'the reveal' i fear, will be some what of a disappoint...
for i have not discovered a 'fountain of youth' hidden under a mound of moss in my back yard, nor have i unearthed a pot of gold beneath Gladys, to pay for electrolysis and other such things.
no, dearest readers the only thing i have discovered is the 'art of ignoring'...
but before you start "booing" and shouting "well, that's a load of old crappity crap Tif", let me enlighten you to the ways of 'ignoring' and how it can change your perspective on life.
not only did the nostril hair of weeks back cause me to ponder deeply, but so has the 'comings and goings' of Mr Vertigo, along with the number 41 looming and also, may i add the nagging feeling i get of being 'tired'... not the usually 'tired' at the end of the day sort of 'tired' but the
"i'm just plain tired, all the time" sort of thing going on...

and so i have taken it upon myself to deal with this situation, instead of ignoring it,
(which is ironic because i'm telling you how fab the 'art of ignoring' can be... but when did i really ever make sense of anything anyway)
i have pondered the situation in my mastermind chair, inbetween my epiphany crafting moments, 'wondering and a thinking' about what i am to do. after all i have made my own nest and therefore i need to nest in it,
i have lots of children (although plenty have more than me),
i have lots of critters (once again, there are plenty with more than me)
and i have a crafting business i am so eager to take to another level and yet i do not know quite how.
the answer i believe, is to stop wasting time on things i do not wish to do any more or that cause 'negative' feelings...
with this in mind, the first to go is wasting precious time on 'my age' and how i look as a 'middle aged' person. let me assure you, i don't spend everyday thinking about it, but as i head towards another birthday, those pesky negative thoughts rear their ugly head, taunting me and mocking me when i catch my reflection...
so that's where my 'challenge' comes into the picture. for instead of seeing my 41st birthday as a bit of a 'bleep' on the horizon, i chose to use it as a marker for the start of my challenge, thus causing me to look forward to the date, even relish getting to 41 and starting on a whole year of 'challenge'... a perfect way to 'ignore' i am even 41, i will be way 'too busy' being 'busy with my challanging ways' everyday to give it a second thought. how perfect is that!!! those pesky nostril hairs can't get to me, those frown lines aren't having a last laugh anymore, oh no... for i am studying the fine 'art of ignoring' with a distraction technique called 'a challenge of the utmost kind".
so without 'further a do' i must unveil to you, what i have been twitting on about since yesterday...

now of course you are probably all thinking, well that's not such a big deal.
but i beg you to take a few minutes of your day to ponder what really is involved when choosing to buy only handcrafted and secondhand for a whole year for one's self and one's home... not the 'icing' on the cake sort of things but the heart of the nitty gritty stuff that goes into one's home and one's closet. 'the basics' if you will..
i was giddy with excitement when i decided to participate with my little brain's thoughts, as i get closer to the 'kick off' i'm not quite so giddy as 'Mr Doubt' has come knocking, trying to weaken me with thoughts of the problems that may occur along the way.
i am keeping my fingers crossed no appliances pack up on me (why oh why, i didn't change out Mrs W. Machine before this is beyond me)...
however, just to be clear, i do have two exceptions to my challenge.
1: undies and tights.
if such a time occurs that i require new undies, most doubtful as i do not care to be bothered with buying undies, then i shall be purchasing new (no need to go into the 'whys' of that one), the same goes for tights. being a skirt and dress girl, it is most important for winter that i have woolly tights to keep my 'skinny pins' warm. i have never seen these secondhand at the thrift store so i am allowing myself to purchase a new pair if an old pair is beyond darning... and trust me, most of my tights do have darned holes in them already.
