and so we come to the end of book week,
but do not be sad dearest readers,
nor hang your heads and weep,
for it may be coming to an end but it is a peachy end.
as i mentioned yesterday,
when this sunday rolls around,
the lovely Janine and her little clan
will be insitu at Mossy Shed.
we will be doing what we do best,
which i don't actually quite know what that is yet,
but i am quite sure it will be
the bestest of besty things.
so's whilst i am away from my shiny place
doing besty things with Janine,
we thought it would be nice to have a little giveaway,
and even nicer,
since it being book week and all that grand stuff,
why not give away a book!
for indeed there is nothing quite like a beautiful inspiring book...
and so without further a-do, i must tell you
through the generosity of Janine and UPPERCASE
today's spiffy booky giveaway
is none other than the fabby book bundle from UPPERCASE.
hip hip hooray!
four wonderful books from a brilliant publisher
are looking for a home!
i actually felt a little giddy upon knowing this knowledge.
the peachy winner will receive one of each book,
'as and when' they are hot of the press.
da da da da dah!!

book one:
and illustrations by stefanie augustine.
a charming storybook
for whimsical grown-ups and sophisticated children,
beautifully written with stunning pictures
book two:
'work/life 2' a directory of illustration,
designed and written by Janine vangool.
featuring talented artists from around the world,
highlighting their personal stories,
insightful interviews and compelling images
book three:
'a collection a day' by illustrator lisa congdon.
being a collector of the utmost kind,

lisa set out to document her collection on January 2010,
embarking on a year long project
resulting in this special book.
book four:
the second book in the suitcase series
(the first being the lovely camilla engman)
explores the thrifty, crafty, peachy life of Tif fussell
and her alter ego dottie angel

(in other words, me)
so now to the nitty gritty,
and please be sure to read the nitty gritty bit
cause it is tres important to follow the rules
1. you can leave your comment (please see #4)
here or email me
be sure to leave a way for me to get hold of you.
it does not matter where you live in the world,
this give away is open to all peachy folks
who love beautiful books and wish to give
these pretty four a loving, forever home
2. the winner will be picked by myself and Janine.
however we will, if need be
rely upon Finley's expert opinion
in this matter of great importance
3. the competition will CLOSE on Wednesday 20th Oct, 10am pacific time.
the winner will be announced on Friday 22nd Oct
at some random time depending on when little olive takes her nap
(gosh this all sounds very professional,
i am thinking i must have my professional hat on today)
4. now this is the bit that needs a thinking cap,
no panicking though,
for there is plenty of time to think and ponder.
to be in with a chance of winning all four books,
you MUST answer this simple,
but 'oh so interesting' question...
it could be either fiction or non-fiction,
it could be the front cover or pictures within,
it could be a character or the story its self,
or it could be the author that penned the book...
anything at all to do with one particular book
you recall reading, perhaps have read many times over
that has inspired you, in your head and your heart.
give away now CLOSED
so there we are,
a perfect end to a lovely book week
courtesy of my peachy publisher Janine,
how splendid indeed.
she is wishing you a lovely week and will return next friday with a winner ~ Tif
Lovely, the Handmade Living especially caught my eye. Anne of Green Gables is the book that influenced my life. Please enter me in the giveaway.
I think I have to go back to 2... Life is a Verb and The Artist's Way. When all else goes upside down I can always right them by dipping into one of these 2. I get reminded that I can do whatever it is that set me off, and that I will be happy again and I don't have to wait for the sweet bye and bye to be happy. Elegantly and with humor. Especially Verb ... with humor.
The author is easy to pick- Tove Jansson, this amazing Finnish woman who created the stories of the Moomin trolls. Not only did she tell stories, she was also a great artist. I must choose the picture book 'The Book about Moomin, Mymble and Little My' with 'Who Will Comfort Toffle?' as a close second. I never get tired of looking at the pictures in these books, vintage and timeless at the same time and so inspiring for my appliqué work!
I hope my name is in the hat now, I would love to win these artful books!
Hi tiff,
Fab little giveaway there!
My favourite book ever is "The Places You'll Go" by Dr Seuss. SO.great!
Lee L.
I will be happy commenter #1...My inspirational book: The Giving Tree by Shel the book has a two-fold talks about self-sacrificial love but there is a dark side with a co-dependent relationship. In my 10 years as a police officer, working cases of relationship abuse and now as a foster parent who sees the tragic reality of how abuse and love and self-sacrifice get tangled up kind of messy, I return to this book. I have given it out to women who are choosing to leave violent situations and I have given it to teenagers that grace my door and move on to live dependent (but sometimes haunted) lives. It is truly a simple book with a lesson for all.
Oh yes, please, Tif! My inspiratonal book is the Diary of a Provincial Lady and its sequels, by EM Delafield. She chronicled her somewhat fictionalised, exaggerated life, with dry wit and (sometimes) affection for the strange people of pre-war Britain. I am sure she would have been a blogger in this day and age...
I'm reading "The Postmistress" right now and finding it very inspiring - it's fiction, but the message of telling the story of others and bearing witness is very powerful.
mgraciej at gmail
how can i be the first person to comment on this amazing bundle of goodness?
Honestly it is impossible to pick my favorite book that has inspired me because there are so many;but, since i want to win i will say
Rilkes Letters to a Young Poet
as i return to it again and again, to find wisdom and assurance, in this amazing journey of life.
Crossing my fingers
with gratitude
Oh, how I'd love to get my own copy of that Dottie Angel book. It might make up, to some tiny degree, for missing the oh-so-fabulous Dottie Angel weekend, of which I am so jealous.
That's a hard question you pose there! Oh, so many inspiring books. Where to start? But it being October, and therefore can-til-you-drop season for locavores, what came to mind first is Barbara Kingsolver's "Animal, Vegetable, Mineral." After reading it, I could no longer eat or shop or cook as I had before. Inspiring, indeed.
100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. It was the first book that really bent my mind (but in a good way). It's quirky, serious, sad, silly, and it forced me to imagine and visualize things outside the box. It's been 10 years since I first read it, but I plan to crack it open again soon. :)
Participating! The book that has inspired me a lot is a Finnish book called "Virkkaa, kirjo, neulo jämälangasta" which translates to "crochet, embroider and knit with left over yarns". It is an amazingly colorful and well made book with stunning photos on each page. You want to go through it over and over again... It is not translated(yet) but just seeing those gorgeous photos would make any crafty fellow go all bananas!
I didn't have to give this much thought at all because I still use the same book today to refer to when I have a little sewing hiccup or I have to do a tricky little something that I haven't done before. The book is The Complete Guide to Sewing from Reader's Digest, first published in 1976. My parents gave it to me for my birthday along with a brand new Necchi Lydia 3 sewing machine. I don't have the machine anymore but I still have the book. It sits in pride of place on the bookshelf in my workroom and it is the first place I go to when I come unstuck.
A book that has inspired me is Alicia Paulson's " Stitched in Time". Her newest book "Embroidery Companion" is also an inspiration! She has inspired me so much! I am the same age as she was when she had her accident and I marvel at the way she took something tragic and turned it into a positive situation. Her love and encouraging words have inspired me to start my own business and follow my dreams.
itchinstitchin at gmail dot com
Oh, there are so many books that have inspired me. As a knitter, I think the book "Poetry in Stitches" and its sister book "Norsk Strikkedesign" about Scandinavian knitting is my greatest inspiration.
