please note this GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED
oh yes indeedy! i am positively beaming, for exactly 5 years ago today i turned the little sign on my etsy store to OPEN and in doing so a whole new world opened up to me. in the past 5 years there have been a few crappity crap moments but those have been far far outweighed by the peachy perfect ones.
oh yes indeedy! i am positively beaming, for exactly 5 years ago today i turned the little sign on my etsy store to OPEN and in doing so a whole new world opened up to me. in the past 5 years there have been a few crappity crap moments but those have been far far outweighed by the peachy perfect ones.
from selling my first 'dottie angel' slips, starting to ramble upon this here my shiny place, continuing to handcraft wares whilst designing an range for dottie angel ltd, to having a book published with UPPERCASE and now reaching over 1000 sales in my little store. all of which would not, could not, be possible without you my dearest readers and customers, who choose to spend your time with me and continue to encourage me along this handcrafted path i am treading.
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dottie angel MOO cards doing a peachy job of spiffy-ing up a book parcel |
so without a doubt i could not let this milestone pass without celebration and fortunately for me and for you, the printing lads at think it worthy of celebrating too! i am quite sure many of you know MOO cards, i love everything about them, i love their ethics, their uniqueness in the printing world, i love their tippity top quality goods and the thing, yes the very thing that made me fall in love with them more than any other thing. the fact i can choose to have a different image on every single 'mini, business, postcard, greeting card or sticker book', to me meant love at first sight.
and so the good folks at MOO have 3 sets of 100 business cards up for grabs for 3 dearest readers and to add to this bounty, i will be giving away 3 copies of my book (with personal scribblings inside) to accompany the business cards to their new homes.
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dottie angel books waiting to head to far flung exotic shores |
now before you fretfully say "well that is all very well Tif, but i do not have a business, therefore what use would this be to me" and i say, quite right, one could be forgiven for thinking such a thing. however MOO business cards have the potential to be so much more than a business card, and we do love something with potential. i am thinking just how wonderful to have 100 little cards with spiffy rounded corners printed, with spiffy images on one side and something lovely written on the other. perhaps 'oh hello' would be enough, or 'happy birthday' and right there and then, you would have yourself 100 lovely gift tags.
more clearer image of my MOO business cards highlighting the spiffy round corners and bless our 'billy no mates', gone but not forgotten |
indeed if you have ever bought our dottie angel tea towels you will note they come with a mini MOO card and on the back it simply says 'do have high hopes', so the potential in what 100 of these cards could become is down to only what your imagination can conjure up...
shall we talk NITTY GRITTY, for there is always nitty gritty which must be covered
1: this giveaway is open to every man, woman and his/her dog (or other critters) anywhere around this lovely globe
2: Dan (my lovely buddy from MOO) and i will choose 3 winners
3: each winner will receive the opportunity to design and order 100 business cards, and also receive a copy of my book
4: please note Dan and the folks at MOO and indeed myself have a question that needs to be answered to qualify. and the question is
"tell us one way you would make your business card stand out from the crowd?"
we are looking for fun, creative and unique answers so do pop your imagination cap on
5: please leave a way for us to contact you
6: i do moderate my comments so do not panic if you do not see yours appear straight away, i will do my best to check regularly and publish them according to the rules we have laid down.
7: the 3 'dearest readers' winners will be announced on wednesday 15th February
gosh, that does all sound very proper, but one must be proper at times like this.
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completely off topic, a little olive photo because i can't help myself |
so that's it, quick recap
to win some peachy MOO business cards and a dottie angel book,
* must answer question above
* must leave a contact in the comments
* must find imagination cap in kitchen drawer to greatly aid chances of being fun, creative and unique with answer
there we have it, a wonderful way to celebrate my dottie angel milestone i hope you will agree. many thanks go to the wonderful folks at MOO and indeed to all of you for being peachy perfect in every way
please note this GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED
please note this GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED
oooh! on a sidenote, i must just say, i will be doing a shop update next week on tuesday, but i will be back on monday with a few pictures of what myself and my adopted auntie have been beavering away on. till then, a sneaky peek! oh how i love sneaky peeks :)
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sneaky peek of things coming to my little store next week |
Tif (in her 'hip hip hooray' cap)
footynote: please note the opinions about MOO cards in this post are those of mine personally. i have been using their products for a good few years and therefore was most happy to offer up their printed goodness alongside of my books for this 'hip hip hooray' giveaway :)
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»I'd put little wind up legs on all mine and they could walk their little old way into the hands of the people I wanted them to get to! It would be a ' I am coming to see you, so pick me up and read me!' kind of business card. If I had one given to me, i'd walk it round my desk all day!
What a splendid giveaway!
i would love to have moo cards with photos of my um,'very unique' mobiles which would stand out (there aren't any like them:)
they would also make fun cards for my jikits etsy shop. i adore your work and would love a book too <3
I would use my Moo cards as tags for my knitting, that I sell in a little shoppe on the square. On the back would be care instructions. And I really want your book! I can't find it here in the States. :( julie
MOO cards sounds like an amazing company! As I don't have a business I think I would have an inspirational quote printed onto the cards. Something sweet & uplifting.
I'd leave my inspirational cards tucked away in sneaky places. Maybe inside a book at a book store, so the next person to pick it up will find a little treat. Maybe I'll leave one on the shelf of a yarn store, so someone browsing through the colours not knowing what to do will be inspired for their next project. Or maybe in the bill for the waitress at the next restaurant I eat at, for she might be having a hard day dealing with customers & spending hours on her feet!
Happy Anniversary Tif! I hope the dottie angel etsy shop will be open for years & years to come!!
x Jen
I've ordered business cards from Moo before. This is what I did with my most recent (and favorite) order. I took a photo from my blog header. My favorite photo- it's of a little Putz Sheep with a party hat that I made on his little sheepy head. That's on my Moo cards and it really speaks my name! I absolutely love the quality. And most importantly, when someone gets my card - they 'get' me.
Hi there what a great idea, and well done btw! I would print a rhetorical question on the moo cards just to make people think and smile e.g do you know how loved you are? you can contact me at www.redhousechronicles-jenny.blogspot/ good luck everyone! jennyx
Thank you for this generous giveaway and congrats on your first 5 years. May you have many more with a minimum of crappity crap. I would put one gold, scalloped lace edge on my business cards and add a scent of vanilla or lemons to make mine unique to sight, feel, touch and smell. Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Ooh, fun! I would make my business cards stand out from the crowd by putting photos of the things I make on crafty projects already stand out so there ya go! ;)
Congrats on your success! My cards would probably showcase some of my dolls with a few tucked in of my 2 boys! Love the idea of putting a sweet saying on the back. Crossing my fingers;)
I'm trying to find my own voice as a school leader, so I would make my cards stand out by using them as something motivational to help my colleagues, students, and parents remember that it is their uniqueness of spirit that makes them great.
Ooh, I love moo and would love to have your book in my hands! Congrats on the 5 years!
Now, the question is a hard one. I suppose I would either have lots of snow and frost and winter on them (as I'm a huge fan of all things winter) or my recycled, knitted, crocheted and sewn stuff which are all uniquely made.
All in all, I would still keep them simple.
oooh my goodness!
As "The Tasty Herbalist" I would love love my business cards to have a corner that could be torn off, planted and a tasty herb could be grown that could be enjoyed by all.
What a wonderful giveaway! Congrats on all that you accomplished :).
I love business cards that stand out and can be used in more than one way. I would first get all my trinkets together and take a picture to use for the front and on the back included all the little thing you can spy in the picture - creating an eye spy game (and a sneaky way for people to look at my business card for a long time). It would be great to leave a corner open so I could punch a hole to use them as hanging tags or people could put it on their keys to keep little ones busy.
ItchinStitchin (at) gmail (dot) com
I've been dieing to get your book all the people raving about it... and I do need some moo cards, what a great give away. Thanks for your blog, you soo inspire me regularly.. Your rock girl!!!!
What would make a business card stand out, I say the bright colors and a picture of a magically being all pieced together by an artist, that's so different and special everyones sure to keep your card forever.
Tammie Moore
Oh I love Moo cards too but have only ever used the little ones, actually I had quite forgotton about them :o! shame on me :(
But now I see it! :) I remember the wonderful ideas that I had when I first read about them. I thought perhaps I would use them as a backing card for my brooches and earrings.
In answer to your question
To make my buisness cards stand out I would stitch a little something to them, complimenting the picture, something pretty like a scrap of vintage fabric, ribbon, lace or a button or perhaps even a needle felted button! ...yes that would be nice, now I know that these would take time to do but I think they might make people hang on to them a little bit longer if just to admire and appreciate them :) especially people like me who hate to throw anything away.
Yes Moo cards would be nice and your book would make my day, given pride of place in my newly reorganized little studio :)
congratulations on your 5yrs and success.
Yvonne x
Hello, i would love to own the moo business cards or your book!
A way to make my business card stand out i will use few but very bright colours and with my sewing machine sew a line ( doesn't have to be straight perse) over it.
Thankyou for sharing your ideas!
greetings Afke (NL)
My business card would feature my 'eye catching' Folk City logo and would be so eclectic and artful that one would want to frame it!
(I can be reached through my shop:
Ohh wow! Well I think i would put a picture of myself on a business card, as no one in this world is exactly the same! Thankyou for this wonderful giveaway, i have been trying to find a copy of your book for a while now in the Uk....
Email :
Oh how exciting. Iwould love one of your books. I have been wanting some calling cards for several different reasons.
How would mine stand out.....since my email contains the name grammy I would pick a really cute picture of the grandkids to put on it. Probably one of the outtakes of them trying to pose for a perfect picture. Those are the best.
