Tuesday, September 9

no time...

i have to tell you it is proving a wee bit difficult to find time to post on my little blog whilst being 'a good host'...i didn't want you to go thinking i had abandoned you again, so i mustered up some energy tonight just to stop by and let you know the latest goings on...
the shed is now looking most splendid in her new coat of 'prettiness' and i will be sure to show you pics very soon. i have managed to fit in a wee bit of thrifting with my in-laws but sadly i have not had time to 'craft' which i had hoped to do...my planned 'shop update' is looking further away than i had hoped but i must keep it in sight so i do not lose heart...

just before i take my weary body off to bed i would like to show you another little corner from my home that is shaping up nicely...the front hall

i managed to find an old stool (i think i am becoming addicted to little old stools) and used an old indian cushion cover, patched over with lace and fabrics to disguise a rather dodgy fabric seat...a bit of pink paint and "voila!" a perfect place to rest a while before heading out the door...
my little bit of 'hall wall' is only about four or five feet wide and i am thinking it would look very nice indeed with wallpaper but i have yet to find the right thing...although i do like the look of this

so there we go, not much to report, but the sun has been shining for over a week and it has really lifted the spirits round here...

she's sending 'sunny' thoughts to you ~ Tif
footnote: i have just read this all through and quite honestly it makes for a dull read...you are completely forgiven for 'switching off' halfway through :)


Francesca said...

ooh i love your shoes. what are you knitting in those lovely colours?

that would be lovely for the wall by the way. is it a decal? a decal might work better on a smaller wall, there are some lovely ones out there.

Michelle said...

i really like the wall design we have lots of places now stocking "decals" they call them here and they really make a impression without cover the whole space...great idea...

cupcake studio said...

Your little stool is grand!

Unknown said...

Your front hall is looking fab, and I love the idea of the wall art!

dottie angel said...

i am knitting the only thing i know how...a rectangle which will eventually be added to 'something else' to make 'something'...mysterious? it's meant to be ;)

Anonymous said...

I love your shoes! You always have such fabulous footwear.

I like the cover for your stool. It's nice to see some of your work again.

~ Jennifer

Liz Harrell said...

This is lovely! I've been really inspired by spaces like this... a little more parred down and simple than my house usually is. I've cleaned out my office and am trying my best to get this 'feel.'

Hear Me Roar! said...

I love it all: the wall decals (I find myself staring at those longingly of late), your shoes, and the awesome Japanese Craft Book-esque photo of you knitting on your stool. It's all coming together so perfectly!

kat said...

i love the photo of the front hall. it's serene, and quite lovely.