I'm here, I'm entering! Count me in!
What a lovely collection of books.
For me the most inspiring books I've read are by Jeanette Winterson, they are magical tales of love.
Oh, what a great giveaway! I have Camilla's book from Uppercase and would love to add yours plus the other yummy choices :) My favorite inspiring book is The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, a wonderfully encouraging book for artists of all genres.
Hi Dottie. The most beautiful book I have ever read is a true story called The Zookeepers Wife...a War Story. It is the story of Antonina and Jan Zabinski..the brave and protective
directors of the Warsaw Zoo in Poland during WWII. have much in common with this amazing woman who was devoted to life and humans and animals alike. Diane Ackerman is the author. Antonina was a homemaker of the utmost kind.
Much love, Elizabeth
I would love to give these wonderful books a home- I will read them with a nice spot of tea.
I have always had an interest with the recording of life. So I am a big fan of Anais Nin's diaries & most recently Keri Smith's 'How to be an explorer of the world' and Danny Gregory's 'The Creative License'. Each teaches you how to find, see, describe and record the small beauties in life.
I will email you my details. Thank you so much for doing a great giveaway :) I have my fingers crossed!
Ohhh the first book that really inspired me was Anne of Green Gables (and then every other book in the series). As a 12 year old I wanted to be Anne and in my own ways tried to transform myself into her. I really should re-read that book.
There are many books I have read over decades that have influenced me but tonight I would have to say Meetings with Remarkable Trees by Thomas Pakenham. It made me look at nature and trees differently, thinking of them as having personalities, histories and futures worth preserving.
Thanks for a chance at this fantastic giveaway. I love uppercase!!!!
I will chose "Harold and the Purple Crayon" by Crockett Johnson. (copyright 1955) Harold goes for a walk with his big purple crayon and creates his reality by drawing it. Fabulous imaginative read!
What an awesome give away!!! My answer is easy - "Anne of Green Gables" reminds me to enjoy the little things in life, that there's beauty everywhere if you choose to see it and a good dose of imagination is not a bad thing.
please do enter me in to your giveaway! My favorite book is "The Far Side of Lig Lig mountain" A story of missionary doctors in a small mountain village in Nepal and the adventures they had raising their young sons there. It taught me to look at life's inconveniences with faith and a good sense of humor!
Oh, Tif, what a wonderful giveaway!
I have read so many inspiring books— inspiring in different ways— it's difficult to choose just one... Here's a book, full of beautiful photos and history, that has inspired the artist and dreamer in me: "Charleston: A Bloomsbury House and Garden", by Quentin Bell and Virginia Nicholson. I've never visited England, but when I do, this place will first on my list of destinations. The way these Bloomsbury artists decorated their home is, in many ways, like your own Granny Chic touches in Mossy Shed— from the heart.
-Heidi in Folk City, USA
oh goody goody goody can you see me clapping and rubbing my little hands together?! what is better than fun books? there are so many inspirational ones many books, so hard to choose, but the first one that comes to mind is Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach...everything a good book should be...inspirational, interactive, instructional and so interesting! thanks for the chance to win these 4 beauties!
Oh my goodness... be still my heart. So excited! Thank you so very much for this opportunity.
To Kill a Mockingbird has to be my favorite of all time.
I have just finished reading the Count of Monte Cristo, and though I do not have any enemies to vanquish or great evils to avenge, it has inspired and rekindled my love of reading. How I have missed sinking into a good book to the exclusion of the whole world! That my husband has to repeat himself, because I have not heard him until the end of his question; that I neglect t.v. because it distracts from the dialogue on the pages and in my head... I have missed these adventures, and I find myself falling in love again.
Oh how I wish I could tell you the book that inspired me most, but alas i cannot remember its title. the book was a lovely blue with thick paper covers. It was given to me by my dear Auntie Dot when I was all of ten years old. (This would have been 1966)
The title must have been something about children and making things, and inside were things and more things that reasonably coordinated children could make by themselves.
I spent eons of time reading that lovely book and more eons of time making a houseboat from a waxed cardboard milk carton and tiny furniture for the houseboat. Then I made the crepe paper and pipecleaner people to live in the houseboat.
I made pot holders, and a string holder. I learned to make a cardboard loom and weave little doll blankets. I made hand puppets and pin cushions and pretty little boxes to keep things in, and yarn dolls and rag dolls.
This little book showed me that I could be very happy making things and not need adults to endlessly entertain me, which was a great thing for everyone concerned I am sure.
if only i could win!!
I have looked at this amazing collection with love and fondness and excitment.. but alas I am in far far away Brisbane ( Australia) . SO I am entering my comment with my fingers crossed ( kinda hard to do actually but such is my yearning..).
My alltime favouriteinspiring book is this one.
My very first altered and mixed media foray..and it changed my life. Gave me confidence in my abilities.
Made my heart soar. and still does to this day.
Bliss to you,
Now, I too am giddy--this IS exciting! A book that has inspired me...of course first and foremost the Bible but maybe you were thinking more earthly inspiration. I'd say Garrison Keilor's Lake Wobegon Days. The book itself was probably not too spectacular, but when I read it was the perfect timing. The stories of the small town just like I grew up in helped me decide to not move to the "big city" and I was engaged to my husband just weeks later! And, small town life is and I assume always will be for me!
my book is A fish that smiled at me
Thanks for a chance in giveaway.I would like to have especially your book from The suitcase series
I read The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron about 11 years ago, and did all the activities it calls for. I am forever changed by this incredible book. It changed (deepened)my relationship with God, and helped me tremendously in my creative life.
The Bible. Inspires me to be the best I can be, gives me hope, comfort, direction and has never let me down.
What a wonderful giveaway~
Hmmm... an inspiring book. I'd have to say "Girl of the Limberlost", which might be lost on the majority of my contemporaries. It's beyond old fashioned, and completely marvellous. It's the one book I can always disappear into and ignore the world around me (when it needs ignoring, as it does on occasion). I highly recommend it if you're in the mood for a "poor girl picks herself up by her own bootstraps" kind of book. Thanks for the chance to win such great books! Gaby Brown,,
please count me in. great to read other's inspiring reads and to think about finding them as well. hard to rack my brain but the first inspiring book that comes to mind is "the god of small thing" by Arundhati Roy. A most beautiful read and it captivated my imagination and to focus on the subltle side of existence. xxx
Oddly, the two books that i have found inspirational are children's books (which I read regularly to my two lovely children --- not sure if i read them for them or me :) First up is The Quilt Makers Gift by Jeff Brumbeau. As a quilter my children are warmed by hand made quilts from their mama, but the spirit of generosity and the true meaning of wealth that this book presents is so beautiful.
Second is Oh, the places you'll go by Dr. Seuss. Knowing that I have the power to do things, regardless if I have a degree in it (Kinda want to hug Lotta even more now that I have found out she is self taught).
Thank you for you generosity! Have a lovely visit.
