Thursday, August 25

easy peasy with a bit of twitchy...

today i am super duper twitchy with a hint of fretting... Our #2 appears to be in the path of Hurricane Irene. i had thought she was not, but then my man confirmed this morning that indeed she is.

so to deal with my twitchy ways (which could go on all day and then i would not have achieved anything at all other than a whole load of twitching and fretting) i thought i would show you my easy peasy how-to for jars brought back from the brink of the recycling bin. then tonight when my man comes home and asks me "Tif, what madness have you been up to today?" i may respond with "a bit of twitching, quite a bit of fretting and then a 'how-do' on glass jammy jars"

so shall we?

indeed such is the easy peasyiness of it, i have not even bothered with 'how-to' pics. i will just list the ingredients, a few steps and some piccies of the little glass lovelies in their 'voila' glory

*different shaped glass jars and their lids ~ if you do not have any then i suggest you look in your fridge or store cupboard and decant the inners, soak off the labels and feed your clan with an exotic offering of jar inners later today

*spray paint which adheres to metal ~ take a looky along the aisles of your craft or DIY center and check what is written on the side of the can. choose happy colours

*vintage floral decals ~ i have used Meyercord ones. if you are lucky you may find them in a thrift store or estate sale, but i have never had such luck. therefore i go looking for them in the vintage aisles of Ebay and Etsy. there are some very spiffy ones, i was rather taken with a little lamb i came across once, but alas i could not think of a place to stick a little lambie in Our Shed. i shall wait until i am official Granny material and then buy a vintage lamb decal

*clear gloss spray ~ for the purpose of sealing your decal and making everything look spiffy and shiny.

hey ho, lets go...

the recipe:
1. take your clean lids and spray paint them with your spiffy coloured spray paint.
2. patiently wait for them to dry, then repeat, and wait again for them to dry.
3. check they are super duper dry, do not be impatient like me or you will be filled with regret.
4. cut out your decals, making sure each one fits its intended lid nicely.
5. follow decal instructions for adhering. basically soak in warm water and then carefully slip it off its backing paper onto the lid.
6. with a soft cloth, dab at your decal, removing any water and old glue from the edges, sometimes because of the age it can be a little too gluey.
7. be careful with your dabbing, the decals are delicate and will slide around.
8. allow to dry, twiddle your thumbs, do not touch your decal. if you must, then be very kind and considerate towards your drying decal.
9. when everything is dry, coat the whole lid in a nice shiny coat of clear gloss spray.
10. and wait again. the wait will be worth it. upon dryness, reunite your spiffy floral jar lids to their glassy bottoms and cluster them together.
11. perhaps fill your jars with pretties. perhaps do not let others use them, perhaps only allow them to be admired from a distance. yes perhaps that would be best.

Mr Postie has just arrived and she is thinking how surreal to think she is a published author ~ Tif

footynote: gold sticky star for "i spy with my little eye something beginning with L O" :)


Sarah said...

OOooh, Tif they are super luvverly!!

Hope your #2 stays safe....

S x

silly old suitcase said...

Just so lovely made, nice colours you used for those lids!


Vicki K. said...

Little Olive on new sofa!

Fran said...

These are absolutely beautiful! I hope your 'no2' is ok and that you needn't fret much longer.x

La Crochetnauta said...

Very nice!!!!!. Good idea.

Lady Crochet said...

What a lovely idea! Thanks for sharing it Dottie!. Love your crafts and creativity!

The Aqua Nest Team said...

this is the bestest best tutorial i have EVER seen! thank you thank you!!!!!! im so excited to try this!

Roxy said...

Love it! I'm going to try this one day, or at least something very similar to it. :)

Natasha said...

First...ConGrats...Second thanks for the like for the decals as I love to paint jar lids. Third hmmm gold sticky star, yes, L= loveseat and O= Olive? maybe not just a guess.

Em said...

These tins are a lovely idea! Love the post... Em from

Megan said...

Here on the east coast of FL we are happy Irene will miss us, but we are concerned about those further up the coast. Hoping you #2 will be safe.
Oh, and yes, the jar lids are simply marvelous!!

Katie said...

I do spy a Little Olive quite happily nestled on the sofa!

MarmaladeRose said...

L O , hmmm surely thats got to be Little Olive snoozing on the sofa. Did I win, did I get the gold sticky star? A gold star and a tick maybe?

Loving the jar lids but far too much waiting around for me. I'm far to impatient.

dottie angel said...

ha ha hee hee! yes gold sticky stars and a tick for sure!
tis hot here today, can you tell ;)

have just texted (having to learn quickly) Our #2 and she is fine and dandy. will possibly evacuate tomorrow, not sure yet... thank you for the good thoughts.

indeed megan, not a day goes by when some part of this world fills us with concerned thoughts it would seem :)

naughty shorts! said...

I'm sure your number 2 will be safe x

Rose said...

What a spiffy idea! I remember those decals from the 70's. Off to search...

folk city said...

You spy Little Olive, of course.