2: gifts.
having talked this over with my best buddy Debbie, she assures me that i must accept a gift that is not handcrafted or secondhand. that it would be the height of bad manners to return a gift on the principle that the giver had gone to anthropologie and bought me a lovely 'something' and i tried to give it back. i think she is talking a lot of sense as usual so i'm willing to accept gifts, especially ones from anthropologie and especially around christmas time (never have i wished my man to lurk upon my blog as i wish this moment in time)
there we have it dearest readers, from sunday 20th september, i shall sally forth,
for one year becoming a handcrafted, thrifty mama... who will try very hard to get creative with her wardrobe and her home, which according to our #2 when i announced my 'challenge' isn't that impressive.
"well that's not a challenge, look around you mother, we practically live in a thrift store"
and she has a point, i feel.
she has filled her little etsy store up, not a huge amount but it's better than nothing, and remember she is ignoring the negatives and so technically her little store is 'half full' and not 'half empty' ~ Tif
Hello Tif
Good for you! It is great to read that you have set yourself this challenge and it will be really interesting for us to read how you get on with it. Of course the undies, tights & gifts have to be outside of this remit!!! Of course!!! I can't imagine anyone coveting someone else's cast off undies or tights!!
Good luck to you!
D x
You definately have to keep gifts -
only to spare the giver's feelings, of course!
(love your daughter's response)
I love your blog :)
I'm not even supposed to be on here right now. (I'm having a yard sale/Whimsical Junk sale in two days.) But I had to come see what your challenge was!
I love it! I've been 'trying' to do the same for some time now, but have slipped up when the kids have needed new clothes at the changing of the seasons (even though we thrift most of them). Secondhand jeans, without holes in them, for young children are difficult to find sometimes!
I think it's a great challenge. It really makes you stop to think about your purchases. And, when you're already an avid thrifter, it's a natural transition. Have fun and make the most of it. It's a very rewarding thing to do!
~ Jennifer
P.S. Love the new things in your shop!
Hello, I've just found your blog and it is lovely! Your positive outlook on life is so nice and refreshing. I wish you the best of luck reaching your new goal.
I love lurking around your bloggity blog...it's so comforting. Like a good cup of tea. I too witter on about M.A (mid age) and I bore myself with it so i am inclined to agree with you about the ignoring thing. But my reason for tapping away here is to say I do believe we share the same birthday and it is always nice to find a birthday twin. Mine is the 20th Sept and I'm guessing yours is too~hence the declaration?
i have noticed that all the nicest blogs are by people with birthdays in September. No bias intended but it's probably all that Virgo perfection and attention to detail.
Go girl. You can do it. And because it is a challenge you have accepted I am sure you will do it with style. Wouldn't be a bad idea for many of us. Look at 41 as being a mere 14 years from joining the over 55s and all of their privileges. I only have 8 years to go to get there. Sometimes extra facial hair growth can heve to do with ovulation problems. Might be worth having a check out but do not panic, you are bound to have increased hormone problems so they will need embracing eventually too. Most of us won't get to be grannies without getting a few wrinkles. LOL Cherrie
You go girl! Looking forward to all your beautiful creations!
Ever so uplifting. And an inspiring way to recycle.
Do love your new things.
May I please be the first to point out that it's kind of funny that you are seeing thrift store shopping as a "challenge"? You are the queen of the thrift store and second hand scores! Enjoy :)
And, middle age doesn't start until 50, right?
good luck to you! i could never pull it off. i have been known to occassionally shop at anthropologie and related shops. not sure i could give it up. plus a son who is overly into transformers.
Awesome! You can do it! My husband and I are almost 10 months into our "nothing new in '09" year, and it has been fabulous! Most gifts we've given have been locally/handmade or are off of Etsy...
And no new clothes at all since last fall! I can't believe it either...
But it's been really fun to concentrate on giving to others, and giving thoughtfully.
I wouldn't change a thing about how we've purchased (or not purchased!) things this year!
Good for you Tif, I know you love your thrifty finds but this could be a toughie!Can't wait to see how you get on! Love your daughters response too!