I would have to say it would be Bury my heart at wounded knee. I makes me appreciate my american indian heritage and morn for my ancestors. You just can't get thru it without crying.
The book that has most inspired me is The Inner Game of Tennis. While it is written about tennis, the lessons of the book apply to every aspect of life if you want to trust yourself, let go, and free your creativity and potential. Amazing stuff, yet very approachable. Thanks for entering me into the giveaway!
I would have to say the Bible has been the most inspirational book and the best selling book as well. It has been the primary foundation for many of other books I have learned from and enjoyed reading. Would love to win...especially book number 4.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Hey Tif, what a wonderful giveaway. No doubt there are lots of crafters the world over, rearranging their bookshelf and crossing their fingers.....
The book that has inspired me since I was quite young, that sits on my bedside table, that is a great source of comfort when times get tough. That reminds me what life is all about, full of wisdom and encouragement........ yep, you guessed it - it's my bible. I now have my mums, it's falling apart with age, full of scribbled notes and her thoughts and if there was a bushfire heading this way, it would be the first thing I would rescue.
Little Women. I read it first when I was nine and probably re-read it every year since. All the 'girls' in it have been an inspiration at one time or another, Jo and her writing, Meg and domesticity, Amy and art, Beth and music and goodness...
I collect old copies of the book and have more than 50 (insane, I know)....
But the books you're offering? wow!
What a lovely giveaway ~ and how wonderful that it is open to your readers wherever we live :-)
I too have been influenced by many books over the years but the one I come back to time after time is Living With Nostalgia by Niki Fretwell (Nostalgia at the Stone House). Not only did Niki write the book ~ obviously! ~ she also took all the photographs and self-published it with Blurb too! It is the most beautiful book, absolutely jam-packed with gorgeous photographs of truly wonderful interiors, gardens and some projects too. I can lose myself in its pages ~ and do, over and over again :-)
oh wow...such a great'l keep my fingers answer to your question...i was inspired bu harry potter believe it o not...i read as v kid...trixie beldon books...every single one of them...then teen onwards stopped reading....when hp came out i read it, then the next and next and now i can't get by without a good haf hour at east every day...i need to read,since then i've read oads of books...a wonderfu inspiring book about a fabulous dr that treats women in africa after suffering from long and traumatic labour that lead to the bubbas dying and terrible issues with their called the hospital by the river by dr catherine amazing.....if you get a chance and your into that sort of thing...very worth the
oh...i ended up getting day 2 book via barnes and noble...can't wait til it arrives
100% Alice in Wonderland for maximum inspiration, it's wierd and wonderful 'twinkle twinkle little bat' and that makes it right up my street
I love to re and reread Like Water for Chocolate, it has been my favourite novel for many years. A wonderful love story intertwined with magic and recipes. A peachy book.
Thanks for your generous giveaway!
Hi Tif, my favourite book is "God's Smuggler" by Brother Andrew. It is his story of finding faith in Jesus Christ and then God asking him to smuggle bibles behind the iron curtain after the second world war. The miracles of provision and his courage have inspired me since i was 14, 38 years ago (i can't believe it was that long ago i first read it!). PS I thought I was the only person to have 'hooks and eyes' in their sewing box!
Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever is a brilliant series by Robert Jordan describing the journey of anti-hero Thomas Covenant. A leper who is consistently shunned by society to the point where he makes no contact with people at all, he finds himself awakening in 'The Land' after being knocked unconscious in an accident. The subsequent culture shock, his belief that he is in a dream and his belief that his actions, good or evil, have no consequence lead to a narrative that captivates me every time I read it. It's one of those series that I can lose myself in (despite the fact that it is MEGA long) and I always feel some guilt after reading it at the way I treat shunned members of society such as the homeless and the addicted who, with friendship, could change their lives moreso than with the change that I typically hand to them.
I'm actually referring to 6 books in the series but I can't choose just one! Is that cheating?! And I apologize for the fact that this is an essay...
Heather C, Birmingham UK
hello fellow radio 2 listener!
what a generous giveaway.
The book that really started my crafting way of life was
country quilts by Linda Seward
Its more of a look and lust book really,
I discovered it in the library, then was lucky enough to find my own copy!!
I do hope your book will find its way home, to the UK I mean!
Clare x
book 3 looks very interesting... I adore books, old books, new books, borrowed and broken books... they are always inspiring but recently I have been reading quite a bit of Angela Carter and Neil Gaiman and it has reminded me of the dreams I once had of being a writer... when I wasn't dreaming of being a girl Indiana Jones.
I started writing again.. little stories and fairy tales the grew into the little monster dolls I have been making.... its really helped me to get my thoughts and emotions out of my head. Maybe one day I will have the corage to write a book but for now I'm happy to look at them and read them... and love them too.
What a wonderful end to a wonderful week of books!
The author that has inspired me most has to be J D Salinger and my favourite of his books is The Catcher in the Rye.
My favorite book ever:
The Elegance of the Hedgehog by the French novelist Muriel Barbery. Because it is oh so beautifully written and oh so french!
well, i normally shy away from your quizzes as they always require a thinking cap but this one is easy...
The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot by Angus Wilson. (and quite by accident I might add.) in my first year at art college I was looking for a book that had lovely sentences, which I could tear out and use in my work. i happened upon such a book in the second hand shop and it was then that i found what i really love to do – take lovely sentences, mix them up and illustrate for them. for the last (oh gosh) 15 years or so she has been used in my work from my little wooden books to paintings to prints and cards, and so she became the name of my shop mrs eliot books. i own 3 copies, the original find which i can't bring myself to tear out of anymore, one to use and one that I have promised to actually read all the way through one day because it looks quite good, and it would be lovely to come across a sentence and remember when and how I used it.
p.s. re heidi's comment. charleston is amazing, i hope she gets to go one day.
"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho was a lovely book. I also often go back to "Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy" by Sarah Ban Breathnach (great to read in bed at the end of the day.) But I would have to say, that the books I most read are all of Jamie Oliver's cookbooks - I am teaching my teens to cook, and the photography, feel and down to earth-ness (is that a word?!) of his books gets me everytime (and the fact that he puts his money where his mouth is, makes me want to support him even more!)
Thank you for making me think about my fave books!
The hippy-dippy classic, "Spiritual Midwifery" by Ina May Gaskin. First read in 1989 before the birth of my first child. It changed my life in that it inspired my five home-births and the attachment parenting that became a lifestyle.
Hi Tif. What a fabulous give away! Please can I join in? My most inspirational book has to be without doubt my Bible. Corny I know , but true. In my crafting life I've been hugely inspired by Natalie Chanin's books. She always makes me feel that I can achieve anything and have fun doing it! Lots of love, Amanda xxx
such a sweet and generous giveaway...thank you!
To Kill a Mockingbird was the first chapter book that my mum and I read together and I have re-read it numerous times. I do believe it is my favourite for many obvious reasons. I have enjoyed reading everyone's suggestions...fabulous.
What a considerably delightful giveaway. My inspirational book is The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge. A childrens book that I still return to for recapturing a cozy, happy place full of magic, adventure, feisty heroine; Maria Merryweather, great food descriptions and beautiful settings. Hurrah for the Little White Horse - must re-read it at once. Thanks for your continuingly peachified blog.