Oh how i love them! I would make mine like a stamp and add the text 'send to you with love'... but i also like the rounded corners or with a scalloped edge like a cookie and it would say somthing like 'something sweet for you' Ok, even if i don't win ... I def. need some MOO cards!
If i do win you can contact me through my blog!
love your wonderful blog and shop :)
To make my cards stand out, I would use my best-est photos of my most-colorful flowers. Add to that, a wild color of ink and a fun font! I can't wait to get designing.Thank you for a chance to win!
Oh my dearie I do adore your blog so muchly! I am beavering away myself on ho hum drudgery work but happy pants school also! I am a wee bit over to the gray side for school, but I am earnestly attempting to get my lovely "paper" while doing the real life thing. I seem to be not on the 5 year or sadly even the 10 year plan, but I am happily ensconsed on the 30 year college plan. Wish me luck because this curly gray head needs an awful lot of it, but I digress, what I was attempting to lead in to was that your lovely sweet happy-time blog is my "break" from mes etudies. I reward myself with just these wee little happy times after some serious schoolwork. It helps me tremendously! so Merci beaucoup from the bottom of my heart. I would absolutely ADORE some of those fabbity fab cards and your book would send me off the edge of swooning into the great ocean of swoondom! So please count me in on this most best of give-aways and I will not let you down on my choice of happy for the cards if I do happen to win, I am already picking out some wonderful French sayings that I would love to share with many fine folks.
i would make my business card different because they will be like little pieces of happy to brighten peoples days. they would have different patters with lines of my manifesto on them.
My idea for making business cards more creative is that I'm planning on hand-stitching with thread/yarn on each one! They sell tiny paper punches in the scrapbook supply section of the craft store that are perfect for this! I'm actually in the process of creating & growing a brand new business- so these cards would be wonderful to win! (and your book would be lovely for inspiration!!)
OH I know exactly what I would love to do... each mini card would be graced with different scenes of our life living in Alaska (i.e. momma moose and her sweet calf knee deep in the snow of our "backyard", toadstools growing bright and cheery just feet from our door, our plucky hens strutting about, the thermometer at -69F), the "farm" in NY, and the craziness of our children. All sweet memories! Yippee for tags to include in gifts for lovely family and friends!
My Moo business cards would stand out from the crowd because everything I make is Magnificent, Outstanding and Original - simply Mooverlous in fact.
I would photograph a hundred little pieces of beauty around my city that people might pass by without noticing. Peeling paint, interesting doorways, textures, faded lettering and so on. From these photos I'd create 100 little cards. I'd affix a business card beside each little piece of beautifulness, so that passers might stop for a minute, take the card, notice something they might not have done otherwise, and take home a little reminder.
Jack at
This is so exciting, I think my Business cards will stand out in a crowd because:
"Every Crowd Has A Silver Lining" Phineas Taylor Barnum
Wow great giveaway! Thank you! I would make it bright and personal... to say something about you in a visual way. Not to much words on the front... but something to make the recipient SMILE! lou x
I love Moo cards - I got a family photo made into Happy New Year cards this year which everyone has been most impressed with(impressed at the fact I was organized enough to send them and because they are so lovely!!).
I am just starting out in the craft world and have had my eye on moo for some time for business cards. I would make my cards stand out by having a number of cards making up one image - like a jigsaw you have to put together.
I'm getting all inspired now! My next idea would be to have a few cards that turn into a flip book, the ones that look like a moving image. Lastly, I would maybe have cards with little feel good quotes on that would boost your day.
Thanks for the great giveaway.
Karen xxx
Hola Tif, yo marcarÃa el numero de teléfono y alguna palabra descriptiva con tinta que pueda leerse a la luz de la noche. Que hermoso sorteo! mucha suerte, me encanta lo que haces, sos una dulce total!
Ooh, hello Tif, what have I been doing with my time to not notice you before??? You're absolutely my new best friend, I mean blogger, and a gorgeous giveaway to boot. Now, how would I make my MOO CARDS stand out? Well, my darling little cards with their quirky images and "with LOVE from ME to YOU" on the reverse, who wouldn't treasure them? Couldn't find said drawer and am relying on 2nd glass of vino for inspiration...well it is Saturday night, with new found love and admiration, Axx
Well first of all let me extend my hearty congratulations to you Tiff! That's such a wonderful accomplishment..and you should be very proud indeed!
Now, onto the business of entering this giveaway!
Which is a very generous one, if I might add that little bit of butter - you - up - butter!
To make my cards stand out...hum....I like black print on a white background. No muss....It's graphic, clear.....matches my ever constant changing whims in creativity.....and well, it just suits me!
Thanks for the chance.
Hope you have a nice day!
ciao bella
Creative Carmelina
Congratulations Tif!...what a beautiful milestone it is.
How generous of you and MOO cards to have such a great Give-Away.
I'll give it a shot;
I pondered about how my business card could look like, and i definately would like to have a picture of that silly old suitcase on it!
The colours on the card would be so real you feel like grabbing some treasures out of the suitcase.
The card would be perfect to add to my treasuries in my Etsy shop or to use as pretty giftlabels.
Oh, how nice to ponder about my perfect businesscard...thank you for that already!
And how nice will it be to win a
Dottie Angel book, which i just didn't purchased yet :-0 it's still on my wishlist ;-)
Silly Old Suitcase
Well isn't this just the most loveliest of surprises for a Saturday. I do love giveaways even if I never win. The anticipation of winning is so much fun. And this giveaway is just dreamy. I just purchased my own copy of your book tif, and have been reading through it all weekend. But would never turn down another copy of the lovely read. Especially one with a personal note written inside to none other than me:)
So.....if I was the happy owner of 100 MOO cards, well, I reckon i would stand out for the shear fact that none of my darling friends have any. I would be certain to make the front very colorful, happy and granny chic like. And the back would surely have some adorable phrase wishing the lucky recipient of said card to have an absolutley delicious, smile filled day. And you best believe they would be attached to any and all trinkets that I give away to friends. Your book you sent me was so thoughtfully and cheerfully wrapped, and i only wish to do the same for someone else. You can contact me at debpech4@hotmail should I be so lucky as to win this peachy prize. Thanks so much and how a snippity snappity day:)
Much love,
Congratulations Tif and Thank you and Moo very much. We used their cards when our daugther was born and they turned out lovely. In order to make my business cards stand out, I would make them silent - it worked for The Artist!
Dottie Angel,
I used MOO for the first time at the holidays to make a series of gift cards to give as gifts with images of flowers from my garden. I called them Bloom (n.) : to flower which goes along with my blog: I take one word as a lens for my posts, for my cards, for my BUSINESS CARDS (should I win). I would be most excited to win, because I am self publishing my own soup cookbook this year and hope to open an etsy shop to sell it, my cards, and anything else the English language will inspire. I am excited but scared and winning your book would certainly encourage me on my path. Thanks for considering and all you share on your blog!
Oh Dearest Tif!
I do hope you are feeling in a more 'tippy-top' condition than you were on your last blog post my dear!!
OOooo, this is a tres exciting post! I have never heard of Moo (Sorry, I know what a sheltered life! lol) But I have looked them up, and Oh, oh, OH! I want to win your giveaway. And not only for the reason that you get 100 Moo cards, but you get a Peachy new book of Dottie Angel goodness that you have written in to keep in Tip-Top condition, so that you are able to not feel so guilty about the little doggy ears appearing on your current Dottie Angel wordology :o)
So dearie, I am off to put my little old thinking cap on, and try and come up with a way that would make my cards stand out from the crowd! :o)
I have high hopes, but not sure if they are enough! LOL ;o)
Have a fabby weekend my lovely, and take care...
Love Donna xx
I have some ideas of the best manner in which to advertise my wares through the lovely MOO cards.
Firstly, I would ask the kind lads and lasses at Moo to make a hole in the card, so that I could affix something nice to each card, such as a small bell, to make the card two dimensional, or a small crocheted flower.
I would have a photo of one of the rainbow crocheted blankets I have made hanging from my clothes line on one side. On the other I would have a screen shot of Google, with the name of my blog URL in the search engine. Not showing the results, just google, and my blogs name.
If you would like to tell me that you love my ideas and that you have made my day by allowing me to win these amazing prizes, then you can contact me at
Thank you, what a lovely competition
Dear Tif,
Please be kind enough to enter me in your fabulous giveaway :o)
I would like to make my business card 'stand out from the crowd' by having my picture of a teapot on the card with the spout facing in to the middle of the card, and the end of the card shaped around the handle of the teapot, so that if I wanted I could also use the card as a tag with some pretty twine through the handle. And my shop details and tagline in the middle.
The back I would leave plain in the middle with maybe a pretty border around it so that I could write a message if needs be on there. And oh yes, I would most definitely have rounded corners :o) Simples see? :D
Have a happy week Tif :o)
Love Donna xx
P.s I was quick wasn't I? lol
dear celebrating dottie angel and moo card designer,
if that is the case I would win , cards and very appreciated book would fly to Germany. I´m mum of six and I´d like to share my children experiences somehow on this cards with my school siblings/people I will attend in harvest this year. Because today I got /gained however a place at an educational school! Therefore someday I will be an educator for children!!!!
happy greetings from Sanne
such a lovely give away and fabulous opportunity to win your book and the biz cards!!! i think my biz cards would have pinking on the short edges and feature one of my paintings...
congrats on your successful etsy shop and anniversary!
well, I would love the idea of several image choices on my business cards since my life reflects different things such as my etsy hand crocheted scarves and such, and my cozy front porch that has a swing, a glider, a table and many mismatched chairs, and a firepit which I love since I have "for looks only" fireplaces in my home (3 to be exact), my vintage style kitchen, and well, whole house for that matter. Seasonal pictures would be great. bare trees, flowering trees, fall trees. Birds at springtime. Mountains, I love mountains. deer. Oh well, on and on. I could truly have a business card which showcased the variety of things that make me happy and reflect who I am.
