i confess i am totally pants sometimes at promoting myself and dottie angel
("what!!!" you exclaim, "that can't be, it's as if you are everywhere these days Tif")

and now we get to crunch time with my exhibition, it has been up for a few weeks... i was in 'old blighty' when the time to 'display' arrive so my friend Anna and her buddy helped me out. they did a good job but first thing on monday morning i was down there 'tweaking' things... for you see, everything i do is very conceptual
("blimey Tif" that's rather a fancy word for you"...
"i know... my brother told me this when i saw him a couple of weeks back and thought it sounded rather good, so i stored it up for 'use' at some appropriate time")
it's all inside my head, not the day to day stuff, like kids, cooking etc but when it comes to 'visualizing' how i would like to see my wares displayed or photos taken... i can see it very very clearly as if it were right in front of me at that moment.

perhaps my little 'thrifty' stool from my last post is a good example of what i am trying to say...
if we were standing at the thrift store right now, side by side looking at the dodgy 'it' stool i would be seeing it as it ended up looking, but would i have been able to 'convey' my 'vision' to you? i'm not so sure...
another example would be the dream i had last night of the tea shop i opened, the fabulousness of the gloss painted teal furniture, the old china sets, never been seen before but clear as day in my head as i type. the fantastic windows and walls all painted white except for the occasional sprinkling of vintage wallpaper. i didn't get to the front entrance as the morning alarm went off... i was most perturbed to wake and realize it had been a dream and instead of heading down to my tea shop i was in fact getting up to do the laundry and stand in ninety degree heat at the soccer side lines...
but once again i have digressed, perhaps in an attempt to explain a little of the workings inside my brain, and perhaps failing to do so... which is why it is becoming more obvious to me that to 'expand' in any way what i am trying to do, i either need to get better at conveying the 'workings of my mind' or finding someone that is brilliant at mind reading...
and so to the point of me posting on a weekend (such a rare moment in my blogging history)
tomorrow is my 'meet the artist' afternoon at the gallery, which quite frankly is causing me 'hibby gibbys' to say the least.
just in case there is a small chance someone in the 'local vicinity' stumbles upon my 'ramblings' and would like to meet me (gulp)...
the time is 2-5pm
the day is sunday 26th july
and yes, one could say i am very last minute in my 'invitation' sending out... and that probably speaks volumes... i'm a little apprehensive about the whole 'meeting' people thing... preferring to stay at the shed with my chickens, used dog, the cyber world and my imagination.

for the afternoon in question, i shall be producing a 'tea' of sorts to serve... do not panic dearest readers for any unsuspecting guests who happen to wander into the gallery, i will not be bringing 'home baked' offerings but relying upon a professional 'cake maker' at my local grocery store
("phew" i hear you sigh)
thinking she may need a wee 'tipple' to steady her nerves, and wishing really really hard the 'tea shop' appears for real sometime in the future ~ Tif