Oh, Tif, this is a hard one because there have been so many books that I've read along my journey that have affected me in one way or another, but I will have say that I think by far it is the writing of Alice Walker that has been the most influential in my life. Her prose touches me in a deep place within myself and continues to. I love her authenticity and wholewoman-ness and, although I'm a 'lil skinny white woman, Alice Walker inspires me to whole and beautiful in who I am!
Thank you so very much for this amazing and extremely generous giveaway. And thank you for your lovely blog - my daily morning visit to you always puts a smile in my heart!
Lynn in Quebec City, Canada XO
To choose just one favorite book is rather difficult for me, but I think it's most accurate to say that the collected poems of Emily Dickinson, particularly the edition I have with a lovely binding and cover, have had the most influence on me personally, academically, and creatively. Her views of the world, all that is good and bad and in between, are spoken in such lovely turns of phrase. I named my blog for one of her poems because I love the irony of the phrase and the meaning it captures-"I had no time to love, but since/some industry must be/the little toil of love, I thought/was large enough for me."
beautiful words inspire me to make, write, and do beautiful things.
Wow so many books have inspired me... Domino's book of decorating is dog eared and well used. I also loved Eat Pray Love... It helped me discover the power of silence needed in my life.
What a stupendous giveaway! I would say that a lot of books inspire me but the ones (because it really was the whole lot of them) that inspired me the most were the James Herriot series. Hence the reason I am now a veterinarian.
Thank you for the opportunity!
What a wonderful collection of books.
The book I've been most inspired by is The BFG by Roald Dahl. Dahl had such a unique writing style and such a playful mind that really tapped into children's imagination.
As a child, Dahl was my favourite author. I am now a mum to three boys and on a recent holiday where we had rain for two weeks, I bought by eldest son (5) his own copy and we spent many happy hours sharing the story. It even drew in my husband whose parents did not encourage reading as he grew up and therefore had never experienced the magic of Dahl's voice.
I'd love to be entered into your giveaway1 My favourite book is - wierdly - the one I've just finished - 'All my friends are superheroes' - a remarkable, unusual book about love by Andrew Kaufman. Read it!
Oh, Tif! What a fabulous giveaway!
I would be very honored to give all those books a happy home on my bookshelves :)
The most inspiring books, for me, are any poetry/print books printed & published by Michigan artist Gwen Frostic. Growing up, my mom would take us kids to her studio & print making facility, and I WAS HOOKED. Browsing over the many copies of books my mom owned was deeply inspiring--in both life and artful thinking!
You would love her artwork.
Look her up, she's worth the trouble :)
I hope that's a satisfactory entry!
Nigel Slaters's Kitchen Diaries is top of my (very high) pile of inspirational books. I love his simple straightforward outlook on food, but the book is like reading a novel, and literally guides you happily from one day into the next, with reminders of leftovers and what to do with them. Every time I pick it up I want to go mad in the kitchen!
every single time i do a give-away i am left marveling at the inspiration you share!
thank you kindly for sharing your lovely, inspiring books, here and in my inbox :)
Wonderful collection of books! First I thought oh no which one to pick, so many book inspired me... But then it was easy, I'll just go with my first one, my childhood heroine, Pippi Langstrumpf... or Pippi Longstocking as it's called in english. A world of magic, friendship, a girl that can do anything and the sky's the limit...
x0x from NZ
oooh. i like inspiration very much. my most inspiring, pick-it-up-any-time-to-immediately-feel-better and inspired book is The Principles of Uncertainty by Maira Kalman.
The moment I digested this question there was no question as to the answer. I was instantly transported back through time to my 19 year old self wandering about in a used book store. It was around 1990 and I was a bit lost in my young adult world. I was drawn in by the cover of this beautifully and enchanting book called, A Sense of Wonder, by Rachel Carson, I had no idea of the incredible women that she was. I had to have the book. I sashayed instantly to a park bench on a beautiful fall day and read the book cover to cover. Realishing every beautiful photo, from my landlocked location I could taste the salt air of the ocean and hear it calling me. Not long after that purchase, I saved some money and packed up my Mercury Lynx to headed west answering the ocean's call. The road stopped in Everett Wa. Now Ms. Carson wonders of the East, I wondered and wandered the West. Soon I wandered into the arms of my husband and later 4 babes wandered into our arms. So this book, that I wondered over a new, with my ten year old twins last week, has been my greatest gift and my greatest inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity to share these words!
What a fun givaway, tif! This is such a difficult decision to make, but wonderful to dig into the past and remember all the lovely books that have helped shape me into the adult I have become. My final answer is going to be the Bible. Especially Proverbs 31.
I love books..perfect for snuggling up with.I would say a book that inspires me is my favorite book ever "To Kill a Mockingbird" not to pass judgement on the unknown and to retain some of your childlike wonder.
My most influential book? The Bean Trees by the untouchable Barbara Kingsolver. When I moved back to Ohio I reconnected with a friend and we decided for our night out we'd go to the public library and join in on a book club discussion of said book. I have no idea why we thought this was the equivalent of a girls' night out but alas... that night was the start of my joining two book clubs before starting two of my own. And now my dearest friends join me in one of those book clubs. I've read tomes I would never have picked up on my own (Love in the Present Tense) and helped me share more Barbara (Animal, Vegetable, Miracle). It has given me many conversations that discuss the stuff of life rather than the shallow gossip I might be prone to spread in those gaps when I bump into someone. Ahhh... are books wonderful windows to the world and the sisterhood?
Tena Koe Tif greetings from Aotearoa. I love love reading and can't possibly select but the one that comes to mind immediately is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. What a hero Atticus is? He shows us by living decently and honestly we can make a difference and viewed through the eyes of his children Scout and Jem we experience as they do. That by seeing through the eyes of others we too can experience or have compassion for others. This book affirms how I try to live my life and therfore is inspirational to me.
Mauri ora
What a fantastic treasure these books would be! A great addition to my library! One of my favorite books is Harris and Me, by Gary Paulsen. A book for kids, but I just love it! I give a copy to practically everyone I know. Jamie V in MT
Oh my what difficult question to answer! So many books have an affect on my life in one way or another, but the book that has probably inspired me the most was the crafters companion, I bought when I very first started making crafting an every day part of my life and I read through it over and over again, and was filled up with inspiration from other crafty ladies!
"Don't you know that for every leaf you catch in autumn before it touches the ground you will have a happy day next year?" said the little boy to the Princess. "Well, I have caught three hundred and sixty-five for you, so that's a whole year. They're for you, because I'd like you to be happy and well again — so here they all are! And, as this is the first day of your new birthday year, you must smile and be happy!"
And she did, because she was so pleased. Wasn't it a good idea? Have you caught any happy days this autumn?
How could the glorious words of Enid Blyton not inspire anyone...i loved her as a child & am loving her all over again reading to my children....we don't skip some of the rather matter of fact rose tinted glasses but use them to illustrate how life has lurched forward & that sometimes there is a place for the land of all you can eat...xx Can't wait for the suitcase diaries Tiff Rachelle xx
hi , love the question you made me really start thinking of a lovely book i read. The thing is i always see the movie, love it sooo much, that i have to read the book.