Darlene Franchi
Tif - you have that cardi on again! My how lovely!
Thinking my first idea that comes to mind is the shape of a business card. I think the shape being different (oval, circle... oohhhh even a spiral) attracts immediate attention.
Just my idea. Feeling very special to have a fb conversation with another cardi lover! Love to you and your poppets.... my email is
Rach xx
I would put a different art piece of mine on each ....making each a mini print of painted goodness! I would print the words " Thank you for helping me live my Dream" and attach them to purchases and gifts for my beloved fans, friends and family :)
Thank you so much for this opportunity!
Of course with its shiny sheen and rounded corners it is going to already stand out from the crowd. But to give it a little help and make it more about me, I would festoon them with pictures of my flowers,cover them with my cute lamby photos and maybe even a few with the family and some handcrafted loveliness too. I could very likely come up with 100 plus different pictures for my cards.
Thanks for the giveaway
sunnycornerfarm at hotmail dot com
I would put a picture of a quilt and the American Flag. A group of ladies and I make handmade quilts for our Veterans House/Hospital/Hospice. We always use red, white & blue fabrics of top notch quality. The recipients are always so happy to receive these gifts of love. When (unfortunately) one of our veterans dies; his/her body is covered with the quilt. The surviving family is then given the quilt to keep.
Charity (at) gmail (dot) com
Those little cards are adorable. I love the dark & grainy look so I would probably have a pile of books with a warm drink + spoon, and a grainy layer over the top (I sell Usborne books :) And of course my favorite library/book quote goes over top of it all!
Would love to give these a try!
Sarah M
darling. i too adore moo. i best be entering this spiffy contest as i simply adore you too. dottie and moo what a terrifically sunny combo!!!
I love Moo cards! I can spend time on their site just testing out design ideas (because I can't always afford to place an actual order).
I love fortune cookies, and have saved some of the better fortunes I've received. In order to make my cards stand out, I would add fortune cookie-inspired messages to the image side of each card. They would only be happy, upbeat (and relevant) messages.
brinaroze (at) gmail (dot) com
the doubtful pixie
I do not want this to sound all sad and droopy, but I would have my business cards say..."We have moved!"
It was not a pre-planned move, as we lost our beautiful home to foreclosure, but it was a move, none the less. And I think a cheery card with the new address on it would be most appropriate!
You can contact me at
IF I am one of the most fortunate winners!
I think the cards could be strung/sewn together banner style with ribbon to adorn a window...or craft booth! Yes indeedy.
I would have to have lots of photos of my sausage dog Nutmeg on my moo business cards. She would certainly drum up business! :)
OO! or should I say Moo! What a lovely giveaway. Wonderful Man tried to get me your book for Chrimbly but it wasn't to be.
My business cards have pictures of my textile art work on one side and my contact details on the reverse with a little picture of some lace and 'thank you' ribbon at the end where I punch a heart shaped hole through. I stitch the card to a piece of pretty floral fabric or lace at one end and lastly slot ribbon or lace through the heart hole. V girly and tactile.
With a spiffy giveaway like this, I had to jump on Camilla computer and tippety tap my suggestion for some peachy perfect business cards or shall I say calling cards as this would be how I would see them. I have just separated from my husband and I thought it could be splendid to have a fun picture of my sublimely perfect boys and I with our bodies drawn or collaged a la Claudine Hellmuth. This would be a nifty way to present ourselves to the world in our new threesomeness and the fun aspect could de-dramatised the situation for my sublimely perfect boys. Dottie Angel has landed in my patch at a magnificent time of change and I always look forward to new posts to take me away from my daily crappety crap. Thank you Tiff. Valerie Jego Marsh
Dear Tif
A BIG 'hip hip hooray' from me to you, and here the text i would choose for a card because everybody now and then needs a 'hip hip hooray' ;-)
On the other side of the card i would choose me, like in Harrypotter i should show up now and then smiling and sending wind kisses to the reciever ;-)
Have a peachy day.
What a wonderful giveaway and thank you for the opportunity to enter. I have the dottie angel book on my wish list and I love moo! I like quotes for business cards, if I see a lovely cheery quote it would make me want to keep it and pin it up somewhere. Xxxxx
Awesome! I want to be in! I'd make my card stand out by using lots of color :p.
What a fabulous giveaway. I think I would put glitter on my business card to make it stand out. Sparkles make the world a better place!
Hi Mrs Dottie,although i don't have a business i would dearly love love love to win one of your books x I think i would have photos's of my doilies and tablecloths,napkin sets,aprons and those pretty nylon bedjackets i collect on the cards. Then i could get that little thrill inside when i look at them,and even better,send them to my friends and family. x
I would love to win this prize. I have been pondering buying your lovely book, and if I win I can still buy one for my daughter!
I would add some embroidery and maybe a pretty little button to my business card--at the moment I have no business. BUT I could/would use them to enter lunch give aways at local restaurants!!
As always, love your posts & your ponderings,
Diana in Sioux Falls
I would design a group of 'exquisite corpse' cards to highlight my ability to custom design one card would show three 'tops'...pompom, tassles, ears...the 'middle' card would feature the body of a hat...striped, in a lovely textured pattern stitch with an exquisite fiber, and a colorwork knit...the last card would show a ribbed cuff, a brim and a delicate lacey edging. So a collection of 3 cards would be a fun way to 'build' different hats, mix and match and to share with friends. The same principal could work for blankets and edgings! Thanks for the opportunity!! P.S. Olive is never "off topic!"
Surly, being Moo cards they would naturally stand apart? (enough sucking up) I would make them spiffy little legs so that they could stand. But, I'd have to make sure that they couldn't run away, so they wouldn't have knees. Have you eve seen kneeless Moo cards run? No? Well, Then that's proof that my idea would work!
I would make my business cards reflect my thoughts & dreams. With my current business I hired a local graphic designer to design my business cards based on what I thought & dreamed about.
Thank you so much for this lovely giveaway!
What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to enter. If I were to make my card stand out from the rest, I might add a little embellishment to it such as a sewn on button, a little jewel or a bit of lace. Thank you for the opportunity. My fingers (and toes) crossed for luck.
I think I would have a close up of some old sewing supplies behind my words for my sewing business and blogging cards. Like a little photo collage. Thanks!
Oh Tif! What a fabulously generous giveaway - please toss my hat in the ring from faraway Hobart, Australia.
Hmm, what would make my business card stand out from the crowd would be my 3 pixies' gumboots which are on my header at I love their simplicity and the way the colours pop!
Crossing everything crossable! J x
Naughty shorts - this is the name of my business. I make dresses and homey stuff from recycled fabrics, a bit like you, miss Tiff. My fabric collection has taken on a life of it's own!! I think I would have to choose my 50 favourites fabrics and scan them, to get those yummy grainy details. Then I would have to keep half of them for my naughty self, maybe to arrange on the wall, and the other half I would give to naughty people of my choosing... BUT your book Tif, I already have. It's place is on my bedside table and I already love it so much that I could not part with it. If I received a special copy that had been signed with hugs and kisses from you, I would probably gift it to my naughty mum...
Thankyou!! Printfinity! what a wonderful concept. My printing company charges my $5.00 for every image that I upload to their system. Scoundrels!!
Rebecca @ naughtyshorts!
hi ! i'd have to think on the card thing... i'd LOve YOUR book !!x
I need business cards so bad! I do various needle crafts so I would do a couple of things: on some, I would have a circle to cut out. I would then crochet a fine circle and stitch it into the hole so it's like a crocheted window! I've done it before on an ATC and it was awesome. On other's I would make the font quite large and then hand-stitch over the top of it :) Thanks for the chance to win!
OH! I am so very excited about this giveaway! It seems almost too good to be true!
On to your question. It is a quite tricky one but very exciting! My business is called The Jumbled Bookcase which very much describes my bookcases and my brain, so I think, I would have pictures of my most treasured books and other little things I love that make things ever so jumbled. It may not be most creative but it does make me most happy to think about 100 little cards with 100 happy pictures of most treasured things.
one way would be to use a cool photo. :)
So, two years ago I left the land of proper, buttoned-down clothes and boring business cards to wander down the path I had always wanted to. The path has shown me so many wondrous things and new discoveries. My little baby jewelry line Aroc Urtu [pronunciation: a 'roc 'er two] is starting to walk! It's so exciting! Now all I need are some very special non-businessy cards to share with the wonderful and curious folks who ask inquisitive questions.
As a passionate advocate of things well crafted and handmade, I am truly a lover of both MOO and Dottie Angel. I do so hope I win these most awesome gifts!!
Hope and Hugs,
What a stunning ive away!
If I has all the money in the world to spend on bussiness cards, I would want mine to have little cut outs on one side, I love how the texture stands out!
My 7 year old son is an artist and has started a blog with his art and musings. He is a big socially challenged at school and his blog has brought him SO much confidence. I think he would love to have little art blog cards to hand out at school with his art on it.
Love your blog! SO beautiful :)
Karen June
I have been looking to get some new business cards but am having trouble getting a round tuit (always hard to come by, aren't they). I would put a picture of something I've made on mine, but I'm not sure which item so maybe more than one. I can be contacted at moriarty at gmail dot com
Hi Tif
First time reader of your blog and I think I may be a little bit in love with it, and you LOL! I am where you were five years ago. I've only just started my own little on-line store and made my sale in my first week. I was so excited I literally wiggled with glee. My store is based on Marie-Antoinette's Petit Trianon...a special place of beauty and tranquillity that is shared with friends and family and full of love. I'd like to design a scented business card - a scratch and sniff, so that when you scratched a special little panel the air around you would permiate with the blossoms and blooms and wooden scents of the french countryside...freshly baked croissants served on mis-matched china plates handed down through the generations and rich aromas of cheese and lattes admist the shiny splendor of century old silver on soft, clean linen. To create a little bit of france with all its sights, smells and textures in downtown suburban melbourne would simply be a dream come true.
