oh silly me...what did i mean "rodent activity does not bother me"...talk about jinxing things. Samuel Whiskers has not moved on as i had thought but appears to be living it up in the floorboards just above my newly 'crown molded' kitchen cabinets. last night he was having a good old chew on something that sounded very important to the shed 'staying up'...i fear we are going to have to toughen up living at mossy shed and just accept that some furry creatures are not welcome and must be sent packing...

Miss Ethel has hardly had a look in these days...i am fearing that she might soon seize up. i managed one hour with her the other day, just long enough to make a cushion cover with some of the bark cloth i have been squirreling away of late. she also got a 'spin' when our #1 decided to do a spot of sewing...i have to tell you dear readers i was in quite a 'worried' state, hovering near by just in case an injury occurred...and you know who i was worried about most, don't you ;)
as i was making helpful comments to aid our #1's stitching she got quite fed up with me and then bought up the subject of Miss Margery and how i had caused her to have 'serious issues' thus resulting in her having to use my machine and not her own. a fair point i feel, so i left her to it...

day three and the roof is coming along...it has been a little sporadic (yet another impressive word i find lurking in my vocab repertoire) this due to an inspector dropping by unannounced...as they seem to make a habit of doing.
we now have the thumbs up for the roof...we are also waiting for the electrical inspector to say "yeah" to the boxes wired in the ceiling. if he does then we can hang light bulbs and see after dark...yipee!
she's got a few kitchen doors back on and is feeling quite elated about them ~ Tif
footnote: i see it is not just the rats that have returned...so have the pesky lines...
Cannot the animals stay in Miss Gladys when the loud people come to work the roof and such? Six cats and two dogs here so I work hard on crowd control with the remodel here.We have our small creature problem under control.
LOve hearing about your times...
Nancy A.
a thought that did cross my mind before the roofers appeared, but alas Gladys is cold and has a gap to the side of her rear that i am quite sure a cat in distress would find a way through...i have them tucked away in the little utility room between the garage and kitchen. it's still noisy but they are warm and their beds are in there...
considering all the changes for my four legged friends in the past two months, they are doing very well indeed :)
hope your remodelling is coming along nicely...
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