Friday, October 14

constant canine companions...

hurrah hooray, 'tis friday, 
once again it has whizzed on round. 
i have never lost that feeling of 'yippee its friday'! 
it goes way way on back to my school days...
next week is quite thrilling, 
for it is all about the three C's.
 crafting, crochet and clogs.

for now though,
it is all about my constant canine companions,

who have done a spiffy job of keeping me company
whilst my man is in old blighty.
yes i am thinking quite honestly
there cannot be anything better
then a constant canine companion or two

especially this week...

she is wishing you a peachy weekend filled with lots of C's ~ Tif
footynote: oooh! lets play spot the difference. after all it is friday...
what is the difference between photo #2 and photo #3, apart from the obvious shape of the picture.
gold sticky stars up for grabs :) 


City Chic Country Mouse said...

Happy Weekend to you and your furry ones!

Vintage Market Place said...

tennis ball, tennis ball,lol
oh your home is so purtty :)

Stacey said...

Olive appears to have eaten, or is sleeping on, the ball.

Unknown said...

sweet precious olive has lost her ball : )

Unknown said...

and did i forgot to mention sweet precious olive rolled over. yep.

Suzanna said...

difference #1 tennis ball goes away
difference #2 doggie's head changes positions.
:) happy Friday!

Daisy said...

Ahh ha! The ball has disappeared!
Dogs are such marvellous company especially when we need them the most. Thinking of you and all in Blighty xxx

Renee said...

Good Morning!

Looks like Olive woke up and nosed the ball. When the ball rolled away, she just sighed and laid back down in a different position and went back to sleep.

Renee :)

Unknown said...

Lovely - snoozing pooches! All I can see that is different with my ageing eyes, is, the tennis ball in pic 2 is not in pic 3. Sue x

Vanessa said...

The difference is the presence/absence of the ball! I claim my gold star!

Kerry said...

I spy a tennis ball on the first one.

My dogs hold that exact same position most of the day. I'm not brave enough to have a white rug though lol

Oooh Betty said...

Being an avid 'where's wally' reader (not by choice) I have spotted the difference. It is the ball.
This picture just makes me feel that deep down, little olive is just itching to get snuggled right in to used dogs warm, used, grey furry tummy.
Truth be would I. X

VintageVicki said...

My weekend C's - crochet, chocolate and cooking :)

Enjoy yours :) xx

Marie said...

(smiles!) little olive's head is turned the other way...

Ann said...

Olives head has turned :)

MoniCue said...

No tennis ball! (And perhaps Little Olive has moved her head and flopped an ear a bit?)

Jen said...

it looks as if the tennis ball developed legs of it's own & high-tailed it out of there in hopes of escaping the slobbery mouths of your constant companions..

on the other hand, it is one of the yellow tennis balls' responsibilities to keep furry critters entertained & if they were to somehow miss out on the opportunity to do so would mean said yellow tennis ball's life would be unfulfilled. so little olive must have accidentally kicked yellow tennis ball out of sight of the camera just as the picture was about to be taken.

Betty said...

The beautiful little doxie is rolled over. : )

Sophie said...

Ooooo you make me smile with your writings! I LOVE your constant canine companions and I spotted that ball missing, do I get some stars?! Hippedy Happy weekend xox

Pink Milk said...

The ball has been snaffled!!!

Hear hear re canine companions. I have a constant spaniel-shaped shadow and, whilst I get a little ratty with him from time to time for always standing/sitting one step ahead of me, I wouldn't be without him for the world.

They're super listeners too.


greenrabbitdesigns said...

The ball has disappeared in the second one! I do love spot-the-difference. :)
Happy weekend Tif,
Vivienne x

Shelly said...

I will take a shot at it. I don't see the tennis ball anymore (in photo 3). Is Olive sitting on it?

Lynn Holland said...

Haha is it the ball that's vanished. Hope one of our little companions hasn't eaten it.
Have a shiny sparkly weekend Tif.
Hugs from your lancashire lasses xxx

donna!ee said...

as i see it, little dashund has changed sleepy position whilst dreaming AND the ball is gone in #3. i have five dogs and i agree, they are great companions & very entertaining. blest be :)

Inthesky said...

The ball, the ball, I spotted the difference. Hooray for dogs, I love mine too. xxx

Rachelle Blondel said...

I wonder if used dog has stolen Olive's ball.....have a fab weekend Tif rxx

Unknown said...

Ah...I see it. There's a tennis ball in teh 2nd pic. DO I get a star???

Also, just wanted to say how much I am enjoying your book. I'm about 2/3 through. I keep it for a special treat. I'm pacing myself so that all the Dottie Angelness won't be gone too quickly.

Wendy said...

Where'd the ball go? Lurker no more, you tempted me out of my shell with this question. Memories of a similar game in a childhood magazine...

Always look forward to seeing what's up next at Mossy Shed. I love your aesthetic :)

Katie said...

I do love your canine companions! Little Olive has apparently only moved onto her belly. I suppose moving any farther was just too difficult.

Tired pups are so adorable.

Erin said...

Sweet little Olive is facing different directions. I was always good at the spot the difference pictures :)

...C o w R o a d... said...

the ball!!! ;-)

silverpebble said...

Ah, I share your feeling of 'all's well with the world' when your trusty canine friend is near. Minnie the lurcher is a fine and loyal companion when I am jewelling away. Right now she is stretched out next to the open fire with her leg lifted just slightly in order to warm her tum.

liz said...