Oh my, oh my, what would I do with 100 loverly business card? Well, let's see.....I know, I think I'd put a picture of little old moi on them. Of course it would have to include one of my aprons. Me, in one of my handcrafted, much loved, from start to finish, pieces of cute-as-can-be, but still oh-so-practical aprons. I mean if someone needs to know how to look their best in one of these beauties, then who better to show you? If I can't be there to fit it on you myself, then I can at least give you some visual guidance. How sweet would that be? Oh and to have a most wonderful book for inspiration too? Wow, that would be the bee's knees! Much love! Carolyn Olivia
Wow congratulations are indeed in order for such an achievement - 5 Years is utterly awesome and most fabulous! If I was fortunate enough to win the book that I have drooled over ever since I saw it on your blog, I would have the business cards printed with a lovely montage of photos of my handmade lovelies and I would happily give them away to my wonderful customers (and other folk who wistfully look at my lovelies and dream of the day that they can own some).
OH, I would love to win a copy of your book! Yes please!
And I have ordered many items from MOO and have really been over the moo-n (get it?) with the quality and quick turnaround.
I do have a little craft business myself so what I would do with my new set of business cards would be to send them out in orders in a world wide effort to spread good cheer, happiness, peace and love. I envision simple but happy photos with sayings such as "be happy" superimposed over it. And I have always liked the idea of hiding little cards in books at bookstores or on a grocery aisle shelf for some random good cheer spreading.
jacilynmascitelli at
Hi Tif.. from your blog friend "down under" in Portland. Congrats on your successes in the last 5 years!
I would make my card stand out by having the FRONT of the card look like a miniature work of art including the frame and have the contact info on the back. I would envision everyone that picks up the card would pin it on the wall since it was a little work of art and your card would be on display all around the world.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Congratulations Tif on sales of your fab book and for the 5 crafty years under your belt. My little chickadees are ready to leave the nest, leaving me to contemplate what will I be when I grow-up. I do think I would like to be a crafter extrordinaire just like Dottie, and am ready to get my little feet wet. So my fab little cards would have a picture of my very crafty grandmother sitting in her straw hat smoking her pipe, and needling away on her wavy afghan. The other side would have my name announcing that I can provide all kinds of granny crafting goodness. Thanks againg Tif for all the smiles you bring to blogland.
Wishing she wins,
Lorraine Lopez
I've got a hankering to write my blog & shop address on a bunch of balloons, blow those suckers up and let them loose on a (moderately) windy day. That could do the trick just nicely.
Whew. I had to stop thinking about it and just give you an answer. I'm wearing myself thin working on clever. What a perfect time for me...I am working on branding concepts for a handmade business I will be starting. So thank you for stirring the pot of creativity. I would love to do 100little cards in 100 different delightful pantone colors. All with my little logo popping out to say hi in the most brightest of whites. I plan on stitching the sweetest of gathered vintage finds down one side. I thought it would also be clever if I could somehow put a vinyl decal of my logo over top of the printed one...for a fun take away. I do say I may be wishing for too much. The back would have the necessary details for business with the added touch of my own QR Code Box walking them directly to my etsy store. I would feel so accomplished with my own QR box. All these things I would like. My fear would be that they would be too hard to part with. I would become a business card hoarder...I already have issues with fabric. Many thanks for such a wonderful opportunity.
Hi Dottie, congratulations! that you can so do the things that make you and others happy is a gift enough to the world. But this is such a perfectly peachy give away that has had me dreaming lovely dreams after a crappity crap day when I spilled coffee on my trusty laptop and now I think it's drowned...Bits of lovely book I was writing may be lost forever because I was so carried away that I forgot to back up...Business cards - For my creative business i would print a pattern with some tiny instructions to turn the card into something beautiful, like a flower, that could be a pin, or a magnet, or just something fun like a pop-up forest, or a bunny (maybe one with a nicely knitted cape!) Then they would show their friends what they'd made and be proud of it and feel they could be a bit creative too. The world is a happier, peachier and more peaceful place when people make things instead of destroying them...
And I would so love your book...What happy moments I would spend lost in your peachy world!
Thank you - so generous and kind as ever...
Oh what a glorious giveaway and if I were to win I would say, "Yay" ! My dogs would be featured on my business cards spouting words of "wisdom".
I run a Hope Lodge for Cancer patients and many of my volunteers and patients make cancer awareness bracelets to pass the time during their treatment and make as little money to help us continue to provide housing for free. As they wear them over to the hospital staff and other patients see them and we can't keep up with requests. I do photography and have a great photo with a lamb, then drew colorful awareness ribbons around his neck. Would love to incorporate that in to a business card to leave at the clinic desk! Kelly Lamb ( Congrats on your success and thanks for considering us!
i would fold them into paper aeroplanes and throw them off buildings, letting them swirl and spin and fly in a blissful way so that the unsuspecting people below would stop and look up in wonder. Then they would pick up the card and it would bring a smile to their face that they would take into work on a bad day.
Thanks so much for giving us all the chance of winning in this great giveaway Tiff!!!!
Ok so I would make cards stand out from the crowd by first doing a little blanket stitch all the way round. I would then follow up with some very cute crochet edging ♥♥♥
To finish up I would place a slip of natural twine threaded with an array of sweet Playmobil flowers:)))))
In my opinion there are never enough sweet ditsy flowers in this world and therefore everyone who came in to contact with my card would be instantly revived with love ♥ colour ♥ creativity ♥ and joy ♥
Dottie angelness + yarny goodness + Playmobil = A 100 chances to cheer up saddened hearts and lift heavy spirits!!!!!!!
Bring on that hook sister!!!!
Love you heaps Tiff:))))
Best wishes
Wow what an offer! I think to make my moo cards stand out from others, they would have to be textured - some lace on them and/or some sparkly spangly glitter (though this concept would deeply upset my hubby who hates glittery cards that drop glitter everywhere once removed from their envelope). They could even be fragranced or scratch-and-sniff (am thinking the smell of playdough now - yummy scrummy) - am wanting some such cards already!
Hey Tif, this tres tricky question has my poor brain overheating trying to think of the peachiest perfect answer.
What catches my eye and sticks in my overheated brain?....
Colour, creativity, individuality....lots of wonderful things.
How do I get peoples attention?
HUMOUR.... something to make you smile, laugh, and guffaw with joy!!
The pic on the front of my card would be of a lovely, woolly recycled blanket onto which I would free motion embroider said joke.
eg "There were two cows in the paddock .
One said 'MOO" and the other said
On the back would be contact details for my 'etsy shop' (a dream which I am hoping will become reality within the next few weeks) my blog and my email address:-
For curious Kate's who can't live without knowing the punch line, please feel free to email me.
I have just sorted my own sewing room complete with bookshelf and space for wonderful crafty, creative reads one of which I would love to be your book Tif....
Thanks for the opportunity....
Claire :}
You are such an inspiring gal ! Well done on your success and long may it continue ! I have just started a blog to record how I buy then transform lovely vintage caravan's (we are off to shropshire to pick the latest one up today)
Of course my Moo business cards would be a little MORE rounded than the usual rounded-ness. They should mirror the lovely rounded shape of a vintage caravan with a beautiful image of one of my "happy caravans"........I can dream. x
What would I do with the cards if I won you ask? Well, when I was a very young girl, one of my favorite things to do with my mother is to sit down and play a memory game. It was wonderful just me and her time and such fun! I would love to share memories like that with my son as well :)
My sons first birthday is this April and I could not think of a more wonderful gift than to make him his very own memory cards! Oh what fun we would have he and I :)
wonderful! I would like to use cards that have the names of my blogs, not that I sell anything just because I love them. I have a dressmaking crafty blog of which I would choose lace and buuton delights with images of my own making. then my second blog is family time and green happy life, which I would choose beautiful greens and sprinkled with a little love.
Thanks for hosting such ana amzing give away. x x x
Moo really makes the most amazing business cards! I think a business card with a little handwritten note i.e. signature (incorporated into the design) would really be so unique and personal. Thank you for the giveaway.
More power Dottie Angel and MOO!
In order for my business cards to 'stand out' I would have them be little mini booklets with lovely little stories inside :) The cover would be very pretty and vintage inspired... and to add a bit of nostalgia I would also include nice little pop ups through out the lovely booket! :)
Janelle xx
I would make a treasure hunt with clues on the cards and linked to maybe a web page with more clues. Lucky people might find the treasure and have a lovely piece of my jewellery find its way to them. Maybe a wishful dream but it would be fun to dream up!
May the world see many more 5 year celebrations of lovely Dottie wonderfulness!
first i would have different pictures of my work on the cards. maybe 50 different pictures - than there is just two of a kind. next i would have a small text like "before this was a curtain now it is a dress..." or "before i was a sheep, now i am a hat..."
anyway, thank you very much for your inspiration and your giveaway!
I have just started selling my handmade elephants. They are made from reclaimed material (tablecloths, clothes, teatowels, pillowcases etc). One side of my business card would have information about what I make and what I believe in (written in a terribly clever way). The other side of my business card would be made from reclaimed material. I think a lot about textures so my card would feel different from other business cards. People could then sew the business card onto their clothes, bags etc as an applique. So my business card would be further reused.
