Monday, February 18

here today...

i do not believe it was the 'beef bourguignon' that has kept me fact it was quite possibly the first crockpot meal i have ever made that resembled something edible and actually tasted 'okay'.

no, i believe it is the fact that each day i snatch just minutes of 'cyber' time before the real world requires my 'undivided attention'. come dusk we still glow for miles around and i can not look mossy shed in the eye when i pull up on the drive ...

and so dear readers i feel a frustration inside that i have not got my 'little shop' up and running and i have not been beavering away making 'treats' for it...this does not make for a very nice Tif and this is the reason why i plan to take 'time off' from blogland. not for too long, just until Monday 3rd March and hopefully i can use the next few weeks to get some items made to open my shop up the same week...
i always have so much i want to say, but i know i need to just 'step back' and get some things sorted out around the shed and with dottie angel...tomorrow the contractors start dividing the room above the garage to make a bedroom for our #3 and the kitchen starts to get a 'makeover' by is all go for the next few weeks and i need to put my 'foreman' hat on and take off my vintage slip...then again maybe the slip will stay...

in the meantime and with my lack of posts last week i have a serious back log issue (yes you are correct, i did not type that with a straight face) so there is nothing for it dear readers but for us to deal with this the only way we know how...yep, a list...

cup of tea (check), something stronger (check), comfy seat (check)...then let us begin

1. have choosen color for the shed, it is a soft sagey greeny gray...
2. found a floor lamp on clearance at urbanoutfitters, couldn't find a shade i liked so crafted a 'skirt' for this pleated number...our #1 says it is so 'way off' it isn't funny, i think she could be right. i like the lampbase and i like the shade just not together. but for now it will stay...apart from the 'blood, sweat and tears' that went into making it, we need light in this part of the shed, no ceiling or wall lights makes for lousy reading at night
3. found some bits of china on my travels last week...i now own 2 side plates, 1 bowl and 6 cups. someone got to the 'pile' before me. it's taken me six months or more to collect this much, i shall make it a 'life' quest i think...

4. my thriftstore 1970's rocking swivel number which i love with a passion and is the perfect crafting chair is going to get restyled with the help of some barkcloth i found on ebay a few months back, seven yards all unused...
5. the brown and brass fire surround has gone black and looking much better for it
6. i recieved a lovely parcel from the brilliant janet the other day, a housewarming gift was amongst the goodies...can't get more perfect than this, thank you janet
7. my mum and dad sent me a lovely tablecloth they picked up from habitat on sale. it's by the very talented deborah bowness and is now living life as a pair of curtains in my kitchen...the cabinets are set to turn from dark wood to cream before long...

8. hair has gone blonde for a while (please note kitchen window did not get replaced therefore my hair does not have a 'halo' of green as in other rooms of the shed)
9. made a start on digging over the veggie patches, years of neglect means years of weeds and moss...i am determined to have one patch dug and sowed this year
10. have been dying vintage linens and am working on new ideas for my 'spring opening'...

she's wishing you a few warm rays of early spring sunshine from mossy shed and will see you in a few weeks ~ Tif


Anonymous said...

may i live with you...please?

xo laura

dottie angel said...

any time ;)

Anonymous said...

I shall keep checking obsessively for sneaky peeks :)


alice said...

Wow! What a busy creative life :) I am envious of your huge veg patch! I am just beginning to work on my new garden too.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing what you create in the next few weeks and hope all goes well with the shed improvements!

Anonymous said...

Simply divine! I need your house and garden...
Love the lampshade and the curtains and the barkcloth. Excellent choice of colour for Mossy Shed- she'll breathe a sigh of relief when she isn't that dingy green anymore.

Gigibird said...

Will you be my mummy?
Can I live in the bedroom above the garage - I am willing to share with India Rose:)

Louise said...

What a lovely, lovely post! But my favourite thing is definitely that chair -oooh it's going to look so fabulous in that fabric!

Janell said...

I will make a note to check back around the 3rd of March. I have fallen into the habit of checking your blog in the morning just to see what is new at "the shed". I am in the depressing part of a Wisconsin winter and your pics bring me a little bit of sunshine. You make me feel good about my own design attempts. I'm up to rear in yo yo's right now and trying to only use bright colors to combat the winter doldrums.

Take care-don't work yourself too hard-you have a lot going on lady!

Francesca said...

blimey o'riley blondie, what a catch up! love your deborah bowness tablecloth/curtains. would love some wallpaper of hers on one wall. the bookshelves print is my fave.

will miss you until the 3rd of march. oh! before you go, i am about to award you the 'you make my day' award if i get time to finish my post today.

Good Girls Studio said...

Can't wait for your shop to open back up overflowing w/lace & crochet & sweetness & light :)

dottie angel said...

how lovely to wake this morning to find all your 'well wishes' and 'comments' will never know quite how it brightens my day to know i have you all 'rooting' for me, my little shop and the shed...see you soon :)

Lindz (Yankee Girl Designs) said...

Oooh I can't wait to see what fabby new goodies you whip up for the shop, consider my breath baited!

Anonymous said...

The color for the shed is perfect. And, I love your new china. If I ever see that pattern when I'm out junking, I'll send them your way!

Everything is looking so pretty! Good luck with all of your renovations. I'll be looking forward to your return to blogland.

You look so cute! I love your outfit. I'm in dire need of a new wardrobe over here. I just need to make some time for an outing. {Ugh. I don't exactly enjoy clothes shopping. Lol!} Take care!

A&AC project said...

I love that bowl and the cups, beautiful.Nice idea with the Habitat tablecloth too. You seem to have creativity by the bucket load :)
I'll miss your always witty and creative blog til you come back to us ;)

Liz Harrell said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and was so excited! Your home is beautiful, will be checking back.

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Love this post, so much going on...I need a pen and paper and I want to a make a list!!!

jade said...

Tif.. I love the lampshade! I seem to love everything you make....I can't wait till you open shop!
And I like the blonde hair... you look so cute!

Anonymous said...

It is so exciting to see how you put everthing together in your own special style. I feel inspired to go and sort out a room in my own house. Look forward to hearing more from you soon.

tabitha said...

awesome! btw, i have nominated you for 'the make my day' award , see my blog,

FrenchGardenHouse said...

What a lovely post! I can't wait to see what else you come up with.
xo Lidy

Veronica said...

Yay, I'm so excited you'll be "back" soon! The [tiny] hint of Spring has made me officially decide that I desperately need a Dottie Angel slip-dress to frolick in. Enjoy your time off! (but do hurry back)! ;)

Anonymous said...

hi mum
it's your number 1 here, and im just popping by to let you know that im very proud to have you as my mummy and that i thoroughly enjoy 'mossy shed' being decorated top to toe with your creations.
love #1

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and am patiently waiting for your 'little shop' to stock some more slips as I will be first in the queue for a sz 16(uk) not sure what us sz's are....can't wait......

Denise Kiggan said...

I have so enjoyed visitng your blog! Such beautiful pics and lovely ideas!