golly gosh, i could hardly believe it when i realized this morn, its nearly a whole year since i started seeing snippets through the eyes of ivor ipad and his instagram button. a whole year of instant moments within our shed and my head. i must confess at times having quite the addiction to it and other times, not so. i am pondering to myself as to whether or not, after the year is complete if i will continue my love affair with ivor and his button of instantness...
found this old glossy brown mirror on saturday's jolly. thoughts of painting it have crossed my mind, but in the end, i just popped some pretty flowers along the top and left it 'as-is' for now (do not think you are going bonkers if you cannot see the flowers, they are in fact not in situ in this instant pic, so fear not, you are still sane) |
a beautiful mexican top, hanging in the shed to remind me of our travels and inspire a crafty moment or two |
yesterday's jolly yarn dash made with my man, now sits resplendent in a basket waiting for the 'off'. fortunately my man has not discovered my suitcase full of yarny goodness and therefore willingly took the trip with me rather than announce "surely Tif, we are overflowing with yarn in the shed" |
started the long old sort out of my studio for 'new year fresh old start' sort of thing. it started off very spiffingly and then i got sidetracked and rather bored and went off the whole idea of sorting and shuffling. may have to wait till Our #1 comes home at christmas and takes pity on me and sorts it all for me |
whilst dullness set in with sorting out the studio, i went off and dabbled with the creative thoughts in my head |
with the nights drawing in, i have started nesting within the shed, found a short string of fairy lights and several feathered friends feeling a little chilly from being outside all summer long. a nice bit of twinkling does wonders for the long dark evenings |
as i pondered my thought of 'to continue or not to continue instant pics' out loud this morn, little olive mentioned how very interesting my ponderings were and indeed, she too has been pondering thoughts of her own.
some serious pondering going on |
when i inquired as to what her pondering ways were about, a pesky grin crossed her face, followed by her thinking thought or two. after she had told me, finishing off in a flurry of tail wagging and skippity skipping from one illegal parked place to another. she told me i was only the second being to know of her thoughts, the first being Used Dog, who apparently felt it an interesting thought but not sure if a wise one.
used dog feels a little overwhelmed by all the serious pondering going on in little olive's head of late |
however, i found myself agreeing, saying it was indeed quite a rather splendid thought to ponder and i for one would take great joy in following her instant moments on instagram in the new year. for nothing makes my day quite so jolly then a little pesky doggie doing what she does best...
little olive trying to persuade me, her own instant moments account on instagram would be quite a jolly thing to see |
point proven |