Thursday, March 10

wrestling with hiccups, pennings and a blankie...

a few hiccups in the proceedings this week. not the sort of hiccups which cause you to be driven insane and drink lots (water that is) but nice hiccups involving lovely folks and my book pennings.

one of my hiccups involved a pottle around Goodwill in the big city with Marjan. upon pottling i came across a lovely peachy blanket for the even lovelier sum of $3. i exclaimed to Marjan this blanket had 'little olive' written all over it. arriving home to my shed i washed said peachy blanket and laid it on the couch.

as soon as i had done so, i was overcome with little blanket lust, i wished to keep my newly found blanket to myself and not share it with Little Olive. such was my wanting for the blanket, i hid it from Little Olive less she see its yarny beauty and become attached. this morning however i have given myself a stern talking to about Little Olive's need being greater than mine (how i came to that conclusion is beyond me as we all know, the little doggie has more crocheted blankets than any other doggie i know) but still i did.

my pennings are all starting to come together and tomorrow my man is taking me to work with him. it is not 'take your woman to work' day, rather because he had a bright idea as i sat in bed this morning in the early hours explaining my inability to visualize what i had written in a book form.
(i said this in a 'nutshell' to you, but to him it was very long winded and fretfully worded, and i note his head was under a pillow for most of my long winded fretting)
so he suggested i come to his work place and print off all my pennings and then read them as if they were a book, therefore i would have a better idea of whether indeed i had repeated myself on several occasions, where gapping big holes of important pennings were missing and perhaps as he also suggested, i may actually say to myself, "blimey Tif, despite your doubting ways, you hold a book in your hand"

this is terribly thrilling, for i have never been and sat in his office at work, due to allergies bought on by corporate work spaces but it will be fine and dandy for i shall be sure to take my allergy medicine an hour before i arrive.

i am wondering if it would be nice of me to bring a sack lunch for us, a marmalade sandwich for him and chocolate spread on ryvita for me. i think i failed to mention this little detail before, but i have given up white toast this new year and in its place i now have ryvita. it is not far off cardboard but when butter and Cadbury's chocolate spread is a top, it becomes edible. i would have to sandwich two ryvitas together to avoid chocolate spread getting all over his marmalade sandwich but it would be quite a nice moment of sharing.

on second thoughts, perhaps i should keep his marmalade sandwich hidden until the point where he is driven nutso by my
"i can't find my documents on this little usb thingy, oh my lord, i have lost my book! it is gone, GONE forever... this is a tragedy, one of epic proportions. where for art thou my book"
all the time my voice rising in panic levels, drawing attention from the other folks in their little offices across the way, four walls and artificial lighting. then when i get to the point where he is ready to say
"look why don't you go home to the shed and i'll sort it"
with an exasperated look upon his face accompanied by another grey hair.
i will rustle around in my large bag, unearthing crochet, car keys, purse, my lost sanity and volia! a marmalade sandwich :)

suddenly all will be forgiven, in that instant he will forget my disabilities with computers, my inabilities to stay calm and focused and transport himself back to 25 years ago when we first met and he fell for my... well actually i do not know what he fell for, but he must have fallen for something to have stayed around so long.

yes, that is what i shall do, i will use the marmalade sandwich as a peace offering within what is bound to be a fiasco of me trying to locate and print off folder after folder of random pennings and piece them into a book where upon i will sit in his spare swivelly chair and insist i read it all out loud, where upon my man in his swivelly chair will quietly place his head upon his desk, marmalade sandwich slightly out of reach and silently weep

she is now quite giddy about tomorrow and wondering if she should change out her large bag for a very 'important businessy looking' corporate brief case ~ Tif


Team Chastain said...

That is such a fabulously sweet blankie!! ♥ My Louie (1/2 Maltese - 1/2 Yorkie) looked at me with jealousy when I showed him Little Olive with her new snuggly.

Kristen said...

Wow, you must really adore that Little Olive, because that blanket is, indeed, perfection! I can see why you want it for yourself, and seeing her all cuddled up in it, well, that's pretty sweet. :)

when skies are grey said...

this was so funny. Just last week I exasperated my poor husband with my computer disabilities as well. I tried to explain, "My brain just doesn't work that way" ;)
Good luck with the printing of the papers and finding of the files!

Unknown said...

