Saturday, June 18

a bit of 'lo and beholdness' continued...

ta dah! a 'lo and beholdness' circle of crocheted goodness becomes a 'lo and beholdness' warm and woolly coat for a cold mid century stool.

yes indeedy, it never ceases to amaze me what lovely yarny grandness can come from a few balls of yarn and stick with a little hook. when my little warm and woolly coat was finished up, my little crafty heart swelled with pride. i am not saying this is a big headed kind of way, no sirree, not me. i am saying it in a 'blimey, did i really make that bit of yarny goodness with my own hands' kind of way. oh such is the fabbiness of craftiness. after all it is a circle and up until now a crocheted circle has been out of my crocheting ability reach.

once again however i am reminded, with determination and a little bit of patience and many many moments of not succeeding in the ways of being a 'roundie', my perseverance has paid off. my lovely little stool with his woolly coat is living in my crafty snug upstairs. such is my love for him i have warned all clan members, with or without fur, it is out of bounds.
within seconds of placing my little 'lo and beholdness' jacket upon my stool, Our #3 said "oh, you've finished, great can we sit on it now?" and plonked himself down on my 'moment of roundie glory'. the shriek that followed alerted him to the fact, yes it was finished and no, you cannot.

i have noted over the past few weeks the petals are slowly flattening, and at times the cover appears to have shuffled to the side a bit. i have no evidence that others are sitting on my stool, or resting their feet, however i have sneaky suspicions 'when the cat is away, the mice will play'.

if by chance you fancy yourself a little roundie woolly coat for a cold stool, or indeed just wish to continue making a larger circle of petals and head towards a lovely rug for the floor, or a smaller one to make a cushion cover, then i am happy to share how i did it.

however before we begin, let me tell you several nitty gritty things.
1. this is not a 'how-to' for the petals, i am assuming you have already studied Mille's lovely pattern for petals, she so generously shared with us the other day
2. i used chunky yarn and a size Mr Hook 6.5mm K. where i did not have chunky in the colours i wished to use, i doubled up a worsted weight yarn. in fact the aqua colour i used is made up of two different shades put together and it came out spiffily in my books (do you like that! i do too, it is so much more than just spiffy, it is most spiffily, my new favourite word)
3. if you have understood how to make Mille's petals then you will understand what i am talking about below, if you have not understood, then i fear it will all read like gobbledy de goop.
4. i did have to rip out several rounds as the circle grew to keep it flat but i was determined not to be beat. you may well have to do the same.
5. all along i continued to check the fit with my stool after every round, just to make sure i was on the right track. each stool will be different so this is just a rough guide to help you along.

so hey ho, let's go

round 1, 2 and 3: as written in Mille's pattern
round 4 and 5: repeat round 2 and 3
round 6: repeat round 2
round 7: alternate between single petals and double petals
round 8, 9 and 10: repeat round 2

i stopped here as this was big enough for the top of my stool. if you are going on to make a rug, you will have to decide if rounds of single petals or alternating between single and double petals in a round will increase the circle nicely and flatly.

after my last round of petals, i half double crocheted (US term) all the way around joining at the end of the round and chaining up 2, to begin the next. you do no wish to increase as you are now working on the edge. i ended up with seven rounds of half double crochet to fit my stool's side.
to make the cover sit still and not move around or slip off (the stool is vinyl underneath) i then did a final row of single crochet missing out every other stitch from the row before, giving it a nice almost elastic edging to it.

i carefully placed the cover over the stool, not wishing to stretch the final round of stitches too much and damage them and Voila! it flipping fitted! it was indeed a small miracle.
i think a cushion cover would be most peachy and i have plans to work on one if i can find the printed out instructions of Mille's fabby pattern. i placed them somewhere super duper safe so i would not forget to pack them for Old Blighty. so safe, i have lost them...

she is hoping it all makes sense and wishes you a few crafty moments with your Mr Hooks this weekend ~ Tif
footynote: Mr Spell Checker found over 22 issues today, he particularly found 'spiffily' to cause him fretfulness like never before


The Design Notebook said...

It looks absolutely amazing! Fantastic work. I'm so impressed!!!

Lu and Miss Lu said...

What a fabby crochet jacket for a chilly stool, Tif! I think you should run up a set of similar (but not so round, perhaps) warmish jackets for yourself and your clan to bring to old Blighty - it is jolly cold here and has hardly stopped raining for days! We had summer in April so we're having Spring now. Its very confusing I can tell you!

Unknown said...

oh goodness, that is a lovely stool! thank you so much for sharing this with us. Now we can make our own peachy perfect stool-coat.

Unknown said...

well arent you a clever dearie then. very impressed.

La Crochetnauta said...

Genial!!!!. Very good job!!!. Lovely.
Kisses from Argentina.

Unknown said...

it's really cute
congrats for the lovely things you made
have a nice weekend

Michelle Clement said...

Oh, I love this, Tif! It's gorgeous in it's oh-so-chunky glory. :) I let out equally big shrieks when my husband sits on the couch next to my granny pillow with food in his

Jill said...

