Monday, April 11

be still my beating heart...

one peachy fine morning, Debbie, Our #1 and moi took a train to London to meet up with Lou Dearie. you know Lou, for she was the lovely dearie whom flew across the pond so she may beaver away with like minded souls last september in seattle.

well lovely Lou kindly offered to show us a little bit of vintage London and i can tell you dearest readers, she did not disappoint. our first port of call was Old Spitalfields Market on a thursday because that is vintage day! we spent many a peachy moment in vintage granny goodness heaven. actually just recalling Spitalfield Market with Lou has me overcome with giddiness, not to mention all the forsaken souls which whispered in my ear as i pottled around the stalls. words really cannot do the vintage goodness on display justice and so i think i will let Leonard and his Lens do the talking for today and i will be back with our second and third port of call on our spiffy day out to London, tomorrow...

she is wielding her paint brush in her new office space upstairs and things are beginning to look mighty fine ~ Tif


Anonymous said...

Ooooh looks like some rummaging fun to be had there! I'm very jealous, I love a good market! =) x

Sugarplum Kawaii said...

I love Spitalfield's too...My grandad et all were from the Eastend. When he was alive he would shake his head ...never understanding quite why folk were making their way back when his generation were desperate to move out to out to the 'burbs!

nest full of eggs said...

i'm so happy that flea market season is here again :)

Caroline said...

Beautiful pictures, Leonard did a grand job! I luuurrve Spitalfields, lucky enough to live nearby but sadly far too poor to afford any of the gorgeous goodies on offer. Did you find it absolutely and outrageously expensive?!

Karen said...

I so want to be there, at the Spitalfields Market on Vintage Day! Oooohhh I am envious!
K. in Hazelridge, Manitoba

Carol said...

oooh, aaah, eeeeh, lovely........... the market looks far to tempting!
Carol xx

Daisy said...

Looks like an amazing day out. I love the retro kitchen cupboard.

Megan said...

Oh me, Oh my! I would love to visit that lovely market and spend all day wandering and wondering what to take home with me. How could you ever choose?

Anonymous said...

seeing all those 'happy's' makes my heart sing!!
happy day

MissMollyCoddle said...

I forgot just how much i LOVED that market, oh I wish I bought so much more. Lucky, lucky you. Thanks for sharing some photos :)

Teresa Kasner said...

Welcome back, Tif. Did you find any certain treasures at the vintage market? It must have been hard knowing you'd have to haul anything back across the sea.

Sounds like you had a royally wonderful time there.

Hugs from Oregon, USA -- Teresa :-)

Sharon Stanley said...

for an anglophile such as myself, this is almost too much to say i am loving these little posts is a gross understatement!!! keep them coming dearest dottie a!

Adriana said...

Spitalfields Market is my MOST favourite market ever - I love it.

Great images!

blueberries in the fields said...

Oh, i would spend days exploring these marvelous places. So many beautiful treasures you must have found Tif! i am happy to read your trip to your homestate was wonderful. It is good to see you back though. you were missed by all of us, avid Dottie Angel readers. ^_^
wishing you a most " peachy " week 1
monique x

Trisha Brink Design said...

Oh my stars....I miss thrifting in London :( so nice to live it all over again through your adventures! Thanks for sharing...and hope to see some of your treasures soon...for one can only assume you DID save a few thrifted souls along the way?!?!?

dottie angel said...

dearest lovelies, it must be said at the time i could not take it all in! as for the prices, well yes some of it was pretty steep but other things seemed a bobby bargain.
of course a few found their way into my heart and next week i'll be sure to show you what i saved from the stalls of despair ;)

Erin said...

That looks quite heavenly! I think I might pass out from the sheer amazing-ness were I ever to go!

the tales of ms violet the stitching gypsy said...

OMG!!! such peachy goodness i don't know how you did it? looks like you had sooo much fun!!!

La sardine said...

Superbe ! malheureusement, nous ne trouvons plus grand chose de cette époque en france.... cela devient des pièces rares !

steven mcvay said...

haha, please forget my last question on your previous post, serves me right for not reading further before commenting... of course you came here on a thursday... grrenwich market is also quite good on a thursday for vintage stuff, not nearly as big as spits but being by the river makes up for it...x

Anonymous said...

i cannot help but see potential in all forsaken souls as i look through your eyes. by any chance, do you have a spare set of dottie-colored glasses? i think i may need them everyday.

Bella Jean Boutique said...

That looks like so much fun! I wish we had one of those around here. Thanks for sharing!

Connys Cottage said...

thats the Paradies.....