I have just finished the course to become a wedding celebrant to help loved up, committed couples become man and wife and say, "I do". but i do not like the word "business" associated with love so mine would be "loved up cards", imbued with a special sort of magic that made anyone who received one feel warm, fuzzy, hopeful, happy and just generally peachy (peach might even be a perfect colour to use in their design somewhere). you can contact me at thanks very muchly oh dottie one! xx
Ooooh... Well this would be a splendidly timed treat for 2 reasons. Firstly, Father Christmas got so carried away with festive cheer this year that he forgot to bring me your book. It was on the top of my list, written in crayon in BIG letters too. (He's quite old now, so i let him off). Secondly, I am in the middle of updating my website and blog at the mooo (See what I did there?) Along with some handmade, vintage inspired goodness on the front, I think I would include an easy-peasy crochet pattern on the back to get people hooking and crafting themselves. (Written in my most favourite fonts of course, a bit of courier and impact label to make my crafty heart sing...)
Congrats on the 5 years too my dear!
Oh my well i would like to enter your fabby comp for my 16 and 3/4yr old Girlie who is busy at 6th form! She is a media(plus less fun subjects too) student who has a dream to upcycle clothes as a project for school(and to wear herself) in a hope that this can help get her to university! So if i had to choose something to go on them for her it would be a little spotty ribbon tied to a key.... the key to her future x
gosh, if i could have my dream biz card, it might somehow be 3-d. sorta like using the pop dots in scrapbooking. it would really make the card stand out and be different than the usual. maybe real lace around the outside.
just a dream : )
Sorry Tiff-totally just thought whilst I was shopping-I forgot to ell you what I would DO with these lushious Dottie Angel inspired cards:))
I would hand them out to anyone and everyone who needed some warmth and cheer in their lives.
The postman would be first because I always think its such a shame that he always brings nice things to me but never really receives anything:(((
Busy, stressed out mums on the school run and the grumpy old lady who works in our local newsagents would also be in the 'URGENTLY NEEDS LOVE' pile:)))
By the time the cards are running low, I would be armed with a new bunch of 'making people happy' gifts as every night I would be climbing the the stairs of Bedfordshire with my new Dottie book ♥
Hope that makes my world happiness vision more understandable lol!
HUGE hugs
What a splendiferously spiffy offer to celebrate five years of peachy perfect sharing! Ta muchly for all your inspiration and positive vibes.
I would create a card that could be transformed into a 3D cut out. The design to have a 'dottie line', as per your stitching, to cut along creating either a STAND OUT/UP from the crowd of traditional cards…the design could be a figure or a four legged 'Olive'-type creature…cut out arms that extend to hug…cut out legs to balance the figure and two big eyes with a large 'M' above them as eyebrows, representing and symbolic of MOO…(pity I can't draw what I mean…but I am sure you and Dan can imagine) This could also happily dance and dangle from a desk lamp or nearby place.
Oh the joy of having your book to drool over and share in this sun drenched desert land of Saudi where unfortunately many think their creativity has been bleached by said sun but who delight when encouraged to use their imagination.
Yes yes yes…a tippity top hip hip hooray give away…appreciation flies to you and all at MOO.
hip hip hooray indeed.
i think MOO are wonderful, and i'm pretty sure all the praise you sang does them great justice.
i've started my tiny business in the meantime, and i'm actually raher curious on the inside of your book, tif. this is basically why i respond.
to answer that question, i would probably enhance my existing business (post)card a little more, into a proper business card... [it's the one with the bunny on the right on]
keep up with the spirited works.
Congrats on the 5 years! For my business cards to stand out, I would add wool roving and goggle eyes on the printed design for 3D effect :)
Hi Tif & Moo guys! The ideal business card for my passion for early childhood education would be "hard to put down" and fun to play with. I'm thinking that the printing should be shiny, raised embossed black pictograms on white & primary coloured, waterproof cards. Can you imagine if, embedded within the cardstock, was one of those clicky things that makes a sound when you press it? Or if the cards had notches cut randomly along their edges so that they could be built into "card constructions"? or, or, or? One's dreams can be turned into reality, by "saying them out loud." Reason enough to send out the cards ....
I LOVE moo cards! I would embellish the fronts with my very colorful photographs of my sheep, hand dyed yarn and fiber and all things bright and beautiful around my farm. The backside would read, "You Are Beautiful!" (a little giggle inside if I win!)
i think it would be so wonderful if i could put a pretty picture on one side (i already have a few in mind!) and then on the other side to simply have this
you are (with a blank space here!)
that way i could fill in the blank with a little sharpie to tell someone what i thought of them! (ie. you are beautiful. you are amazing!)
eeeeeek! i just might have to have these made even if i don't win!
thanks for getting my brain thinking!
I would put the prettiest of pictures, great color, and the grandest of print on the cards...simple like me!
I love moo cards and have always wanted some :) Love your latest Dottie Angel pic!
Hugs, Gerri
well done on 5 glorious years enlightening us mortals to the wonderment of thrifting and redifining "grannies" items the world over!
Now to business: Ok so after I received my glorious cards I would add sparkley glitter to parts of them to make them shimmer and make little envelopes from vintage wallpaper to put them in and write on the front "open me up and feel some love and light from Dotty Delightful x"
I would have them printed with one of the photos my daughter takes. She is five and manages to find a totally unique perspective on the world, photographing the inside of a tulip for example and ends up with wonderful splashes of colour. I would then send them to people when they need a splash of colour in their lives. It would make her (and me) very happy!
If I were to win this giveaway it would be extremely helpful as I am currently in the process of setting up my crafting as a business and business cards would come in very handy! My business cards would stand out from the crowd as they would include my name and logo, 'i am' with my little skull. It is the name I have used for all of my art and crafting since the tender age of 16. My little skull logo is extremely personal as I have been drawing his wonky little eye-sockets for years and years and even have him tattooed just above my left elbow. Business cards displaying him would be the perfect advert for my work as hand-made is always personal!
fiona ( x
A hand drawn doodle adds charm and personality to the card!
I gotta admit that the idea of winning Moo cards AND your book has me a little giddy. While I don't have a business, I most certainly have passions, hobbies and collections that fill my home hours with joy. I think my cards would pay homage to that which makes me so very happy.
I created my own business cards not too long ago when I was dabbling in event design. Those cards are here (and most certainly were, in large part, dottie-angel-inspired):
Since one of my loves is sewing, I hope Moo wouldn't take offense to me embellishing their pretty product with one of the many things that brands my craftwork: sewing. And so I see my biz cards with a bit of stitching.
I would love, love, love to print my after school art clubbers beautiful work with simple art instructions such as "homemade stamps look great over tissue" or "life is better with glitter" and spread the happiness of their creations and moo cards all over the Pacific Northwest. Pictures of their wonderful work can be found on my blog if you are curious.
This is a terrific giveaway! I believe I would add a bit of stitching and/or buttons to my cards - like your book! Jamie V in MT
I love moo cards -- and have collected them for years, but I don't have my own..... I always meant to... ANYWAY.. I love my own business card and I think it stands out. It is made from thin cardboard and has my info rubber stamped (I designed the info and used a typewriter font on it, then above (or below)I sew a little strip of fabric or paper torn from a book. It really doesn't take long -- I just chain stitch 50 or 100 at a time. At Blissdom last year 100's of people came up asking for my card! I have stitching in all of my mixed media work and I like to re-purpose stuff. My card is a reflection of me!
So -- What makes a good business card? Something unique that shows who you are and what you do!
My cards would have wings to fly straight into the hearts of those I want to connect with. And a voice recorder so I could tell them something personal.
Since I found your beautiful blog through a local crafty buddies' blog, I would suggest a 'pass it on' card. Hand out the beautiful moo cards with 'pass it on' written on the back. This way those 100 cards would go a lot further (which is always good for the environment) and lots more people could enjoy them and viewing my brand new online store.
As a newbie to the blogging and Etsy world it is fab to find such wonderful inspiration on your site.
Thanks and best wishes for a very crafty future :) xx
D ear Tiff. I am 7 years old and I love sewing
O n a Wednesday I go to my out of school club for
T here we make origami animals, sew patchwork
blankets and sometimes bake cakes.
T he last Wednesday we practiced making bunting
to celebrate the olympic games that are in London
this year.
I liked all the pretty colours and cut out shapes
from magazines to brighten up my flags.
E ven though this week is half term me, my mum
and my brother will be doing tons of crafty
A nyway if I was lucky enough to win your
competition, I would spend from now until
summer decorating the 100 cards.
N ot so far away is our class bring and buy sale.
Each class in our school sponsers a charity and
mine (yr 2) is the 'Help a Hedgehog trust.'
G etting together to help little people I think is very
E very cupcake me, my mum and my brother make
will have one of your cards stuck to it. This will
make the cakes extra special because you make
nice things and I decorate well.
L ots of pennies would be raised and me, my mum
and my brother could carry on making stuff from
your book, all summer long.
Love from Emily Gardiner age 7
P.s My mum typed this because Im still learning my spellings :)
Please tell my dad if I have won. You can find him at:
I'd add a QR code that would take you to a lovely verse of poetry with a pretty picture to look at when you scan it with your smart phone. My contact is supermergentroidgalatgmaildotcom
Hi Tif and Dan!
As I am due to give birth any day now, I would take the best and cutest picture I could possibly take of my newborn (so excited now!) to be placed on one side of the card. On the back of the card I would have: "There is always something new and wonderful coming around the corner..."
You should be able to contact me through my Google account log in with this message.
have you ever dreamed a dream
to have come true would surely make you beam?
a business to call one's very own
the seeds in one's heart have indeed been sown
sewing machine, wool, floss, camera, baubles, bits all strewn around
the hardest part is putting aside ones fear, as crazy as that sounds
hours and hours spent observing the creatives who have gone before me
tif and dottie angel have been enjoyed over pots and pots of (PG Tips) tea
expressing her love of all things thrifted, vintage and handcrafted is what tif does best
if she can do it then a little business of my own I shall nest
moo cards will emblazon the name of the adventure
"SEA GLASS AND PEONIES" I dare say a thrilling journey it will be, for sure
thanks for this chance
it has surely made my soul dance
with the possibility and hope
that i can cope
in making my dream come true
and not keep me *just* observing and ultimately blue
mich3218[at}gmail[.]com is where you can reach me
if i am worthy of of this contest which is all just so darn peachy!!!!!
xo xo xo xo,
Ooooh, what a great giveaway. I've always been keen to get some MOO business cards for my photography work, so this is a great opportunity.... and I just love the look of your book.
