i know, i know...my absence could only mean one of two things. either i am elated and caught up in a whirlwind of moving house, or i am broken hearted again and staying under my duvet...
well i am pleased to tell you it is the former, yes dear readers we have come to an agreement on the gray house with the seller, we are waving a piece of paper in our hands that tells us so...
and more importantly after two months of waiting, my house has a sign outside the door that reads "For Sale"...
back of gray house
so i did it, i set the goal of two weeks and i managed it. "but Tif, how do you know this is the right one for you" i hear you ask, "after all you were in love with the yellow house for so long"...well, i have been doing a lot of thinking about that (oooh that's possibly very dangerous) whilst 'a vacuuming' and 'a cleaning' my house and here's what i thought...firstly i came up with lots of reasons why the gray house was a better choice, things like, closer to the kids friends, less land to take care of, i wasn't scared to use the toilets...things like that. but it was yesterday as i was standing in the gray house talking to my friend Laurie, while the inspector was doing his thing, that it suddenly dawned on me why i knew this was the right move.
every time i have visited my 'new/old mock tudor number' it has felt more and more like home, i know we could be happy there, i look around and know it has that lovely feeling about it. whereas the more i went to the yellow house i started to feel uneasy about the extent of work needed on it, the cost, how we would be living for years in a construction site...this started when my inspector broke my rose colored specs...

so that's how i know this ain't no 'rebound' romance, no siree...this is the real thing (and obviously i am counting my chickens again, but i do it so well, so why change a habit of a life time), this gray house is perfect for right now, for where my kids are right now and for where our lives are right now. it's a lovely place to rest my airstream (just a matter of time) and a few chickens...oh and we have now added a 'tree house' to the list...

yep, she's pretty made up ~ Tif
Man that land! I am glad you found your new home. Good luck with the selling of the old one!
Congrats, what a beautiful house! the setting is lovely, so green. i'm glad to hear everything is falling in place. thanks for keeping us posted!
I'm jumping for joy! You are right about the yellow house though, the ones we fall the most passionately head-over-heels for are usually the ones that disappoint us in the end once the reality sets in. Oh we MUST have some time together once your life settles a bit. I've missed you!
Look at that backyard! You definitely made the right choice!
Hey it sounds like a perfect house! The garden looks amazing too!! I am glad things are working out!!
the grey house does look amazing, bet the inside is just as lovely as the outside and garden.
The garden looks fantastic and certainly large enough for the odd chicken.....it would be lovely if your studio overlooked the garden.......
Oh my goodness tif that house is stunning! The gardens and tree's - just beautiful. It sounds as if it is all falling into place - the yellow house will be but a distant memory!
great news on the grey house! This time, last year we bought our first house, but it wasn't my first love...no that was a beautiful mid-century modern gem that required too much work and was completely impractical. I moped around for a couple of weeks until we found our current house and then it was like the fog cleared and I realised that what I had wanted, was not what I needed. Phew! :)
Oh! I'm so glad to hear that the gray house is yours!! :) yay!! Hope the move goes smoothly...
The yard looks beautiful. Good luck to you! {With the gray house and with selling.}
From here, I'd have to say you're right. The gray one looks much better, now that I've been living in a construction zone for over a month. Lol! :)
Hi Tif, I've read your cute blog for awhile without posting, but I can add my two cents to this one. I had a similar love affair with a 2 story character charmer, and made an offer that was accepted. Things were all roses until the inspector literly told us to run and don't look back at this house (which appantly had been on fire at some point, and renos were done on the cheap - a la - 2nd floor was in danger of falling onto the main floor.
Anyhoo - weeks after having our hopes crushed, we found our house, in a much better area, in much better condition, and much cuter. We're so happy we didn't get that 1st house.
It sounds like you've had the same forturne. See? Every cloud has a silver lining...and so on :-)
tif it looks gorgeous. the land is wonderful, those trees! it seems like it has a similar feeling to the yellow house, just not so ramshackle, which can only be a good thing.
looking forward to pics of the inside.
That house looks so so so so lovely, the out door area looks like its from a fairy tale with those trees. It really is wonderful! Thank you so much for the beautiful keyring you sent me, it arrived two days ago as it was forwarded from my old address now I've moved. So a gorgeous new keyring for my new house keys! Thank you for the lovely surprise!
Have you bought your new home yet? Or do you have to wait until your old home is sold? I'm a bit confused as to how things work in comparison with the UK.
Good luck!
Rosaleen xx
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that this all works out and you sell your house quickly. I think the grey house looks lovely.
Beautiful outdoors, congratulations:)
hurrah xxx
do not despair - you will get over the first love house in time but you may never forget it.....
my first house love was in a village called Marden - it was so sweet, the garden was amazing - but it was blighted by the railway!!!!
love the grey house - it looks like home already x
tracy x
the girl in Scotland who is still waiting for her grey house:(
urban doll, thanks for de-lurking and sharing your 'moving' tale...
rosaleen, yep you are right, i have to sell my house to buy the gray one...it's so different to the UK...we have a contract on contingent...basically they agree to wait until i sell my house, but of course it is always possible for someone to come in and make an offer, but we still get first refusal...it's all kinda complicated but then when has moving house ever been straight forward...send me an email with your new address...i don't have your email anymore, i cleared my inbox (oh yes so very clever) and then realized i had lost everyone's addresses :)
The garden looks wonderful, i can see you having lots of garden parties, you can drape your lovely bunting from the trees, maybe have a few "dottie angel sales" a few glasses of cava, bits of cheese and a few crackers, this is a very british way of getting folk to part with their hard earned wonger,but i am sure you already this being a brit yourself, the very best of british with the house! S X
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