Tuesday, September 2

school's in...

and so dear readers you may recall at the beginning of the school vacations i was not embracing ten weeks with my little brood as willingly as i should have been...today is the first day back to school and i have to tell you that i am aching inside.
the summer with my little sprogs has passed in the blink of an eye and now my little nest is cold and empty...it has been a big morning for three of my 'dears' starting new schools...i am quite sure they are perfectly okay, it is their mother who requires a 'stiff drink' to make it through. i told my man that i am not cut out for these moments in motherhood...he doesn't get my need to run out the door shouting "don't go, come back...stay with me forever...", he is most definitely the 'hard center' in the candy box, i am the soft one...

and so today i feel it fitting to show you what our #4 got up to last week...

my friend Suzanne is a crafter extraordinaire and even more fabulous, she has a rare gift of knowing how to teach children to sew. i'm not talking the 'hand sewing thing' here, but the 'sewing machine thing'...and even better she runs summer camps for all the budding crafters of the next generation to learn some skills.

our #4 went for three days and in that time he learnt to use a rotary cutter, an iron, an unpicker (his favorite thing) and a sewing machine (without his mother hovering)...some other impressive skills he acquired...to put a zipper in and applique. by the end of the camp, he was the proud creator of a patchwork, appliqued pillow and ugly monster...i was the proud mother of a boy with sewing skills.

i have to tell you, i get a kick out of knowing my ten year old can put a zipper in a cushion cover, something i have never achieved...i get a kick out of the fact he is a 'boy' taking sewing lessons (whether that's right or wrong) and i get a kick out of him coming home and saying "i feel it's time you got a Bernina like Suzanne, i think i'll save up for one...they run so much better than your machine, no offense."

it's not even nine in the morning, i have been awake since four...thinking about my kids and their first day, making new friends, getting to know a different school...and then dear readers it happened, the unthinkable...my brain started to drift towards more crafty thoughts and by golly, i do believe i have found what i lost a while back...

yes it is true, she has found her crafting mojo ~ Tif


Betz White said...

my sweet boy let me teach him to knit this summer! :) Proud mama am I. Love the crafty boys.


Gigibird said...

No offence but I think you should get a Bernina.....out of the mouths of babes.....
He sounds quite a catch even at 10.....applique and putting in a zip....I think I might start emailing him for tips:)
Take comfort from your fur babies and get on your inferior sewing machine and fill up your Dottie Angel shop.

Hear Me Roar! said...

The world can ALWAYS use more boys who know the benefit of a good sewing machine, so you're actually doing the next generation a favor. I feel behind, since my #1 hasn't quite been let behind the wheel of my machine yet. Mental note: Must find sewing teacher for 9 year old daughter. Yippee!

pinkgreen said...

Hope the first day back went ok for you all. It is always worse for the mums left at home wondering what they are all up to without us. Our first day back is tomorrow - I don't know where the time goes. I'm sure by Friday it will feel like we've never had a break.
Cathy XX

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see where that mojo takes you!

I'm envious of your son. I wish I knew how to put a zipper in. I'm thinking this will be the winter I start to sew. I can feel it!

I wish you a speedy adjustment to your quiet-during-the-school-day nest! My days aren't so quiet, yet, but it isn't easy letting go.

~ Jennifer

kat said...

hurrah for boys! my 10yo loves to embroider, & is (oh so slowly)crocheting himself a scarf. he also loves to hand-stitch pillows for people, but um they fall apart if one uses them. or looks at them. but still!

i'm sorry you're saddened by the kids going back to school. (she whispers: homeschool) ;-)

Michelle said...

while reading your post it brought back thoughts of whats been happening around my house as my oldest has moved out and i'm having a lot of emotional thoughts swimming in my head as a result.
my 11 year old boy, i am now home schooling (something i never though would really happen) i was always hoping that he would just settle in eventually, but alais it truly didn't work and we realized it was best for him in the end to do it at home...
i really can't put a zipper in but i'm trying to learn and you must be so proud of your son.i love it when the boys are just as good as the girls (and by the sounds of it better).the camp sounds like a fantastic idea, we should have more things like that available for all kids...

Anonymous said...

Ace monster! And cushion. Thanks for showing them to us.

Bella N

Louise said...

Wow, I'm so impressed. What a great class for a boy to go to - good for him. I LOVE his work.

Francesca said...

your 4 is so funny! that's the sweetest thing. glad your mojo is back, looking forward to it's fruits!

dottie angel said...

i shall be sure to tell my pal Suzanne just how wonderful everyone thinks her sewing camps are...

Tif :)