Olive is very lucky to have such a superb blanket. I am shielding Lizzie my Yorkshire Terrier's eyes so she cannot see it otherwise there could be trouble. Sue x

Pink Milk said...

I love your Little Olive posts! She is such a bean. Am wondering, however, where her little legs have gone?! Hx

Lotten said...

Ohh that blanket i georgeus... aswell as little Olives bed! Soo sweet!

Vicki K. said...

Little Olive appears content beyond question and completely at ease with her newly acquired luxury...

Your man had a good idea - and you will probably be pleasantly surprised by what you have already accomplished.

Bobbie Casey said...

You always make me laugh! I look forward to your unique point of view in your writing. I just love it!

Anonymous said...

oh Tif...your Little Olive is
though i love love love my big BEAR
i sigh with {{{envy}}} when i see
a tiny 4-pawed beauty that you
can hold in your arms
BEAR currently weighs in @ 95
and my arms cannot hold all that fur =)
this was a couragous thing you did
giving up that lovely blankie to
Little Olive...she will be forever
grateful !!!

Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

It is somewhat of a travesty that that very special blanket was just $3. What is the world coming to?

Also, I think you are wise to save the marmalade sandwich for untold emergencies.

Also, I can't wait to buy your book!

I'm Deborah said...

Lovely blanket for little Olive..... not sure I could have parted with it myself.....

On reading about your thoughtfulness in taking your man a marmalade sandwich to keep his spirits up, I was touched..... however, your Ryvita will go soft if you pre-butter and chocolate spread it..... that might make it a tad less desirable..... (I only know this from experience...... not a nice experience I have to tell you......)

happy book reading day....


From the Dotte said...

drooling over that yummy, yummy blanket. what an amazing find.

daisy fleabane said...

Perhaps you will give Little Olive the marmalade sandwich and tell the publisher, "the dog ate my USB." Which reminds me that I must make some nice dark orange-lemon-brown sugar marmalade VERY soon because my dear husband gobbled up the last batch and he deserves something made with love. I think you are just suffering a teensie-weensie bit of writer's block plus a mite of self-doubt, which all sounds quite normal for writers and creative souls. Personally, I truly believe a cup of tea solves all problems, except the bigger ones which require a whole pot of tea....

silly old suitcase said...

Oh wauw, what a beautie of a blanket is that!!
Little olive is a lucky dog, sleeping 'in' such a nice blanket in a nice (silly) old suitcase ;-)

PEACHES said...

1. I have no idea what pottling is but I like the sound of it. I plan on doing some as soon as I get a chance!
2. That blanket is wonderful, but is more so now that it is loved by Little Olive. My cat has teh run of any item in teh house she takes a liking to. Even the bathtub. These are the sacrifices we make :)
3. You are a brave soul for facing ryvita on a regular basis! Kudos to you!

Arthur Ransome said...

Best of luck for tomorrow. I'm sure the marmalade sandwich will work its magic, one way or another. Love, Arthur xxx

iHanna said...

What can I say? Just awwww! So adorably cute! :-)

Shayna (ShaynaMade) said...

What a great find the peachy blanket was!!! Little Olive seems to be enjoying it immensely. :)

mel @ loved handmade said...

Oh that is just the prettiest blanket, lucky Olive..!

Michelle said...

Tif... the minute I read that you would read your printed penned words to your man...I just laughed...
Yes I too read my poems out to my man...much to his horror...but he is ever so patient...i think he too just tries to remember the day we meet...
it's his last glimmer of hope to resue himself from my insane nattering...

Love little Olives blanket!!!

Selfsewn said...

Oh now I want marmalade on toast!
But I'm in bed and I have no marmalade!

Gooseberry Jam said...

What a pretty little blanket, I too am in love with crocheted granny blankets, Olive is very lucky to have gotton his little paws on this one.... :)

Shelley in SC said...

Dear Dottie ~ ~ I don't even care for most vintage thingies and I certainly would not be found shopping for them at a thrift store, but I read your blog faithfully because you are the most delightful writer and you make my day! Can't wait for your book!!

Sharon Stanley said...

wonderful new blanket...i can understand your covetous(?) ways....hope you have fun "at the office"!

angelina said...

this is so cute and funny, you are too. i love the post, blanket , spoilt crochet doggy , corporate allergy overriding , and of course, the beginnings of book in hand. yah!

Rose said...

If only everything could be made right again by simply offering a marmalade sandwich. Perhaps I should start carrying one around.