Mmmm, well I think the idea of putting a different image on each card is brilliant, especially being a photographer it's a great chance to show off as much of my work as I can. Some of my more colourful images might help them stand out - I love that MOO cards let you choose any colour for the back of your card. Perhaps a hot pink or a turquoise would be a bold but effective approach? I also like the idea of rounded off edges, that would definitely be more unusual than the standard rectangle. :)
Thank you kindly!
ccarter121 [at]
I have thinking some more about my appliqué business cards. They would continue working for me once the person has applied them to their clothing or other personal item. Others would say 'Cool appliqué, where did you get it?' and the person would reply 'From Grounded In Vegas, they make really cool things from secondhand material.'. I am loving my idea more and more!
I bake homemade cookies, cupcakes, tarts… and give and sell my delicious treats to lovely people that trust me to bake cookies for their birthday kids or a special occasion in their lives.
So, baking is also a handmade process, a yummy DIY thing. If I was chosen and had the opportunity to win your amazing book and these 100 cards, I'd choose for my cards different parts of the baking process. For example, a hand holding a decorating bag making a cute buttercream in a cupcake, a cake pop being submerged in candy melts or a rain of sprinkles falling over a cookie.
Because the process and not only the final result is important and cute :D
My cards would reflect the love and dedication to all parts of the baking process.
xoxo and thanks for this great giveaway :)
Been dying to get one of your fabulous books....and I love moo cards. I would put lovely pics of the things I make...and then after I got them, I would add a bit of stitching to them....because everything is happier with a stitch or two on it. :)
Congratulations Tiff on all your wonderful accomplishments of late. Hope you are celebrating very well indeed! Thank you for the chance to win such super goodies too. I have been eyeing your book for a long time now and would truly love to own a copy. I think Moo cards are just great too and I think I would make them stand out for me by stitching a little heart in the corner ( I love hearts!). Or I might choose to use some for tags and punch a little hole in to add some delightful ribbon to the package.
I hope you have time to savour your lovely successes!
lovely give away tiff!
i would afix cards to my small boy with a return address, as he tends to wonder off to investigate things and then gets lost!
oh my golly giddy aunt!
if there ever was the peachiest most perfect giveaway, this has to be it =D
Tiff, congrats on your anniversary and thank you for the beautiful world of Dottie Angel ;)
Now, I am a big fan of adding texture to business cards so I would probably make the most of my stash of vintage skinny lace and thoroughly enjoy the task of adding them as borders.
I do believe they would make a spiffy job at framing photos of my handmade goodies and make the moo rounded corners even prettier, if that's even possible!
Another idea that has been lurking around the infinite drawers of ideas inside my head is punching a tiny hole in one of the card's corner, thread, and a little vintage fabric tag which would carry hand stitched happy words.
ooo Feeling a bit crafty just talking about it, so if you need me to let me know I was one of the lucky winners, I will be on my craft room ;)
my email:
much love
dear prudence
Hello, hello and many congrats on your anniversary! What a wonderful way to celebrate...I'm sure you'll be flooded with entries. No've inspired me to use my thinking cap and that's always a good thing!
I've been using mini moo cards for years but am often dreaming of the day I'll feel big enough to move on to the oh so official BUSINESS CARD variety. When that happens here's what I'll do.....
....punch holes! Lots of holes because hey who doesn't like polka dots right? Well, to be honest, hubby's not too fond of them but he doesn't like chocolate chip scones either so he doesn't count! Anyhoo...I'd punch holes out of the cards which would feature a variety of pics of the "little items to relish" I make.
The reverse would host a little snippet...."Piccalilli Patchwork: where a HOLE lot of happy can be found"....or some such dorkiness that would have my not so little kiddies rolling their eyes (again!)
Win or not I'm thinking it might just be time for those business cards...many thanks for the fun!
natalie jo
Wow what a lovely giveaway Tif.
On the front of my business cards I would place my little illustrations and on the back I would put the words:
" Create things with your heart, to capture hearts of others."
Thanks Tif and congratulations on five fabulous years of crafty goodness.
Blimey, comment no. 124! I would write out a simple little recipe on each card with a delicious picture on the front, something to make you want to lick the card there and then. I would have some easy things, some things that look v. clever but are actually very simple, some super tasty and delicious and healthy and good, and some things that are so wonderful you couldn't help yourself smiling all day after eating it. Something like jam tarts, or lemon shortbread, or spicy pumpkin soup...I can be found thinking about making such things most days at :)
hmmm...what to do with some super cute little moo cards? as spreading happiness is high on my agenda i could find a rather special use for the little lovies! my sis and i regularly carry out random acts of kindness complete with a hand written tag, a slight give away for those who know us well! cards with super special messages would help us carry out our business of kindness more professionally and bring a *smile* to the folks who receive them.
congratulations on your anniversaire - happy go loopy mel and her happy heart sis x
M ust have my art
O n the front
O nly YOU can create your own happiness...on the back...
Great giveaway and so generous of you and moo ..
This may just encourage me to start selling stuff on etsy ...
mamdaray at bigpond dot com
Take care
My MOO card would have smooth and shiny wings like the Golden Snitch, but I do prefer a seafoam green colour instead of the antique brass/gold (nothing wrong with those colours though!) I would want it to flutter into the hearts of people and make them smile with some fun quotes... Eleanor Roosevelt and Oscar Wilde come to mind, let's not forget Harry Potter quotes either! Perhaps a quote to make someone smile would be figgy fine too...
Thanks for a lovely chance at winning! xx
Congratulations on all you have achieved, well deserved too!
Thank you and Moo for such a generous giveaway.
I know this is not very possible but wouldn't it be wonderful if they all could have different smells like newly mown grass, vanilla ice-cream or hydrangeas!
Daft I know but just imagine chocolate, roses, lime jelly.......
Vivienne x
OMG! What an awesome giveaway!!
I will use my moo cards for my business, with one of my plush on it! Maybe a raccoon with mustard woolen glasses, or a red fox with a BIG bow tie!!!
My blogspot has a bee lady on it and the name of it is The picture is of a beelady. A hippie beelady wearing a flowered dress that is supposed to be me. She has herbs by her, a ladybug in the grass, and a sign that says Hill Top Farm. We are building our own house on what we have named Hill Top Farm and I am a hobby beekeeper (with about a dozen hives). I would put a button of a flower, or a bee on the card or a little bundle of herbs. When we finish building our house, I will have a nice size craft room and I hope to open an etsy shop. In the meantime I would put the business cards on the honey I sell and the items I sell now and then at the Granny Bee stitchery group events I attend. AND I would LOVE to have a copy of your book too. It's true, we cannot find it here in the states.
Keep up the good work Dottie Angel, you are an inspiration.
Cindy Bee
Oh my, I would put "lovely Auntie, suitable for adopting...have sewing machine, will travel".....what???? I'm not eligible???....dang!!!!
Adopted Auntie
Hip, hip hurray, congratulations!
What a cause for celebration!
What a lot you have achieved,
if you called it quits, we'd all be grieved.
To top it off, a giveaway
of awesomeness, I have to say!
"What would it take," my mind inquires,
"To win these cards my heart desires?
And Tif's book, too - oh what a boon!
Please fan me quickly as I swoon!"
To answer the question that you pose
My poem will tell what I propose.
My MOO business cards would be sturdy, not flimsy,
Embellished with a touch of whimsy -
A vintage button and sweet ribbon attached,
Which with my wares would be well-matched
The ribbon would be long enough to wear
All tied up nicely in one's hair.
These lovely cards with round corners proud
Would stand out beautifully from the crowd!
Candy from Candykins Crafts
i would love to be entered into the moo card drawing because...cows and storks should be friends on a more personal level :o)
simply stork (
(thank you dottie for such a wonderful site...i love this space)
I like to read the comments people leave and I must say there are quite some lovely responses. I read Emily's, she is 7. It brought a tear to my eye and I have my fingers crossed she is one of the lucky winners. What a sweet story.
I do need to inspire a lovely answer myself to get my mitts on some lovely MOO cards = I am a happy home crafter who dabbles in all sorts, currently crochet. I would accompany my handmade treasures with a little card, thanking folk for their purchase and wish them a happy day.
I wish you a happy day and thank you for the lovely giveaway. I do have high hopes I will be a lucky recipient of said goodies. xx
sarajburgess [at] yahoo [dot] com [dot] au
I think for my business cards I would purchase one of those neato Sharp crochet hooks and pick up some embroidery thread and crochet the edges.
Scallops, picot, etc.
That would make them stand out, right?
And your book?! Yes, please...
Of course I forgot to leave my email...peanutandpistachio@gmaildotcom
A flip flop card! I remember as a little kid how kool a picture was when you discovered it flip flopped the image! That would stand out and be shweet!!
The chance to win a Dottie book?
And 100 cards from Moo?
Oh my! What will it take or took,
Whatever can I do?!
Tif says "tell us one way,
your card would stand alone"...
...I scratch my head and look around,
dear dog is busy with her bone.
I think my little business card
should be bold and be proud
it should feel brave and strong
to stand out from the crowd.
Because, dear Tif and lovely Dan,
my work is filled with care,
it’s important work and although not loud,
it’s message I would share.
And so I think my card would sing
a tale of business bold,
in gorgeous classic imagery
and text both new and old.
As it turns out I am quite tall
and so if all else fails
I could hold my card up high - above my head,
above the crowd, standing out up in the sky!