Ha, the tennis ball has either disappeared or is being hidden by little Olive's derrière. Have a lovely weekend. Liz :)

Greedy Nan said...

Please send gold sticky stars via cyberspace; someone's moved the ball.

Caroline said...

it's the ball, it's the ball (she shouts)!!!!!! XX

Miss Tallulah Porkchop said...

Your companions look better behaved than mine. Mine spend their days jumping on furntiure, chasing the cats, wrestling and chewing shoes. Inteterested in a canine swap by chance?

Ada Grace said...

Spot the difference: In picture #2, the smaller pup is laying on her left side, and in picture #3, she is on her right side, or, more like her tummy :-)
Happy Friday to you as well! It's one of the best days of the week :-)

Me said...

I don't know what I would do without my constant canine companions! :) I work from home so they are my "coworkers" haha. Love the pic of yours sleeping, such sweet babies!

Carol said...

Olive ate the tennis ball!!!! said...

Hello there

The difference is there is no yellow ball in the third picture. Enjoy your poochy weekend. CM

Anonymous said...

um, the laundry is unfolded in the first and folded in the second?!? just kidding but there is a tennis ball in the first and not in the second. . .is that it?
still working on my blankie. . .still loving every moment of it, too! have a most marvelous weekend,
Molly said...


The difference between the pictures is that there is a yellow ball behind the little dog in pic# 2 and none in #3. Have a wonderful 'poochy' weekend. CM

Jessie said...

The ball is gone! Oh, I'm so good at this game! Have a lovely weekend, Tif.

Debby said...

The little doggie's head is the opposite direction.
I have two doggies. One a Springer SPaniel and the other a Yorkie. Mutt and Jeff. They are buddies and follow me everywhere as well.

Debby said...

Ooops, the tennis ball. I really want the gold stars, hah.

Karin Alton said...

Ball's missing?

Nathalie said...

Ooh, me ooh me!!! The tennis ball is gone! Where did it go? :) Lovely photos of your companions!

Teresa Kasner said...

There is a florescent yellow tennis ball in the 2nd photo, which makes me think that the little dog is more active than she appears. :-)

Bella said...

the difference between the pictures is that your cute little white and brown doggie is lying with his head to the side in the first, and I think he must be lying with his head in his paws or facing you... anywho he has changed his head position in the second one!!!

Michelle said...

It's the Tennis Ball...
Did I raise my hand fast enough...Probably not...But your so sweet Tif, I am sure to get a gold star anyway...
Thinking of you even thou I have been very slack of late...I have been meaning to write but keep getting side tracked...I will soon I promise...

Vicki K. said...

Little Olive has shifted her snoozing position and further, her tennis ball is out of sight...will she be barking at you to rescue it out from under the furniture?

dottie angel said...

haha heehee! this has to be like the best ever friday feeling because of you lovely readers :)

lots and lots of gold sticky stars have been awarded. please do wear them with pride whilst filling your weekends with lots of C's.

1. the ball indeed has disappeared, however it did not move

2. little olive, in turning over caused the ball to disappear from shot, being masked by her behind

so well done indeedy, i am so impressed by your eagle eyes and willingness to play 'spot the difference' i have not only awarded you all gold sticky stars but a V.Good with a big tick next to it... 'cause after all its friday!!

have a spiffy one my dears

Flepandco said...

Tennis ball.

grandma peden's porch said...

Tennis ball is gone and miss olive has moved. Have a great weekend.

jusaweecatnap said...

Someone has moved their ball, and perhaps rolled over just a wee bit, just a bit.

Blessed Serendipity said...

Who's got the ball?? Mama do you have it?
They are precious fur babies.


Lisa A said...

Olive changed positions. That hid the ball from view. Love my canine.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Little Olive changed position and is either hiding the tennis ball or it has rolled away. :) Yes indeed, canine companions are the best. Have a great weekend. I look forward to the three c's. Tammy

Cat said...

In pic #3, Little Olive is hunched over, playing with the tennis ball that was next to her as she lay quietly in pic #2.

sky-blu-pink said...

Dear Little Olive has rolled over, and the ball has rolled away. I like gold stars. . . . !

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

OH Tif, just loving your book, the love for your puppies is so sweet too. Hope your husband is home soon, mine has gone far away for 9 months, sigh. From a fellow mummy of 4 to another, have a beautiful weekend, love Posie

dear prudence said...

I could not agree more, Dottie =)
Husband is doing crazy night shifts and I can't imagine not having my little Ollie to keep me company.

Funny you posted this, since this is what my buddy and I spent the day doing:

Hooray for Fridays!

donna!ee said...

thank you tif! i'm wearing mine boldly ... :)

Greenmare said...

the adorable wee pup is either sleeping on or has eaten that tennis ball. though from my experience he may have hidden it somewhere that the largish pup won't be able to get at.

dottie angel said...

oh posie! gosh that is a long time, hope the months go by hoppity quick for you :)

lots of gold sticky stars this morning! well done indeedy :)

Lidyll said...

....sooooo beautiful!

The green-blue floral fabric you have used on your elongated dumpi, was amazing! Where on earth did you find that??? in love!

Have ahappy day!
Xoxo, Lidyll

dottie angel said...

the fabric is an old Sandersons Curtain, found off Brick Lane in London. my soul sister found it and i had to beg and grovel for a share in it, for such was its beauty ;)
fortunately she is very spiffy and nice and shared with me...