Country Mouse said...

What a sweet little blankie! Olive is a very lucky pup!

Anonymous said...

My, oh, my I didn't realize that we had the same allergy. Enjoy reading your book with your sandwich (Whoo hoo you have a book! Which I shall read, once it is available.)


Anonymous said...

That blankie is beautiful! I would have wanted to keep it all to myself too.

The Muse of The Day said...

No matter how big the "fiasco" at the office may turn out to be ... you will be home soon enough to little Olive who will embrace you with all the thankfulness in the world for having received the cutest little blanket ever. Carolina

Carmel's Closet said...

She will love you forever!
Have a fabulous weekend.

♥ maaria said...

Such a beautiful blanket for your sweet Olive. Tiny doggies can't have enough of them...

liz said...

Oh, you do brighten up my day with your writings. I must say the blanket does suit little Olive down to a tee. :) Liz

Moonshine & Wool said...

This peachy blanket is just a dream (and Olive, too...)! :)

I feel always sorry, because sometimes I don`t understand what you`re saying and *google translator*...well....forget about it. After reading the translation, I`m more confused...:(

But I appreciate your taste in vintage findings, your personal work and all`s so refreshing and you seem to me like a very interesting person.A very talented, artistically person.

So, Tif, you inspired me at this moment for a new little blanket....
thanks for sharing! :)

Have a wonderful weekend and many greetings from ol` europe, germany!

Beate :)

Shabby Vintage Junk said...

Oh Tif....I laughed so hard just now I spilt my coffee all over my keyboard....I can ONLY imagine how LOUD MR DA's sobs would be as they reverberated against the desk on which his rested....You're SUCH a meanie....hahahahahaha....Are you SURE a marmalade sandwhich would soothe hos poor tortured soul.... :o) ??

I for one can't WAIT to read your ramblings which I'm SURE will turn out just PEACHY....!!

LOVING Little Olive's blankie & the generousity for which it was bestowed upon her....!

Cheers from Oz,
Tamarah :o)

Eleni said...

Definitely take a briefcase, and wear your sharpest 'very important businessy looking' hat to match. It's always such an adventure seeing other people's workplaces! Best of (corporate) luck to you :)

Tamra said...

What a lovely little girl! I know I would be very happy indeed with that crocheted blankie. Every pup should have such a good life!

Happy in red said...

That blanket is just delicious! Very spring-y!

Cerejeira said...

The blanky is just FAB!!!!!
Love the colours!

Kris said...

What a wonderful find with that yarny goodness!! Lucky Olive!!!!

dottie angel said...

dearies, you have made my morning with your lovely words. i am feeling much better now as i go off to 'work' at the office and print of my pennings. indeed i am kind of excited to see how it will all read when put together :)

you are always lovely and supportive and i do appreciate your kindness., and also you humor! thank ou from me, little olive and her blanket, have a peachy weekend!

Carol said...

Fabulous blankie, good choice Olive. Hope she didn't hide in the corporate brief case!
Carol xx

Leanda said...

Continuing on the marmalade theme... and Ryvita (do you know how hard THEY are to come by here in the land of sun). I used to love love love sitting in my nan's bed in the morning as a little girl when she would make me marmalade on Ryvita and tea straight out of the teasmade! I have never tried them with chocolate spread, but oh how I hope i get the chance before I die! And I would have kept that blanket all for myself too :)

soisses-dasleben said...

i have a blogroll now - you`re in :)

Zita - Mlle Magpie said...

Just brilliant, Tif. I think that marmalade sandwich will be a godsend indeed!

Lin said...

Peachy blanket is beautiful and so is little Olive! I love her suitcase bed!

Carissa Paige said...

OMG, you crack me up so hard. My other half is asleep on the other couch & I'm trying my best to keep my laughter at bay, which makes me of course just want to laugh even harder. I can't wait for your book to come out.

"i will sit in his spare swivelly chair and insist i read it all out loud, where upon my man in his swivelly chair will quietly place his head upon his desk, marmalade sandwich slightly out of reach and silently weep"

slightly out of reach and silently weeping! you're brilliant.


Wilma said...

so beautiful blankie, and Olive is very lucky, a hug from Spain

Helen said...

This is so great to see your dog all kitted out in luxury I love it. We get told our cat is spoilt, it looks like you love your little Olive just as much as we love our little miss.