways at the moment i needed instant gratification with my painting ways and that was not happening. in a need to cover up my terrible crime, i rustled around my paint cupboard and found some glossy grey. i attempted to cover my tracks and when i stepped back i noted i had failed, for the poor unsuspecting cupboard looked pants in grey.

this in turn led to me dragging my victim out to the garage, covering it in a bedsheet in the hope of no one noticing. where upon i adopted an 'out of sight, out of mind' attitude whilst pondering what i would do without my trusty cupboard to hold all my spiffy 'bits and bobs' with which i craft with. i found my next victim upstairs, she has been a faithful little soul for the past 15 years since my folks passed her onto us, holding my granny undies and cotton hankies most trustfully.

after much huffing and puffing to get her downstairs, i pondered her fate. some pondering later i declared greeny turquoise would suit her lovely shape.

as it tippity type this little ramble today, i am most delighted with my newly painted cupboard and her glossy coat, however everytime i look at her i feel guilt, guilt for the poor unsuspecting cupboard now left out in the cold garage and recalling the crime i committed with a can of custard yellow paint in a moment of madness.

after a long period of separation (causing anxiety) she is reunited with Mr Hook ~ Tif


Foteando fotos said...

I ♥ the work you made with the cupboard :)

Vintage Market Place said...

She is lovely!
I love love love that color
but now I feel sad for the other
left in the cold, awww.
I am sure you will return sad cupboard to your home soon.
what...I can hear her sobbing...

grandma peden's porch said...

Love the color and don't worry your crafty soul will fix the crime of the yellow cupboard in time. Some dilly dallying about and you will fix it.

liz said...

What a charmingly transformed chest of drawers. It's a fine colour. I'm sure the custard one is being patient in the knowledge of better things to come. Liz :)

enaR said...

I love your creativity :) this color is...really amazing!

Liz said...

Oooh the cupboard looks lovely in green! <3

HannasHörna said...

Hi! The green colour is so beutiful, so are all of your things. Hugs from Sweden

greenrabbitdesigns said...

Gorgeous colour! :)
Looking forward to seeing what you and Mr Hook are up to!
Vivienne x

Unknown said...

you my dear make me giggle out loud. i love that you are feeling guilty about your friend who is now under the sheet in the garage. i think you might need to save him/her. yes, indeed. maybe a lovely shade or corally orange? might be adoration for you?
thanks for being witty and soulful and you.

Jaclyn Trecartin said...

I love the colour you finally chose for the cupboard.

--Jaclyn T
Nature Inspired Jewellery

Genevieve said...

I do many things in a round about way. Your cupboard looks lovely and in the end all is as it should be.

jane said...

I am loving the 'dumptie' ...word and actual object :) I too have had a 'brush' with a cupboard and a dodgy paint colour this week...very stressful but your drawers look a treat :) have a lovely day and thankyou for your message :) :)

Sarah said...

The drawers look fab Tif!!

If it is instant gratification you seek you should try Annie Sloan's chalk paint, it's super fabby, usually one coat, highly pigmented and dry in about an hour!! I can't recommend it enough....

S x

Jen said...

I'm sorry the yellow didn't work out, I don't believe in favorite colors, but I do believe yellow is such a bright & happy shade.
I do love the blue paint! What shade is that?

sue said...

That is a gorgeous colour on your little chest, but what will you do to make amends for the custard yellow and grey lurking under the cloth. You must save your cupboard I feel! ♥

Karin Alton said...

Absolutely loving the colour, one of my favourites, so very good choice!
And very nicely executed too!

Rose said...

Oh how pretty your new chest of drawers is!

Anonymous said...

i love love love your new paint job on that set of draws, you have inspired me to find some paint and to start attacking my own furniture ;)

Blessed Serendipity said...

I really love that shade of turquoise on your very cute vintage dresser. She has great legs too.


Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

Oh, but I would love a custard yellow cupboard! If only I lived near bye, I could rescue your victim from dreary old gray.

Bella said...

that looks amazing tiff!
You are my one inspiration! I wish I knew you personally but I'm sure I would be boring company while you're in the room!

silverpebble said...

It sounds for all the world as though you're aiming for full Heidi hair. How ace is that! When I was little tv Heidi had cropped curls (as did I) but stretchy-over plaits or perhaps twirly chelsea buns made of plaits would be sported by grown-up Heidi. It gives me an urge for a brightly embroidered twirly skirt.

Your turquoisey cupboards are most definitely worthy of ace status also.

jill funkhouser said...

what colorr is that paint? I love it. Thanks!

Penny said...

Oh but the gulit is so worth it! Gorgeous colour xox

dottie angel said...

here's the colour, my fine and dandy readers

benjamin moore
waterbourne interior paint
and the number is

it is not one they have on their paint chips, my magic paint man colour matched it to a vintage chair i found at the fleamarket last year. in the flesh it is a little bit more zingy then perhaps my photos but then monitors do differ as we are always being advised of.

thank you for your kind comments, my mother has been on the phone suggesting all sorts of things to rescue the cupboard in the garage for she is feeling sorry for it too :)

Jane, you are most welcome... love your turquoisy cupboard, recall too my heart beating a little faster when seeing that image on flickr and then in mollie makes

silverpebble, yes indeed, and with clogs, definitely clogs are a must :)

Bella, i think not, i think you would be quite shiny and noticeable in a room actually...

sarahb, i recall annie sloan paints from my early 20's! gosh i am not sure i could get those stateside,
thank you for the suggestion my dear

rachel, i think my cupboard would weep with joy if you rescued it :)

cheers my dears for brightening the day with your spiffy comments as always

Charis said...

What a beautiful shade!

sabrina said...

i have to agree, your turquoise dresser is quite lovely. don't give up on the yellow! against my better judgement, i painted the hutch that belongs atop my dining room console a custardy yellow. it took three or four coats, but it looks quite nice now!!

(this was my man's idea. he painted the console a glossy black, to make his bar. now they are two separate pieces of furniture. i resisted the idea of breaking up the pair, but i'm sure you know all about compromising with the husband. *hee hee*)

Anonymous said...

The cabinet is beautiful I love that greeny turquiose. But you do realize you have to pay the penalty and rectify the gloosy yellow custard cupboard. I mean what will you bits and bobs think without the cupboards protection and warmth? Anywho best of luck with the cupboard, I hope you find a paint to your liking soon. Have a great weekend.

Misty and Pets.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely job on the cupboard. I do believe it has made my evening very lovely.

Anonymous said...

Oh my GAWD that color is amazing!!! :D