Rachel x
What a perfect idea! I am sure you will be rewarded with lots and lots of positive energy!
what a fabby idea miss Tif! i know you're going to have a lot of fun with this... and i know you're going to manage it beautifully, even if 'Mrs W. Machine' does take a hissy fit and test your thrifting skillls to the limit!
although i am mighty pleased to see your two exceptions to the rule, especially #1... i have to say my first thought was 'but miss Tif, what about your undies!?' ;)
oh, and your miss Debbie does have a very wise head on her shoulders... ;)
have a fabby day my dear... :)
what a wonderful idea...love you
blog &shop
That is a most excellent challenge. I'm sitting here pondering whether if at only 38 I can pull it off or if I need to wait another almost three years or only until I find a ghastly but nonetheless impressive nostril hair.
I pretty much live exclusively in/with thrifted/junkshop items but sadly pressies for some peeps just won't do from the hand-crafted realm (boo hiss!) here. I think it is a grand idea though Tif - if I could only steady my nerve to reduce my thrift-shopping it would prolly give us the equivalence of an extra room in this house - to say nothing of relieving the strain on the wardrobe doors :)
I shall mull on this as my birthday approaches ....
Oh my goodness, what a neat challenge miss dottie angel. Please, keep us informed on how it goes. I am so proud of you! Stay encouraged...your bloggy friends are behind you 800 percent!
i can just hear this in a lovely british accent... i love this. so so much.
How exciting.
Tif, I am turning 41 this year as well, and feel inspired to challenge myself too. My wardrobe and drawers are overflowing with clothes, yet I always feel I nhave notheing to wear. I am going to start with not buying anymore things til christmas.
Julie Q
How funny ~when you revealed your challenge the first thing I thought I could not do was the undies-and it was the first thing yu mentioned in your exceptions...
Good luck...I think challenges like that are a relief in a way sometimes-no pressure to buy things you don't reeaally need.
i do have high hopes that you can do it with gusto!
a very noble challenge!!! good luck!
I'm so excited about your challenge! I tried it once for two months, and it was quite fun. A lot of Anthro items have that hand made detail that makes them so wonderful. Love this idea!
Oh I love, love, love this idea. I am thinking long and hard about taking the challenge, but am not sure about what my man might think about it.
Oh...I left a comment a couple of days back and it's not showing...perhaps I was rejected! It was a nice comment, honest!
This is a great challenge...good luck. And your forties is a great decade. Go girl!
thank you so much for the challenge support...
i really really do appreciate your "you can do it" attitude!
pebbledash, i'm sorry you feel 'deleted'... i do not believe it was by my own fair hands but that of a cyber hand somewhere out there, that took it upon it's self to do it!!! thank you for coming back to me :)
Does your challenge extend to stuff you buy your kids, I am wondering about school uniform, shoes and swimsuits?
the antidote... i shall go over my challenge 'does and doesn'ts' again on monday just to clarify things...
hope that will clear things up :)
Hello! came across to your blog from Emma Lambs.
Inspiring post!
I think you will excel at this challenge from all the comments so far that I've read.
Wishing you all the luck for some triumphant finds and wishing you all the best too ;0
I just found your blog through Artsy Mama's. It is Wonderful!! Love the idea of the challenge my mom and sisters and I are thrifters/crafters. Last year we did a thrifty/crafty Christmas and it was sooooo much fun (We bought normal store bought gifts for the guys but included the kids) We set a limit and each of us exchanged thrifty goodness boxes, with loads of oohs and aahs!! The kids really got into it and had to really think about what they were going to buy their cousins. It was a great lesson in it is the thought that counts!!! Are you planning to do this with Christmas gifts also? Just wanted to know it can be a great fun challenge!!! We had so much fun last year we are doing it again this year!! (That is not to say that the kids did not get any new toys/things also they did.I think they enjoyed everything equally though.) Have Fun!!
misty, thanks for stopping by... my mind has already been drifting towards christmas. my family often to get handcrafted gifts but not so much the kids.
this year it will be different, i plan to think ahead and get 'creative and thoughtful' about it all...
thanks for inspiring us with your handcrafted christmas tale :)
Sweet Challenge! Good Luck!
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