Miss Holly said...

these are so so so great!!! I will be trying this out for sure....we are also in the path of Irene.........Not to happy about that....

Sharon Stanley said...

i see her.....with my little eye.....and she is divine.

Teresa Kasner said...

Tif, love the jar lids. I actually hand-painted my jar lids of my big vintage pickle jars that look like "kegs". With blue paint and colored flowers and green vines. I must find those in the basement somewhere.

My best momma thoughts are with you on #2.

((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Frances said...

Hello from New York, where we are told we had an earthquake this week (felt nothing) and might get a dose of Hurrican Irene this weekend. (Might be a ploy to sell additional quarts of milk...these hurricane warnings.)

I do like your way of pretty recycling of pleasingly shaped glass jars with metal lids.

Trying to remember, and think that I am remiss in not congratulating on your book. I'll be on the lookout for it. Promise.


catnap said...

Published! Congrats!!
Decorated jars are amazingly beautiful and add a sense of cohesiveness to their designated spot that I wouldn't have anticipated.
Indeed, the sofa is well guarded against alien invasion. Someone has to do it. Good thing LO does not see the other one, on the other sofa...

Unknown said...

What a great idea! I've got a cupboard full of jars, just need to find something to put in them now....
Hope your #2 is well and safe.

wood & wool stool said...

Why do I read this just now,
after I've been at the bottle bank
with a bag full of glass jars...
I'm saving pots again, so I can make your supercute jars. x Ingrid

allie' peachy' jane said...

Poor Tif, I know how you feel my DH was in Japan when that terrible sunami hit. But I kept postitve through out. Just keep in close a contact as you can. It worked for me. Even if it was by Skype and satalite phone!!!! Bigg huggs. I love those jars I have some sticky on wallpaper hearts that I got off the market last week 72 for a pound!!!!! so thanks for the ideas!!! Yet again....................Allie 'peachy' Jane

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the DIY, love those gorgeous jars! Glad to hear your dd is safe! hope the twitching has stopped :)

Anonymous said...

what lovely jars, brilliant way of recycling!

Allana said...

Great colours! Thanks for sharing, they look so sweet :)
I've had your gorgeous book on pre-order since Nov - soooo excited! xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely lovely idea and so simple too :) I hope everything worked out ok with your number 2 x

Eleni said...

Can yo uput my sticky star on my bag, please? She's on the sofa :)

Hope your #2 stays out of the way!

Carol said...

Lovely Little Olive blending into the super duper new sofa, doesn't she look content.
I have the jars, I have the lids.......... mmmm, will have to make sure the brain cell remembers to buy paint.
Have a great weekend, I know you will be worrying about #2 but I'm sure she will be safe n sound, hope everyone else in Irene's path keeps safe too.
Carol xx

PeregrineBlue said...

super duper project

michelle said...

They are freaking awesome! What a very cool idea, I especially love the blue one.

Anonymous said...

prayers for everyone's safety.

and congratulations on the book.


dottie angel said...

so many gold sticky stars i had to open a new packet! brilliantly brilliant my fine and dandy 'i spy' dearies :)

just heard from Our #2, they rode out the hurrican in their dorm rooms on the coast, in the early hours of today and from what the news has said, the coastal town she is in could have been hit so much worse, many are with out electricity and yes there is damage, but so far everyone is safe...
fingers crossed for all those waiting for Irene, you are in my thoughts :)

and thank you kindly for your generous comments

Xi said...

What beautiful colors.
I loved the idea of ​​decorating the bottles.
Thank you very much for sharing.

Warm regards from Chile

OnePerfectDay said...

They're perfect!!

Greedy Nan said...

I might even attempt this - and get it donE!

Maize Hutton said...

Oh my! Now I need to add vintage flower decals to my thrifting list!

Madison said...

OOh! Gorgeous. I love the colours your chose.

Madison xxx

Martha Faƫ said...

I loooooove those lids, will surely try to get some free time to paint some for myself :) Great blog!!!

boobooskins said...

Goooorgeous! Definitely going to try this one x

Janne said...

Your lids look fab. and I just love the way you write. Really entertaining!

Greetings from Janne in Norway.

BluBee said...

How lovely to find that I am not the only person who likes jars! I have several nice ones with ugly lids that I keep them mostly for jam making but now you have given me this great idea for lids they will get used for all kinds of things! I have seen this site, where you can buy all sorts but also they do a plain waterslide inkjet decal paper to print your own.The possibilities are endless,thanks for sharing!

Jules said...

Oh cute!!!!!

tereska said...

What type of decals do you use for this project? Can they be found at the craft store? Thank you for your wonderful and creative ideas ;-)

dottie angel said...

search for meyercord vintage decals on etsy or ebay and that should help you :)

MoobLuver said...

I'd like to add a suggestion(I didn't read every comment so I hope I'm not repeating anyone.)

You can also use fake tattoos in the same manner. Fake tattoos also work well on duct tape.

I hope my tip will allow you to explore more crafts! God Bless :)