Thanks for the hope of a chance of winning - hip hip hooray indeed!
:) Mia (
I use a photo of one of my art quilt and on the back the following: 'dream big, laugh often, create daily, love who you are'
Oh wow, amazing giveaway and hooray hurrah for 5 years of dottie angel! I think it was about 2 or 3 years ago when I first discovered your world and am so very happy I did :)
I sew things and am very addicted to fabrics both new and vintage. I think I would gather up all my favourite scraps and selvedges and use those on my cards (if I should be so lucky to win this). Fingers crossed!
I know this isn't a vote-for-your-response but if I could, I vote Carolyn Olivia Dodson-King to win. She got me when she referred to herself as little ole Moi. I love her too. so many fabulous responses and so many talented people.
Have a great day
Yes, at last a giveaway for any one ay the globe! Thank you!
Love your blog and would surely love your book:)
As for the bussines cards, Iwould put there a nice photo of a cross stich or knitting project, with a nice vintage style frame, It would look great with the nice things I make.
my mail: liat1hh(at)gmail(dot)com
Oh Dottie, this is a marvellous gift !!!
and if you accept people from others country, I'll try to convince you...
I dream about a professional with my draw, my crow draw , that I'd realized in February last year (perhaps a sign)
It is my compagnon of sew...
thnaks a lot for this possibility
I wouldn't use them as business cards because I don't have a business! But they are very cute and would make great gift tags - or mini cards (stuck on a bigger card) - ooh I'd love to win this!!
hi Tiff (and dan !) . I have just opened but not stocked my Etsy shop -Little Ethel - it will be filled with needlefelted models of a wee girl called Ethel dressed up in many different disguises such as a snail , narwahl etc .
I do not have Moo cards for this shop so the timing would be perfect!
As for making them stand out ,there would be a cute photo of Ethel on each of them and a fact about the creature she is dressed up as .
As you know Tiff you have inspired me to get the sewing machine out - so would have to stitch around the card and add a teeny tiny button in the corner and maybe thread with a little butchers twine to attach to Little Ethel.
Can i just say good luck with choosing - don,t envy you there !!!
Wow this is a fun give-away.
If I ever had 100 Moo cards for my personal use I'd probably add a little tree and a tag on in that leaves space to add something handwritten... that I'll do.
In my heart of hearts, I would be most delighted if I were chosen to be one of the lucky recipents of your beautiful book and the MOO business cards.
The cards would need a little pair of wings (fashioned by my own fair hand) so they could fly on a spring breeze into the hearts and homes of my family and friends with a little note of happiness and love attached.
Congratulations on the continued success of Dottie Angel and I wish you many more years of contented crafty endeavours!
What a gorgeous give away and one that I hope I am lucky enough to win.
I think I would like my cards to say something like "How does a cup of tea sound?" and I could mail them out to friends (or give to new people I meet) so that I got to see more of the people I love.
Plus everyone loves receiving something in the mail!
Fingers crossed.
I would use the Moo cards for an Easter hunt treasure trail around the garden. There would be photos and clues of all my family's favourite things such as teddies, sweets, and fave outfits on the cards with a simple clue on the back as to where the next card can be found, leading each of them on their individual treasure trail around the garden. They will eventually find a fab gift at the end....ohh and my fab gift to myself at the end of my own trail would be your lovely inspirational book!
I would then make each series of cards into special 'favourite things' bunting for my girls bedrooms.
my business card would stand out because i would make them for the hubby how wants to start a business. they would have pictures of chainsaws and tools. his speciality.
If I was to win this competition of yours sweet Bambi girl then I would like my cards to be used as a family keepsake.
Their first mission would be to be as wedding invites ( my hubby and I are getting married this autumn.)
After they have played their happy role in our big day I would make a little cover for each one and use the new blank page to make invites for our children's christenings. (Were planning on having 4!)
These sweet little cards would then be wrapped safely in tissue paper with dried flowers (from both events) all kept in my treasure box.
They could then be brought out for anniversary's such as ruby weddings etc!
When we are on our way to some place other than this world our family will have a special keepsake of all our happy events and times.
Each new page could be stapled in so the card would read from most recent event to the oldest event.
(A bit like a flip-book. Hope you get what I mean!!!)
Dottie Angel and Moo will live on forever this way. And the cards may even get a trip to the moon when all us humans go to live there!
My grandchildren will then be able to tell all the other space beings about the mega old competition that granny entered to win these cards.
I can see lots of silver critters 'ooing' and 'awing' over your gorgeous blog now!!!!
Forever yours you funky clog wearing chick:))
Hello Tiff
If you chose me as a winner than I would use the Moo cards to print out a lovely and interesting message to someone far away from me.
100 messages in 100 bottles would set sail from various shores around the globe.
Then all we would need to do is to sit back and wait.
100 penfriends would be made worldwide and because of you, lots of island stranded peeps would be able to make there way home.
Dottie Angel and Moo would reach world-wide acclaim and recognition by saving lives and bringing lost ones home <3
Better get your best pinny on girlie- I can see us on the 6 o clock news now lol.
Love Ginny
I have been eye balling your book for a while now! its AMAZING and would adore to own it!!!! I loooooove that moo lets you put a different image on each card!!! thats fantastic! My shop name is Hellcat Mama and I make clothing and other random tidbits. I have a whole slew of vintage halloween and valentines day cards that I have been wanting to scan into my computer but I have never thought of any reason to sit down and actually take the time to do that! but If I one one side would have my shop contact info with a picture that my lovely man painted of a lady with teal with and tattoos sewing and the other side I would have a vintage card image, they have the most cheesiest saying on them its impossible to read them and not smile! plus who says it has to be the season to enjoy some cute cards they are adorable enough to be year round! on some of them I might also leave blank on one side so I can write on them and send a personal message to my customers, such as "I hope you have a super duper fantastic day and LOVE LOVE your new outer space skirt!" :) you can contact me thru hope you have a spectacular rest of the day! :D
Hello Tif,
I didn't know about Moo's cards but for your description, and after taking a tour through their site, I perfectly understood the admiration on your written words.
About the question you make... As a crochet designer / artisan, I think that the best way to make my cards stand out, would be putting a simple crochet graphic on one side (created by me exclusively for the cards) with my brand's name and, who knows, maybe a small place in the corner for the item's price. On the other side of the card I would put the explanation of the graphic and the stitches, against a soft texturized background! That way, whoever bought or get one of my pieces as a presente, could enjoy doing a little bit of crochet and maybe become addicted to it!
Happy birthday and once again: I wish you lots of creativity, always, so you can amaze and inspire us with the beatiful things you do!
Thank you for this opportunity,
Have a wonderful day *.*
My contact:
First of all - thx for being such an inspiration! (I can't hurt to be nice here ;))
I'd use one of my drawings on my cards, It would be be a doodle I did when we lost our first born Gustav. he is the reason im creating today - he's my inspiring angel!
I love my Moo cards which have copies of my artwork on them. If I won I would put little notes of encouragement on them because I've been know to leave handpainted notecards around town as little random acts of kindness. Have a beautiful day!
i would love some new moo card- and your book too! i love that they have recycled cards and to make mine unique- hmm... i would maybe glue some sequins, vintage lace, buttons and or a little feather onto a lovely vintage photo?? it would be a little gift with my product. who knows- i just love moo! :) welliewalks at g mail dot com
Wonderful giveaway and congrats on your anniversary :) I already se Moo and know how great their goodies are but to make my cards stand out I just have Bee happy on one side like my blog header. Who can resist a smile from such a cute phrase :)
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
I would look to own a copy of your book Tif! And I think Moo cards are wonderful, we love to swap them at club gatherings.
Regarding ideas to make ones business card stand out- its all about functionality.
~Have your card feature a scan bar to link to your site, ;)(think big)
~Card option to peel apart and reveal a sticky backing for well, sticking onto things
~Laminate card,punch hole in corner and make it a key chain
~Along with your contact info and card photo, print in bold block letters (along one short end of the card) one word of what your business/service is about, for example: SOAPS
Ann C
My cards would be simple snippets of my own photography of vintage items on one side and the other side would be a vintage fabric print with my web site embroidered on.
*A big thank you for this moovellous giveaway*
Oh, I hope you understood that I meant a photo of my web site embroidered on vintage fabric, not actually embroidered on the card....!
Hi Tif,
I would put my favorite piece of work in front of the card. I´m patching together fabric, doilies, stitchings and so on on big collages. And then I would stitch on every card for the uniquness. And find some great words for saying "thanks". And then give it every woman and her dog... (I like this expression, I´m from germany, and if you translate this it´s so funny...)
So, thank you, dear, for this opportunity to win such great things!!!
with many love, tanja.
Dear Tif and MOOers...
Congratulations on the 5-year mark! Thank you bunches for adding it all to our days here too! We (daughter Lydia and I) do so enjoy reading your posts and sharings and goings-on at the Mossy Shed. Many laughs have been shared (and tears too), but mostly brightness and smiles added to our days. Your book looks lovely and one day I will own a copy and peruse its pages whenever I want to relax and sip some tea in my getaway garden. As far as have I missed all the MOO-ing going on? Adorable cards and either way, I just may have to get me some of them!!! I will begin at once to get some photos put aside as a wish file.
If I could have a MOO card I think it would have to have some comforting pastoral photos of places I like or a few from my simple blog and then I'd put some inspirational quotes on the back, things to make one get up,get motivated, get on with life without Eeyore sighing and graying about! Life is so full of what you call 'crappity crap' and it is good to know someone thinks you are the 'bees knees' or that they believe in you and love you. I'm sure my idea is not original, but I think life ought to be filled with 'doing unto others as you would have them do unto you." For me, that's what it's all about!
May you be blessed with many more years of 'beavering' and creative joy!