1: LOVE IN THE TIME OF CHOLERA. Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
lovely book of unrelenting love pursuit.
Please try to read it.
The book that inspired me was Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. It taught me it was ok to be different to everyone else, to stand up for myself, to immerse myself in poetry and to see the poetical in everyday life. It also taught me it was ok to want puffed sleeves more than anything else in the world!!! At a time of my life when I was feeling very lonely this book became my solace, a place I could retreat to, dream and feel happy; that sense of contentment only achievable from books and crafting!
For me the most inspiring books I've read (or just have a look for beautiful photos, since I can´t read japanese very well, yet) are by Paumes.
I have found "The Gentle Art of Domesticity" incredibly inspiring in the last few years. I love Jane Brockett's unabashed love of colour and crafts which is so perfectly balanced with her fearless intelligence about art and culture. Its such a fun mix and the photos always make me smile.
Have a fun week -- hope the family and dogs behave themselves and everything is perfectly peachy.
I would love to give these inspiring books a 'forever home'.
But it is hard to name a 'specific' favourite book, as my all time favourite author has to be Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Over here in old Blighty, I grew up watching and reading her books and tv series.
What an awe-inspiring lady to go through -and happily it seems- everything that she did.
I loved her stories so much that I use to wish I was little (and then big) Laura:)
She has to be my best ever inspiration. To read her books and then wonder at what she went through, to me is amazing. She let us into her life, and I thank her for it:)
My favorite books of hers are the Long Winter, and her last one -The First Four years...
Amazing and truly inspiring! :)
Such a fun giveaway - what could be better than new books, I ask you?
The book that inspired me most recently I picked up on a whim at a little used bookstore on a vacation in MI with my family. It is called "Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art" by Madeleine L'Engle. It was so inspiring to me because she writes of taking "being" time and encourages the making of art. She writes of art as a reflection of truth, an idea that I love. This book, for me, has become a must read - I must read it over and over and tell all my friends about it!
Thanks for the giveaway.
My current inspirational book is the "Alabama Stitch Book". It gets me thinking outside the box and has some great ideas. Thanks for a wonderful blog!
For me there's always been one cat to return to when times get rough.... "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go." - [Dr Seuss: Oh, the Places You'll Go!]
my favourite book, which I've read a zillion times it seems, is Gerald Durrell's "My Family & other Animals". It always makes me smile and giggle, feel peaceful and happy and hopeful xo Susan from Nova Scotia
Hi Tif, what a nice idea and give-away!
A book that has inspired me a lot is The tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter, and her other stories. The stories are nice, not too "sugary", and the pictures are marvellous!
I've already got one prize - a long list of all the books people have mentioned here. Thank's to everyone!
I'll e-mail you my adress. Karin N-A :-)
I am still quite inspired by The Quilt Maker's Gift by Jeff Brumbeau and Gail de Marcken. It's beautiful children's book.
Also, the Art of Domesticity was kind of the tipping point for me. After reading it, I decided that I wasn't being selfish by spending time trying my hand at various arts and taking classes to learn the ropes.
(You can contact me through my website, if I am so lucky.)
Ok, so I didn't have to think about this at all "To Kill a Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee. The only book she ever wrote, and one of the most beautiful and inspiring books i have ever read. I first read it aged 16 for my O level english (that dates me eh?) and have read it every 2-3 years ever since. In fact i wanted to call my little girl Scout, but alas it was not to be and I had two boys instead. So I named the eldest Spike in honour of Spike Milligan writer of the also truly inspiring "on the ning nang nong"
oh, i love a good book and the books that inspired me to read more as a child and therefore kept me reading all my life where Charlie and the Chocolate factory and James and the giant peach! To receive a new book and open its first pages still gets me excited, i know i'm going on a new adventure, some funny, some said and some just for the fun of it.
I think that the book that inspires me most is Rob Ryan's book of papercut outs, "this is for you". It is the perfect combination of beautiful art and fantastical whimsy. Just lovely.
what a question !!!! just impossible to answer of course since our inspirations change following our steps in the life... but the first time a receive a big slap by a book (hum I'm not sure it makes any sense in english ?!?!), it was when i read "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"...
Oh pick me please! My biggest inspiration comes from poetry, I get a little lift here and there from modern authors, but the deep AHHH of inspiration usually comes from Scott. As in, Sir. Walter
oh, and, Please pick me!
Boy this is a hard one. I'm an only child so I lost myself in books to pass hours in magical elsewheres, when I might have ended up swinging on a door sighing with boredom instead. I read Lit at University and then ended up being an English lecturer, so books have always been a huge part of my life. I guess the biggest influence would have to be Enid B. I lived The Rub a Dub Mystery. It's inspired me to have great adventures too and make sure I take a good picnic along with me. The Bun's love reading all my old copies too. Glad I saved them for their daydreams too.
I really enjoyed your book week Tif, be lovely if you ever do another one.
A giveaway of the upmost kind indeed. I was very inspired by Andrea Levy's 'Small Island'. As someone from another English outpost I found the descriptions of London very inspirational (and appropriate) as I enjoyed a holiday in London. I love it when fiction & real life meet.
The Harry Potter books and J.K. Rowling are not only an inspiration to me, but what makes them so inspiring is that they are loved in every part of the world by every type of reader!! They speak to adults who love them like children - and have inspired a whole generation of children to love books!! The biggest inspiration of course comes from the author herself - to have a voice - to listen to it - and to never give up on that voice!!
I really really would love to win (mostly because your book looks so awesome!) Thanks for the chance!:)
This is a fabulous giveaway! My favorite fiction book is To Kill A Mockingbird. The strength of the characters still leaves me in awe.
dearest tif,
i find you ask too much to pick a single, loverly, most inspiring book for each and every book i read (and i am nothing if not a reader) inspires so that i am weak in the knees. there are those that i cannot put down until i finish, there are those that make me put down for i cannot finish (too inspiring) and then there are those that isnpire me to write for they are far too dull to have been read. i suppose if i could list one fiction and one non-fiction it would have to be Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block for it made me feel not so alone in the world and then Inventing Kindergarten by Norman Brosterman for it too made me feel not so alone in my thinking of how children learn.
i would love to be entered in the drawing and i think that i would love even more to inspire someone to read these two books.
I must say that the very book you have there in your top picture 'Apples for Jam' has been extraordinarily inspiring for me! Addmittedly I did buy it because of it's sweet cover but as I am not really the least bit interested in cooking, I opened this to find the most heartwarming & easy to prepare meals. It's the first thing I reach for when I need a little culinary inspiration, perfect!
A giveaway involving books - I am totally there!!! These four books look/sound totally grand indeedy!! The book that I am inspired by at the moment just by touching it is called 'The Crafty Minx' by Kelly Doust. She encourages all to do what you can do to make the world a better, brighter place, and you'll reap the rewards tenfold!! There are many ways to be creative and it doesn't matter what your economic status is. In a world where preloved things are readily available, the ability to reuse and re-create items into something new to love is simple. Every single page of this book makes my heart skippety skip! I'm fairly certain these four books up for grabs would have the same effect on me too!