I'm sure that I will never crochet such a piece...pretty sure I don't have the patience but I love your stool and just wanted to share that I have quite nearly the same chair. Although my home is mostly 1930s style with an emphasis on mission style, I have the warmest spot for midcentury. This is my favorite chair.

Jillian said...

That is absolutely adorable! I need to find a little round stool now so I can crochet it a cover. I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip!

Connys Cottage said...

Very lovely.
Goed job!!!!

hugs Conny

helena said...

the cover turned out super lovely...the colours are so perfect. Tif it is great! I see in my sensitive mind's eye. Kitty love for it. It is payback for carpeting and invading the order of things. xoxo

Elizabeth said...

ooooohh Fantastic! I love this so much.

Cerejeira said...

It is beautiful... truly inspirational!

Jess said...

That is seriously the most beautiful stool I've ever seen. Wow, nice job! I would be proud too!

alliejaneyoung said...

That is lovely!!!! I wish I could do something like that!!! I might have a go on a smaller project.

Carol said...

That is indeedy now a stool of wondrous beauty. I have this week made something similar in shape but much, much, smaller - my sister said she wanted a "a toilet roll cover" of all things. I did offer one with a poodle head or perhaps a crinoline lady ......... thank goodness she declined so I created a granny rainbow.
Carol xx

Juliab said...

I have already started my round petal blanket, having received my yarn yesterday. I am on round 7 and things are starting to get a bit wavy/lumpy rather than flat! I think I may frog a row or two and just do single petals from now on. Your stool looks fabby, I'm very impressed that you got it to fit perfectly at first attempt. Right, back to the petals whilst watching Doctor Who. x

Bonnie said...

I too am loving the word "spiffy" lately-how co-inci-dink.
The stool cover is too cute for words. So plush -just right, soft and squishy for a small little tushie to sit on! (I can see Mr. Spell checker not liking this comment!) Thank you for sharing the spiffiness of this pattern. (he wanted to substitute spiffiness for "scruffiness"!!)

By the way I bought the digital version of Mollie makes 1 and read your article-delightful! Well done!

Yonder said...

This is ADORABLE!!!! I love this!! great job!

Casey said...


Sara said...

Wow, I bow down in your presence. I am amazed at this little ditty and wish I had something round to cover. Maybe a floor rug is in order. I have just discovered and learned the art of crochet, this is something I aspire to. Beautiful work Tif.

MulticoloredPieces said...

Well, I'm not sure if I'm addressing Dottie or Tif, but, I just found your blog and it's delightful! Love what you do with the textiles and crochet. Very fun. I'll come again.
best, nadia

☼ Carolina ☼ said...

very nice!!
hugs from Chile

Dana said...

i love it. it´s perfect. period.

Country Mouse said...

I absolutely love this little cushion cover! Alas, I do not yet know how to crochet. Mr Spell Checker certainly seems to work very hard! Love your bloggy goodness!

emerson-j said...


Sentimentally Me said...

I think that is a spiffily stunning stool cover * good job! :)

Anonymous said...

fabulous footstool!!

Polly said...

This is a triumph of a triumphant kind and I am in a rush to copy and cover a very similar stool. First attempts did not go well with a rather misshapen amoeba shape circle. Today's post has inspired a new start. thank you.

julie said...

your circle of crocheted goodness is just gorgeous..hopefully your clan will keep their little bottoms off it!! (i am sooo in love with that beautiful glass cupboard in the background - the vintage tablecloths inside look gorgeous - thanks for sharing your beautiful creative world) xxx

Michelle said...

You are indeed a 'roundie"...
Congrats Tif...It's just beautiful...
I do think I need to track down some rather cute vinyl "pouf's" to crochet some "roundie" goodness on...
I do believe Mr Spell checker doesn't approve of lots of colourful creative words...He is a party pooper...

Candy Pop said...

Oh my, it is wonderful.. If only I could crochet! :)

Pom Pom said...

Cool! Crochet instructions make my head hurt. Must find a crochet school nearby.
Your stool is perfect.

hlimbrick said...

Oh goodness, this is beyond beautiful, I am most impressed! I made me a wee crochet stool cover last week ( if you fancy a peek) and yes I had to rip out a couple of rounds every now and then to keep it flat but it seems to have worked. I am rather in love with my little stool, although it turns out we don't really have room for it.. Hx

Sarah said...

Ooooh, Tif I love, love, love your stool!!

S x - who is off to eBay to find a stool to crochet for....

Meredith said...

I just found your blog and have to say I just love it. Your cushion is perfect and I may have to give it a go. Thanks for making me smile this morning...
Happy Sunday,

Anne-Marie said...

Super cute, I am so inspired!

Teresa Kasner said...

Love it, wish I could find a stool like that to cover. I've also wanted to make a "Pouf".. a crochet or knitted covered stuffed footstool.. some day!
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Cat said...

You are well cool at making stuff dottie angel.I have started to read you blogs since the Molly Makes Mag.This crocheted cover is lovely.Im new to blogging but love making too ..its all very inspiring and funny to read!Ta ta

Little Blue Mouse said...

That's gorgeous!
I love the colours and the bobbliness of it.

Sarah ~ Crafts from the Cwtch said...