I would promote my upcycled vintage makes with my etsy banner on one side and on the other i would have a cute pic and inspirational quote to brighten and insprire someones day...mindfull living or Mary oliver are favs at present. I would use them as tags at sales and it would be a very proud moment to be handing them out to visitors to our craft stall. I would give your book to my amazing sewing friend as i already have it myself and she is often wishing for her own copy xx
anoymous is xx
in order to my my business card stand out, I would ensure that the design is simple. I want the recipient to have a design(ad free on one side) they want to display on the fridge or peg board. that is a way to ensure you are always hanging around...
Hi Tif - to make my MOO cards stand out from the crowd I would make them a little stool to stand on. I am five foot nothing and often get lost in crowds. On the plus side being small it's much easier to nip in between people and the like. My six-foot other half tries to follow me and he gets all sorts of huffs and tuts :)
What a lovely giveaway I have always wanted some moo cards to call my own. I would make mine stand out by making them collectors item so you would have to collect the set to make up a mystery picture, or if possible make them 3d so you would wear special glasses to see it come to life. Can you do that mr moo?
I LOVE moo cards and have ordered them time after time for my two Etsy shops. I like the variety of images that I can feature, which makes my cards more interesting as you shuffle thru them. I also like to take a wax paper sandwich bag and cut them in half. I then zig zag stitch the cut side to make an envelope (with one open end) using colorful thread. I hot glue a vintage bingo market on one end. I tuck my card inside for a tiny special package. Great giveaway..crossing my fingers!
Oh what a lovely giveaway! Your book has been on my wishlist ever since it came out and to design my very own moo cards would be so much fun!
As I already have some business cards, I love the idea of making tags out of them. I would make tags with pictures of my favorite vintage fabrics that I hoard and have a hard time cutting into with happy sayings on them. Then I could tuck them in orders and use them to wrap pretty packages.
Happy five years! I love your shop and I love coming here to find out what is going on in the world of dottie angel.
texture and colour does it for me!!! It has to be tactile. and ooooh I would just love a copy of your book, I have not seen this here in NZ
congrats on the anniversary of your shop, well done you - see you just have to do it huh.. "build it and they will come"
Well, I just popped over to MOO and what nice work they do. (Is is wrong to say I've never heard of them?)
I think if I were to order business cards, it would be fun to make the card look like one of those silly flyers one sees in the laundrymat, at the library, and the local coffeeshop. The kind which has all the little tabs cut at the bottom and you can tear one off. Or perhaps I would just have them printed with the words, "For just one minute, stand here and stare at the sky and notice how awesome life is." Or something like that. Or, being a homeschool mom, maybe I would have calling cards made with our phone number and email address, that way I could give them to other moms that I meet.
Anyway, thanks for the great giveaway. I am keeping fingers and toes crossed that I might be one of the lucky ones!
(rose at thelaughingmonkey dot com)
If I wanted to make my cards stand out... i would pop a dandy photo of my girl on the front> Her name is Betty and she is a 70's retro ice cream van... she is oh soooo pretty and drips in pretty bunting and gorgous floral print oilclloth x she would make the perfect picture on a little card xx take a peep[ at my girl
i adore all your work and love love to own some Dottie cards and a special Dottie book... I would carrythis copy on every journey Betty and I make together x we might even pop it on our table so our customers could drool over it whilst enjoying an ice cream or too xxx
I'm a huge fan of moo! Their products are top notch.
I'd like to use the business cards like artist trading cards. Images of my collages on one side and my info on the back. Hand them out as lil gifts to people I meet.
Just recently discovered your's lovely!
A most useful giveaway Tiff!
I am approaching the end of my little pile of Moo mini cards so this could be of great benefit to Moi and my little burgeoning business.
My Moo cards have bought me great things so far and with this in mind I going to stick with my most lovely original design.
I would even hand them out in just the same manner,with the very same hopes and dreams for the future.
It's very hard to stand out from the crowd when your small - so I would advise my mini moo's to try the following:
1, be bright & loud (but considerate & polite of course)
2, Be open & true to themselves (so refreshing)
3, failing that, just give everyone in the 'crowd' a big smile & firm handshake and ask them how their day has been :)
Congrats on five years! What a milestone and what a generous giveaway. I just started reading your blog and really love your aesthetic.
Great question to get the juices flowing! I am thinking of starting up a wee-little biz myself so in my brainstorm, I thought of the name of the biz. It would be a play on the I spy game. Still rolling it over in my mind tho'...
I think a great way to make the cards stand out would to be to have a die-cut design (like a frame that you could hold up to things you see in real time, framing the things that you spy). I also really love origami and pop-up books so interactive cards that turn into something else are also crazy amazing design in my opinion. Thanks :)
What a perfectly wonderful giveaway! My moo business cards would include a version of my blog banner photo with the hope that someone might recognize it upon receipt of the card or that they may possibly carry the card home and use it to find my blog and etsy shops. (mini moos go with my etsy shop items - they are awesome for that purpose). Thanks so much to you & Moo. xo -amy
Oh Tif what a long way to the bottom of the comment page...
I would like my business cards to mean more than just "business"...
I would like them to feel kind of a trinket that would not just be carried around in a purse but pinned up,tacked up or just plain stuck up...
I would make sure that my little creative cards of granny goodness would stretch across the ponds and see the world far and wide...go to places that I only dream of...
and spread the word...
Loving The Vintage...Handcrafted Granny Goodness...for all dears great and small...
ooooo can you hear the excitement!? it's there! i will be using my moo cards, should i be lucky enough to win, for fun farmy photos....some to give away as tags, others to promote whatever little event i might plan to sell my wares here at the farm. i have wanted and wanted and wanted moo cards...they are divine! please reach me at exciting! moo cards AND the best book possible for peachy fun.
Oh my, my, my!! I have two books on my uttermost wanted list, lo and behold both authors are kindly hosting giveaways for them (Homespun Style is the other :) Tonight is a night for giveaway entries and crossed fingers.
I'm a fan of MOO too, and have yet to get round corners cards. They do make fabby labels for fabby wares, but (seeing dottie angel and MOO together) a little garland springs to mind... a few rounded corners cards with my favourite granny chic snaps stitched together, et voilà , instant happiness!
just something simple for me, a picture of a barn with a gate, for our future farm gate sales & a tear off bottom for a free item on your next visit, or turn it into a member card to earn points to spend at the gate.
i would especially love a copy of your book, everything you make is so girly & pretty.
I have a vegetable garden business in Dallas, Texas. I have five gardens I have started from the ground up. I plan, plant, toil, and also harvest for these rich folks here. I also speak on the subject and consult with many eager folks but, when I hand them my card they are always dirty! I think maybe that should be part of the idea. Somehow just have them tattered and weathered and full of dirt. Or at least look that way.
I made your Valentines with old book pages and scrap paper.Darling! I washed my hands before though!
Lori Martinez
I am a little trepidatious leaving this know how sometimes saying something makes it real, breathes it to life? I kind of feel like that about this giveaway, because I'm one of those people who dreams big, but is maybe not quite built for the nerve those big things take, and need a kick in the pants to push myself. SO, I am taking this wee giveaway as that kick in the pants.
Should I be so lucky as to win (and don't think I haven't spent much time on the moo site building potential cards before this!)I would make my cards stand out by making them my creative coming out party, my announcement to all that I have dreams that go beyond crafting on the corner of my couch, that I believe my creations are worth sharing with similar souls. Yep, if I win, I will create ecstatic, hopeful, cozy wonderful cards for my very first steps into the world of etsy shops!
Now I've said it. It must be real. Eek!
Hello Dottie,
one way i would make my business card stand out from the crowd is to use it as "Love cards" for my man. We are going to marry in June, and it would be my present to him. On each card, there would be written another reason why I love him... wouldn`nt it be nice.
Many greetings from Germany
Hi Tiff,
Sarah from Sunny Guernsey here, I love this giveaway, I have your book, or should say had, my sister borrowed it and I am still awaiting its return, so if I got another one then she could keep your wonderful book and we would both be tres happy!
On the business cards, I am doing my first ever craft fayre in March and this would make all my lovely crocheted bits look tre professional! I would get out my trusty camera and take some pics and these would be by business card labels, with pics of my crafts on the front and a space to write a message on the back.
guernseygirlgetscrafty dot blogspot dot com
thank you for such a marvellous giveaway.
much love and joy
sarah xxx
What a great giveaway! I have only just heard about Moo cards - love them, and of course it would be fab to win one of your pretty books.
I'm just starting out a little textile craft business featuring my machine embroidery on handmade products for children and adults alike.
My cards would have to feature close up photographs of my embroidery. Each one would be a different colour combination of threads. The back of the cards would have a co-ordinating polka dot print and the all important caption will say 'happily ever after' - symbolising that my work will last and be loved.
Best wishes and Happy 5 years :-)
Although it is nearly a year since the big earthquake in our city in New Zealand, it's still hard. I don't want my 20-something daughter, Elsie Violet, to leave town like so many others.I would give her the business cards as she is starting to establish herself as a theatre and arts producer. I know she would put photos from "The Great Piratical Rumbustification" and some of her other styley pieces on them.
As for me, I would just love to win your book as it is my birthday today!
Thanks for everything,
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Hello Miss Tiff!!!!
I so love your blog!! The MOO cards is something I have always wanted to do ! I have read sooo many great ideas here!!
--Great Job fellow Granny Chic-ers!!--
I would follow the idea of printing some of my collage work... and some of my garden pictures..and then alter them by sewing them through the machine! I would keep A couple to use as Bunting! as I am in love with stringing things from every room!
Congrats on your anniversary! I have been a fan for Many years now! coming over from good ol bench Mondays! keep up the silly ness as it always makes me giggle a bit inside!
Vanessa Johanning
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