What beautiful looking books! Books frequently inspire me to try something new, to go somewhere different, to make, to create... From my childhood through to today, the book that has inspired me most of all is 'Where the Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak. Over the years it has inspired me to write poems and stories of fantasy lands, to paint, draw and stitch monsters and beasties from the corners of my imagination, to go on high adventures of my own to magical lands around the world where wonderous adventures have awaited me, to never stop dreaming and to know that, at the end of it all, there is a place where someone special loves me best of all.
the creative way by julia cameron.
Oooh Tif, what a smashing giveaway. And it's so interesting to read what others are saying. My favourite and most inspiring book is Dodie Smith's I Capture the Castle. It is witty, exciting, delightful and, in Cassandra Mortmain, has one of the most charming heroines in literature. It is a coming of age book that stays with the reader through the rest of her life. A wonderful book about first love that I read whenever I need cheering up. Don't watch the film! The book's the thing!
What a wonderful giveaway!!!
How to choose a book... it's difficult, but if I have to do I would choose "The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali".
A book that summarizes in 195 verses or "sutras" all the knowlegde of the Yoga and in which you can find all the answers of all your questions, doubts, worries... about life.
Since I have this book it`s always next to me.
Congratulations on the book "The suitcase series, volume 2" How exciting!!!
Greetings from Spain
What is that lower book all about then? Dayglo deer and stitchiness? How truly exciting!
I still have my original source of jewelly inspiration - my copy of 'A necklace of raindrops' by Joan Aiken. A little girl was given a raindrop to add to her chain on each of her birthdays by some geezer called the North Wind. He was a bit flighty that one, and didn't stay in one place for very long. I wanted that necklace more than chocolate. More than Dorothy's ruby slippers. More than a space hopper, I'm telling you. As a half-grown up student in that London, studying science-ish topics and a little bored, I took myself down to the bead shop. 'Now is the time' I thought 'to make myself the necklace.' So a jewellery odyssey began. It's a twinkly journey.
My grandfather gave my sister and me the Readers Digest Great World Atlas back in the 1960's. Books in my house were few and far between. This book, to a small child, was HUGE. Its pages felt thick and luscious. Having not been in possession of this book for 3 decades, I could still identify it by smell alone. My sister took it off to college with here. I found a substitute in a junk store a few years ago. It still gives me the feeling that the world is a huge and incredible place.
A room of one's own by Virginia Woolf - every time I'm feeling low I remind myself that until a real room comes I can and must make a room for me in my thoughts, in my mind. To have a space to dream, to create, to love - as I want and when I want!
Dune by Frank Herbert changed my life. I'm not usually into sci-fi (wizards? time travel? elves? no thank you!)but this book was just incredibly well written and just so darn deep. Everywhere I turned, I was seeing something that reminded me of the book, and every page that I read reminded me of a current or history issue. Everything in my life had a new context. The book made me look past the surface and really see the big picture.
Hi! I found this blog via Dawn's Lovely Paper Blog. You really have a great blog and photos! I'm a new follower!
i will never forget that classic pop-up book my Mum bought when I was kid, Alice in Wonderland. I wasn't really paying attention to the story when I was kid but later
I found out, I love the idea that our life is a very long list of journey, meeting new people (good or bad), making new friends, and find the way out of each problem we're facing.
Such a great giveaway!
what an incredible list of inspiring reads, here and in my inbox!
so wonderful to learn what books inspire and for what reasons... thank you kindly for sharing :)
the hobbit was the first 'real' book i ever read all on my own. and i've revisited more than seventeen times over the years. when i think of the hours and hours and days and days that i have spent in that book i do wonder what else i could have done in that time. but still i find something new everytime i get in between the pages. it's not so much the story that i go back to, but the familiar words arranged on the page. reading it for the first time inspired patience, reading it again made me make time for me.
i must dig it out again..
this is THE giveaway of the year that I would really want to win! I love books and enjoyed book week for sure. I am inspired by books all the time but a favorite for mixed media art and journaling is lynne perrella's artist sketchbooks, it is so beautiful! I just ordred another book by her, yay!
The book that inspires me the most in my crafting stuff is "The Gentle Art of Domesticity" by Jane Brockett. The pictures are ridiculously awesome and beautiful and make me want to make everything - food, blankets, hats, pictures! However, the written work that inspires me the most in LIFE is Marie Howe's collection of poetry "What the Living Do", which is an incredible tome of place-and-memory poetry that is. just. crazy. awesome.
Amazing giveaway!
One book that has especially inspired me is "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. I am always gifting this novel to my friends and family. It has really opened up my eyes about human/animal interactions and it's an absolutely amazing story.
vinta9e at hotmail dot com
When I was 16 ( many many many years ago)I read the book "Ayla
and the clan of the cave bear".
I loved it.
I am reading a lot. But I'm not sure, if I've ever had a booklove,like that again.
Greetings and congratulations
so many, many books I love,
but here is one that is timeless:
And To Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, by Dr. Suess
his first published work (1937)
a vibrant, colorful, tour of a young boy's imagination --
classic Suess
and inspriation for us all to have no fear of using our imaginations
Delightful Dottie, I simply must participate in this giveaway because of its educational value!
My favourite book is Lazy Ways to Make a Living by Abigail Bosanko. It is short, sweet and hopeful. With a clumsy heroine who indulges in whimsical lingerie, antiquarian books and daydreams, it goes very well with a pot of tea and some oatcakes with honey to brighten up a miserable day.
Christmas of 2006 me and my hubby were at Barnes&Noble purusing the new editions and I stumbled across the all the Christmas novels. My eye immediately found The Christmas Pearl by Dorthea Benton Frank. I must add I love any and all things Christmas, my granny instilled it in me :) I bought the book and read it within a couple of days. It even had Christmas recipes in the back of the book, that are quite tasty. The book is about an elderly lady named Theodora,that finally gets her family together for Christmas but everyones lives are falling apart and no one is in the Christmas spirit. When suddenly her childhood housekeeper, Pearl arrives, Theodora can only see her as Pearl but the rest of the family sees her as someone else. Pearl helps the family with their problems and helps bring back the spirit of Christmas. Oh I am giddy just writing about this book! I have read this book every Christmas season snce I bought it. It brings back memories of my childhood Christmas's with the elaborate writings of food, gifts and love. It is a must read!!
~Molly P
A confession needs to be made. I don't buy books all that often. The one I had been waiting for, reading and re-reading it since the moment I unpacked is called The Naked Teacher and written by Luisa Leaman, the woman who managed to give me confidence on every single day of my teaching experience. The best quote is - however weird it might sound - goes as follows: "Do you really care what a bunch of spotty teenagers thinks about you?" It helped so often! You can say so many great things about teaching, about how rewarding, nice and wonderful it can be and all these words are certainly true - I love my job. However, when it comes to walking into a classroom full of teenagers eagerly inspecting you, all you need is that quote!
I hope some fellow teachers could be inspired :)
Hi Tif
My bestie book is DV Diana Vreeland
it is FAB. I carry it around in my capacious handbag for emergency dips.
