Thursday, February 7

clear windows are so last year...

well i am all of a 'dither'...could be the cold, as having big expanses of openness in mossy shed can cause one to be a wee bit shaky. it could be the fact that i have white windows and it looks totally different, or it could be because i have noted my windows are slightly tinted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i asked one of the 'very nice blokes' who is installing the windows "why in the evening when i have my 'ambiance' lighting on (i call it that as we are lacking in a few ceiling lights around the place), i have a green tinted reflection in my windows"
"oh, that" he says "that's the very low UV filter film on the windows, helps keep the sun's hot rays out in the summer and the house warm in winter, it's quite common to have that" and he went on to tell me that because we are surrounded by 'greenery' that it gives off a green glow at night or when i put my lights on. so dear readers i am going to have to get use to living with 'a tint'...i could do with 'a tint' over my gray hair at the moment but i am not sure i required one on my windows.
i tell myself when the curtains and blinds are up and we start to move on to some other 'remodelling' project, over time i will get use to them but at the moment i am 'frantically' stitching to avoid thinking about looking out of 'tinted car windows' every day...

let us focus elsewhere for today...and let that focus be on 'curtains'...remember my thrifting on friday unearthed some suitable fabric for my studio drapes. well i have to tell you i am 'made up' with the results, i don't think i often say that, infact quite often i have to ponder for a while, come back and look a few times and basically be a 'critic'.
not this time, from the minute i started to snip into the tablecloth and fabric i felt it was going to go could it not when i found them seperately but on the same day, and they were the perfect width for my windows, it just seemed to be destined to work out...

so i did my usual bit of this...
and i added black lace at the bottom to stop them looking too 'sweet'

i made them as 'panels' so they just hang from 'clips' on a rail

this way when i get 'bored' (which i can't ever imagine happening...but it is quite possible) and wished for a change i could then use them as throws on the sofa or a tablecloth at 'teatime' ("get real Tif, when do you ever lay 'tea' in the traditional sense at your table") this is a good point dear readers, i don't, but there is no harm at all in dressing your table from time to time with a 'pretty' but not overly 'pretty' cloth so that passing strangers who pop by might believe that you do happen to have 'tea time' in your house...

just for the record i'll give you a parting picture of my studio with the old time, you can see it with my 'softly tinted' window look, that i am telling myself is the height of good taste...

she's whipping up a storm on old miss ethel ~ Tif


Francesca said...

sooooo dreamy tif! the birds look like shadows.

i imagine you'll get used to the windows. shame they didn't tell you before. bloomin' typical eh?

A&AC project said...

Hi, been a lurker on your blog for a looong time, but no more!
I love those curtains, especially the swallows appliqued (sp?) onto them.
Hope this doesn't sound corny, but you have been a true inspiration for me to start up my own blog. I have a few items of clothing that I'm going to refashion with doilies because of the wonderful things I've seen you do with them.
And you always raise a smile when I read your posts. So I'd like to link to you on my blog if that's ok? :) Oh and I would kill to have a studio like that. Some day...

dottie angel said...

christina...delighted to have inspired the use of 'doilies' for you :) i am most happy for you to link to my little blog, thanks for asking...

and fran i know, that is just what my man said...have just got off the phone to the 'windows lady' and she tells me it is 'code' to have the windows with the coating, apparently some people notice the difference and some people don't! does that mean my 'creative' eye will never see past the 'tint' and will notice it forever more...we will see, but in the meantime i must fashion some more window coverings for the rest of the rooms, to hide the 'glow' at night ;)

Anonymous said...

These are the most pretty curtains I've ever seen, Tif!!! :) Lovely idea... shall be filing in the back of my mind for "later use"... hehe!

Anonymous said...

tif you are an inspiration, those curtains kick ass. i am so inspired (we're moving in a few weeks) for everything i can do. and a green tint? surely (as it's the greatest colour known to man) that's de rigeur? x

Anonymous said...

Your lovely projects do calm me down - these are so lovely :)As to your window tints I know exactly what you mean and it would drive me nuts too. Sometimes you just have to accentuate the positive as a change from softly banging your head against a brick wall :)Think mossy green glow as being all part of the mossy shed ambiance...

Lindz (Yankee Girl Designs) said...

*sigh* Okay I totally think you should start making curtains for your shop now too, 'cause I'd sooooo buy one... or 10! :)

Asti said...

Beeootiful ! At first I thought that the birds were freezer paper stencils..they are so crisp against the white. Lovely.

Gigibird said...

I'm not sure how adding black lace at the bottom makes them less girly?
Those curtains are so you:)
And I love they way India Rose sat looking up at the better watch that cat, she'll be writing her own blog soon.
Regarding your glass and the green 'hue' I would look at your ordering details - I know they are installed now but it may be worth checking the small print. My windows are new but they have no tinge to them.....but maybe in the summer they will come into their own.

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Your designs never cease to amaze me, Tif. Everything you touch, turns to gold! These drapes are gorgeous.

Someday, someone ought to take notice of your beautiful home, and designs, and feature you in a magazine! You deserve it!

jade said...

Hi Tif... those curtains are beautiful! I just love them!
oh and I wanted to say thank you for your kind compliment the other day!!! Sometimes it just makes the day a little sweeter! Especially from the queen of craftiness herself.
: )

dottie angel said...

thank you for the lovely curtain compliments...i have plans to make a few more and hopefully add them to my 'shop opening' in early the meantime i saw several bits of wildlife from mossy shed's windows, no longer do i have gray squirrels but green ones ;)

have a lovely weekend,

Matroskin said...

I love those curtains! My favourite bird. Such cheerful curtains.

Anonymous said...

UV filter should not leave a green tint on your windows- I work in a museum, and it is the norm to have all windows in gallery spaces covered with UV film, which you cannot see at all... I would question your window company about it!

Geek+Nerd said...

These curtains are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!

Anonymous said...

oh!! I LOVE the curtains!! Beautiful, indeed!!!

Casa Mia said...

Beautiful curtains...i love them, I also love the beautiful bag you have with the crochet trimming....

ChristineMM said...

I LOVE these swallow curtains. What a great job.

We have Chimney Swifts living in two of our chimneys, so they are like members of our family. The silhouette of the swallow is a daily sight in the skies over our yard when they are here for the warm season.