Oh how I love this!!!! I have just started my very first crochet blanket and have a huge long list of things to make when that's done - but my oh my, this is a beauty. I may have to go out thrifting for a foot stool this week!

Hope you have a great week - looking forward to reading your next instalment soon!


Miss Money said...

This is gorgeous! Holy Moly-I love it!

Unknown said...

I just discovered your lovely blog through pinterest. The stool is beautiful! So happy to have found your peachy little place.

Naturally Carol said...

I love the spikiness that your new stool cover has..that petalled effect is lovely! Saying they can't sit on it is like a red rag to a bull, I say, I am sure I would just have a little sit on it if my mother were to say that..hehe!

liz said...

Love it, love it, love it. :) Liz

Stocki said...

I love this! I have only just discovered this 'puffiness' stitch and can't wait to try it...thanks so much for the pattern and links ... have a good week! x

Naiyaru said...

Oh it's wonderful! I don't own a foot stool like you do, but I am totally inspired to do this to our nightstands!

I just hope that the BF doesn't freak out, while I try to crochet the entire house... LOVE IT!

Very spiffy ;)

X Nien

Anonymous said...

Spiffingly wonderful Miss Tif. As usual.

Leah said...

Your wee stool is absolutely gorgeous!! Have a fab week.

Unknown said...

Absolutelyflippingorgeous, Tif. I loves it! Now I just need me a stool...then i can spiffily hook a little treaty for it!

Patricia said...

I love your 'lo and beholdness' this little stool cover is beautiful and love the gentle colours. It looks fabulous with the fabric backed glass doors and I love those to. So creative, and again your unique look.

I was prepared to pay for this pattern but soon realised you generously shared it with us. Thank you so much for that!! Your blog is still a must read for me every day :)

Noticed you didn't go with a red strip in your hair as you intended.
You went with blonde instead. Good choice !!!

Marlene P. said...

You are the lady who has inspired me to begin crocheting and knitting and this piece is worthy of you bragging a bit over. I LOVE your blankets but this one has stole my heart.

dottie angel said...

oh dearest readers, you have made me a little teary eyed this morning reading all your most wonderful comments. how generous are you with your kind words...

i am positively beaming to think other cold stools around the globe will soon be warm and cozy in bobbly jackets soon...

Helen, your little stool's jacket looks mighty spiffily to me my dear! hurrah for you.

the cupboard in the background is from IKEA, i painted it glossy cream and lined the glass doors with a patchwork of white linens. it houses fabrics (no surprise there!) and books

julia b, i agree, just keep on with the singles for now and see how it goes. i think that will do the trick.

thank you again, i have read each and every comment and you are indeed the most spiffily of readers :)

Rachel at Stitched in Color said...

Tif, you are my very favorite righter ever. And, my goodness that is such a thing to claim! Well, at least among bloggers, your very nice thoughts are most welcome to me! I love hearing of your travails with Mr. Spellchecker. Congratulations on such a very spiffily stool cover.

Tracy said...

Seriously dottie...if my great grandma gladys were alive, she would love you for this. And I do too.

dottie angel said...

rachel! gosh what a compliment you have paid me, thank you kindly

and Tracy, you just made me teary eyed, thank you so much for saying that!

and everyone, again thank you kindly for not thinking my bobbly woolly cover for a cold stool is pants but perfectly perfect :)
i do so like you all lots...

Winny said...

I hope it can come in different shades. Lovely work!

Tracey@bountifully said...

I am speechless with desire, what a fabulous cover!

luluhopping1983 said...

I love this stool sooooo much that I have bought one from e-bay and am, crocheting in lime, pink and purple. i am very excited about it!

Great blog, cant wait to see your blogs about england (I am english!)x

Sara said...

Ohh... Lovely! Must go stool shopping. Linking up at Tangled Happy tomorrow. Thanks for sharing this. :)

Annaboo's House said...

Oh this is just way too cute.
Have bookmarked it and added to my increasingly long 'to do' list.
Spiffily is a truly marvellous word, too.

Unknown said...

Wonderful. Look like it belongs in a catalog. Great job. New follower for sure.

dottie angel said...

thank you again for the 'lo and beholdness' kindness :)

delighted to think of little stools across the land receiving little woolly coats of circleness...

Make Handmade said...

So beautiful stool! i love it, thanks for sharing.

curupisa said...

Thanks for the inspiration! I used the instructions to start making some cushion covers. They're not finished yet, but I'm planning to do so soon.
I started to crochet them while I was pregnant last year, and had to take blood tests on a regular basis, so I took this project with me, so the waiting was bareable. My baby girl is already 4 months old and I still didn't manage to finish the cushions. But I hope I can by the start of next month.

Tracy said...

REALLY?? Instructions on how to make (or severely butcher while trying to make) this lovely lil' cover??!! Oh, I could just lick your face...if ya wanna Ü Or, a sincere hand shake will do, too.
Love it beyond words! Thank you so very much Ü

Muriel said...

the stool is stunning. i like the colors you have used... wthite is beautiful.....brings a lot of light... congratulations

Unknown said...

It is absolutely beautiful I lobe the color composition and design