I'm a bit of an interior design nerd. I don't really read fiction that often, but I can spend hours looking at home decor books. I think this was inspired by a book my mom had back in 1986 (???) called "Conran's Stylish Interiors". I couldn't read very well yet, but I loved the pictures! I owned that book all my life, up until a mouse found my storage unit a few months back. Now I'm going to have to search for its replacement!
I recently discovered you, Tiff, through sfgirlbybay. Since first reading your blog, I have been hooked (pun intended). I am so deep now, that the vintage printed linens are piling up by my sewing machine, I have given all my plants a name, and I find myself saying 'crappity crap' and such! It's no secret...I am inspired by YOU. Even though I have not yet seen your new book, I am anticipating the loveliness that it will no doubt contain and will be inspired by its contents. I am thrilled to be entered in your little game and if I win, I can be contacted here:
The book that most inspired me is the Quran - i read it back when i was 20 and in the middle of my wild uni years and became muslim within weeks. Im amazed every time i read just a single page of it, its beautiful.
Aqeela xx
Eeek! :) What an amazing giveaway!! I have been inspired by many books lately, but the top few are 'The time Traveller's Wife' (I was so excited by this a few years ago that I've read it about 20 times and love it all the more). I also love 'Otis & Rae and The Grumbling Splunk' (which is a kids' books, but the nonsensical story + illustrations steal my heart). :)
My fingers are extra-doubly crossed!
-Michelle Clement
Hi Tif,
I "lurk" here everyday for inspiration. LOVE everything about your blog and congrats on your book!! Can I choose two favorites? After reading Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell as a young child I realized that girls could do absolutely anything that boys could. If Katarina could survive on an island all by herself then I could be anything I wanted when I grew up!
My other favorite book is A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith. I grew up poor like Francie so I could totally relate to how she felt. This book also gave me a huge appetite for ANY book dealing with turn of the century New York. Oh, how I wish I had been alive then! But then I wouldn't be here to enter this giveaway ;-) Thank you for the chance!
I recently discovered M. Sasek's work. He was a Czech illustrator who wrote and illustrated books on important towns in Europe and later the world. His style is so witty, simple yet lush. He inspired me very much.
(see here:
I would LOVE to win the book pack. It would make me so very happy.
Have fun this week! Am very excited about the book! So cool!
anna@annadenise. ,
Books are always inspiring to me! I have been a bibliophile since I was a little girl. Lucky for me, that I married another bibliophile whose idea of date night is to frequent independent and used bookstores!
To pick one book, I would have to go back to my childhood and choose the one that started my obsession. I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but it's a daily story book for children. I would pour through the pages again and again. A story a day for a whole year complete with pictures on every page. It couldn't get any better than that!
Every now and then, when I want to go back to a time when things were a bit slower and more care free, I pull it out and lay on the bed reading, laughing and enjoying the memories. Its cover is ragged and well worn. Its pages are well thumbed and poured over. It's a well loved book that others may toss aside, but to me, it's a treasure worth more than all of the gold in the world. It opened the door to a book lover's heart, mind and soul.
After I graduated from art school, I was in a mental, physical, and, most horribly, a creative slump. My mind was a blank and my well of ideas was dry (that never happens!). Then I got The Gentle Art of Domesticity by Jane Brocket and every picture, every bit of text lifted my spirits. It was simply enjoyable and got me back on my creative feet. I will forever be thankful for her! Thanks for reminding me of that memory, Ann (
I am inspired by "First Tomato" by Rosemary Wells, a lovely children's book.
Oh weee such a wonderful collection of books!! Currently, this book fanciful felties from mummysam!! Inspiring me with loads of holiday gifts creations! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!
What an easy question. The Little Prince, of course!!!
Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Lucie (
well tif and janine, i pondered this question today during quiet moments and kept coming back to the same book, annie dillard's work of creative non-fiction "teaching a stone to talk." annie dillard makes me want to wander through the forest and learn the names of the trees. she urges me to be aware of small moments and small things. the last essay in the book, "aces and eights," is a must-read. dillard describes spending a weekend in a woodsy cabin with a young child. there are moments of beauty--candles floating downstream and playing cards flapping in bicycle spokes. what sticks with me most is the idea of how we make memories. we are always already creating them, so that the future affects the present. it's a story about the stories we tell ourselves, and i definitely felt a kinship with dillard because of all the things swirling in my imagination.
Oh, how lovely of you! That looks like a great list of books!!
I've been inspired by (of all things) my favourite childhood book: Harold and the Purple Crayon. It reminds me to bring creativity and whimsy everywhere I go.
Jasper Fforde's first book of a trilogy called The Eyre Affair because the story has all these wonderful puns, allusions to other stories, and writes about how one really experiences a book and what it means to "jump into a book". It's a story (and an author) that has great wit, excitement and romance all in one.
Another is really The Sandman series. What's not to love about this one? Fantasy, fable, urban legend and the stuff of myths all rolled in one.
A good story excites one in many ways and results in creative output - crafts, writing and perspectives.
I am inspired by Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, for me it is not only a book that has endured the test of time, it also straddles generations of readers, I still adore the book, as do my own mother, and my grandmother too before her passing, my own dear daughters now gain much pleasure from it, how many books can you say that of?
The story itself is always inspiring, whilst I sincerely doubt anyone is as perfect as Marmee (though there is no harm in trying to be!), the message therein about making do, mending and always having others in your heart and mind, for me it is a mesage of giving above receiving, of loving and learning and family.
Your book looks and sounds oh so inspiring, and I am keeping my chubby little fingers crossed that I get picked! <3
"In the Skin of a Lion" by Michael Ondaatje, given to me by my highschool English teacher is a book I've read several times. It's full of beautiful prose, including the line, "Strangers kiss softly as moths". As a lovesick nineteen year old, I wrote a single line on a piece of paper and handed it to a boy I was crazy about. A day later he walked up to me and handed me one back. His line wasn't as good, but still - it was a line! I'd love to say we got married and had a family but Sigh! Still, it's the first time a book has inspired me to do something truly heart-on-your-sleeve daring.
I think most of the books I've read have inspired me in at least some small way but the one I keep coming back to over and over again is "Buddhism for Mothers" by Sarah Napthali. I'm not much good at staying calm and it's a gentle reminder to calm down, breathe and be less caught up in routine. A close second - ALL of the Anne of Green Gables books. Who doesn't love a feisty redhead?
Both of Amanda Blake Soule's books...they have so many cute ideas and projects. Now if only I could get to some.
The book that I keep coming back to time and time again is Amy Butler's Midwest Modern - her natural and organic styling are so inspiring to me.
My current inspiration must go to a book called Self-portrait in a Velvet Dress - Frida's Wardrobe . If you want to know more, go and look at my blog as I've featured it in my latest post.
However, I am constantly inspired by different books and am sure would continue so if I were lucky to win the giveaway offered.
I love to read, and I don't have an all-time favorite. I read Trail of Crumbs last year, and it has really stuck with me. It's a memoir by Kim Sunee about her life as an orphan adopted to America, then living abroad (I forgot where) and finally moving to France to live with her French boyfriend. I wish I had such a worldy life and left all my possibilities wide open like she did.
