Saturday, September 20

saturday, fortysomething...

dear readers, i have found the perfect way to get through one's first day of forty...
just drink a 'Tifini' or 'two' the night before and wake feeling so hungover that you mistakenly believe you are '22' again. except one is not because if one was '22' again, one would most definitely not be standing in the pouring rain watching two kids soccer matches and trying very hard not to 'throw up''s just perfect, i was so busy focusing on feeling 'rather crappy', i forgot to focus on 'feeling forty'...

now the evening is upon me, i am feeling slightly more 'human' (as long as no one squeaks louder than a mouse) and have even mustered up some energy to unwrap my gift...quite frankly, after cremating a grilled cheese sandwich earlier in the week, i have no idea what my man was thinking...

i am now the proud owner of a 'panini maker'...

she's keeping a stiff upper lip about being forty and counting her blessings ~ Tif
footnote: please note photo was taken in my heady 'carefree youth' of last week and not in my 'maturing years' of today...


rkdsign88 said...

Well don't worry, looks like your forty life is just even getting better than your twenty :)

Unknown said...

Happy Fortysomething - enjoy it all! Love, love the pic btw!

Michelle said...

congrats you made it...
hangovers are the worse.i try to only have a couple of drinks at my birthday and special occasions because of it.
i'm not good at feeling like crap and having kids in my hear yelling "mum". said...

Gorgeous, and congratulations on making it over the hump! Its all good from here on in! Rachaelxo

Sarah J. said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good time- what a shame you caught a '24 hour virus' the next day. Tony always catches seems to catch one too...

Diane said...

Welcome to the dark side.

Louise said...

Happy, happy 40th!! I loved turning 40 (several years ago) after being told by a palm reader that my life would become much more interesting. And boy, was he right!! Embrace it and LOVE it - you look fabulous!

Francesca said...

but the panini maker probably at least has some kind of 'ding' to tell you well it's done no? i don't think even a hungover forty year old tif could **** that up.
am i allowed to star-swear on your blog?

i had a hangover yesterday from one and a bit v&t. i'm just not cut out for it anymore.

hope you had a great night. x

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday for Saturday!

So, you've given up the rock and roll lifestyle of knitting on the sofa...

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! You're beautiful at 40! Just think of how full your life is now. I'd love to hear a post about where Dottie was at 22. I'd do one myself if I weren't just 29 but maybe at 30 I'll do one on being 20. These last 10 years have changed everything and I'd never go back.

Hear Me Roar! said...

Happiest of Birthdays to you Tif!

kristin said...

happy birthday!! you gave me a good laugh with the soccer scenario. and in that photo, you don't look a day over 25 :) xx

Kristen said...

What a BEAUTIFUL picture, everything about it is makes me not feel so bad about being forty & even makes me want to take a knitting class :)