What a fabulous giveaway! If I could only pick one book that has drastically influenced my life it would be of course, the Bible. It has endless comfort and answers to many of life's problems. I have a giveaway going on too! Come by for a visit. ;)
To Kill a Mockingbird and The God or Small Things. Both are full of warmth and feeling.
I was 16 when I first read To Kill a Mocking Bird and young Scout with her sense of justice had a great impact on me. I was in my 20s when I read The God of Small Things and it remains the most beautiful book I've ever read.
Oh I just can't narrow it down to one!! Can I pick four, one for each book? I'm going to anyway and hopefully one of these will win them for me. My first was 'Are you my MOther?' from an Aunty for my 5th bithday, I loved it! and it started the reading bug. My sister bought it for my daughter too. Secondly, 'The girls book of hobbies', everything from archery to knitting. It looks very tatty, from hours of browsing and inspiration, copying the ballet positions at the kitchen bench and it installed a love of crafts. Third on my list is 'Hideous Kinky' by Esther Freud. Set in Morocco, it triggered a desire to pack my bags and travel to exotic and magical places. I LOVED Morocco, and my copy of the book travelled with me. Seeing the women strap their babies to their backs, as described in the book sent my heart a flutter! Finally, my most recent inspiration has come from 'The handmade marketplace', by Kari Chapin. It gave me the knowledge and courage to sell my handmade baby shoes and take the leap into blogland! I've landed their firmly and plan to stay. I love reading all the inspirational blogs and wonderful feedback on mine.
Thank you for the opportunity to share these and for such a gorgeous blog!
Sarah (
I would say "Simple sewing" written by Lotta Jansdotter. I started sewing thanks to this great book.
Thanks so much for the giveaway.
What a perfect giveaway, please count me in.
As for the book it would be Ronja the Robbers daughter from Astrid Lindgren. I loved this book when i was a child and always wanted to be as witty , clever, strong and determined as Ronja. Today i still think about her in difficult situations and it helps!
I would love to win this collection. My inspirational book of all times has to be Anne of Green Gables.After all Mum named me after her!!I just loved reading all her stories and gave them all to my daughter in turn. I don't have Anne's red hair but I am strawberry blond and have passed the gene onto my son whose two children are both red heads. I have just come back from a holiday in Morocco where I managed to read my way through 10 books. The last one being 'The Help' by Kathryn Stockett an absolute jem.
I think my favorite book to date is Denyse Schmidt's Quilts.
I absolutely love every project in the book, and her quilts are amazing. Every time I look at it, I want to make something.
I hope you are having a lovely week!
So many books to choose from! I'd usually pick something like the His Dark Materials trilogy, or maybe a cookbook like The Silver Spoon. But I'm going to choose my newest book, Simple Knitting by Erika Knight, which is helping me learn how to knit and inspiring me with its beautiful pictures and illustrations so I don't get frustrated and throw the needles to the floor!
I am hoping I am not breaking the rules by saying it is literally impossible for me to pick just one book from all the hundreds I have read. They are all so lovely and beautiful and all have inspired, and some have save my sanity during trying times. Just to be able to escape to another world by just opening my book is such an amazing experience. I re-discovered my reading passion during my divorce from the lst husband and I thank god or whoever that I had that comfort to carry around and escape into whenever I needed it. At the time I was reading a book by Alice Hoffman so maybe I can give some credit there - her magical realism stories are so wonderful. But naming just one book - I just cannot do.......
Vickie in Seattle
I always wish I had more time to read books so my list is limited to children's books since I read to the kids each night. One of my faves is Little Pea by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. A fun, quirky read that makes me smile just before bedtime.
Thanks for the giveaway Tif!
Rita S.
A Little History of the World by E.H Gombrich, written for children (great for adults with short attention span too!) that tells history through compelling, and beautifully crafted prose. Gives a great overview of human history, albeit mainly of the western world.
thanks for the chance to win Tif.
I'd say Gift from the Sea by
Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
To quote from the book: "...I want first of be at peace with myself. I want a singleness of eye, a purity of intention, a central core to my life that will enable me to carry out these obligations and activities as well as I can. I want, in fact - to borrow from the language of the saints - to live "in grace" as much of the time as possible...By grace I mean an inner harmony, essentially spiritual, which can be translated into outward harmony..."
i should mention that my beloved doggie who died a couple years ago is called Grace.
Yay for books! Style Statement is a book that has had a big impact on me. I actually want to read it again soon.
I think I'm still in time, I know you guys are a few hours behind us here in the UK!
The book that has really inspired me is "The River Cottage Bread Handbook". Ever since I first opened that book, I haven't bought a loaf of bread, I make all our bread by hand and am absolutely obsessed with and evangelical about home made bread :)
As a kid I would study the illustrations in Hilary Knight's The Twelve Days of Christmas for hours on end. The written words were simply the lyrics to the carol but the pictures told in detail a completely unique tale of a bear bringing all the gifts to his sweetheart! He lived in a rustic cabin and her in a Victorian style house down the street. The details in the drawings were amazing, with cutaways so that you could see the lady bear busily making things in various rooms of her house. At the very end she has assembled all the gifts into a magical holiday festival. I am almost 30 years old now and I still derive just as much pleasure from sitting down to admire the illustrations in this book. (counselorDOTidealistATgmailDOTcom)
Books always inspire me. Right now I'm moved by The Selby in Your Place. It's wonderful to see people who create environments where their personalities are supported and spotlighted.
i'm not sure if this counts as inspiration but nothing sparks my imagination more than the harry potter books :)
What an amazing,generous giveway.
I'm so proud of you Tif!
I would have to say my favorite writer that I always turn to for spiritual and emotional inspiration would be the Buddhist writings of Thich Nhat Hanh.
Hello Miss Dotty,
I never enter these types of things but i'm feeling refreshingly polka-dotted inside and i think that means something good.
My book of inspiration seems to be a most ratty and falling appart version of an old Roget's Thesaurus. Yes indeed. It is. I find that if i can begin with a word then an idea will come and then creativity begins to flow. Words inspire me. Although the musty attic book smell does not.
Anyway, Thank you for taking the time to read my note...i think i will be comment 146...unless someone has beat me to it. That is alot of comments to read. So i will end now.
Wishing you a polka-dotted find on your next thrifting adventure. I guess that is if you like polka-dots. I know you like lace and old roses...not sure about polka-dots. Although you do have a dotty name...alas...i carry on...
okay...good day.
Krisanne (
Ooh, what a lovely bundle of books!
I'd have to say that Handmade Home by Amanda Blake Soule has been my most recent inspiration - this book re-sparked my love for thrifting and sewing/crafting.
Well phooey, teaches me to procrastinate - I've missed the deadline. I'm going to say my book anyway.
Harold and the Purple Crayon.
To draw your own adventure, have it turn out surprisingly at times...and to always be able to draw you way home!
Now that is inspirational.
Oh, and did I mention pie? There's 9 different kinds of pie in 'Harold and the Purple Crayon.' Oh how I do love pie!
what a peachy give away my favorite book is a cookbook. jaime at home from jaime oliver. he does so many dif things with his foods. my husband had to change his diet right after his 40th bday due to heart problems so this book was a big help.
Shucks, too late!
On my blog-wandering travels I have come across your blog!
I have Apples for Jam too, a great recipe book :)
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