Friday, October 30

snippets of...

'yarn envy'

that's what i've got and i've got it in the worst way.
i blame a number of things
i blame the examples i see daily of granny squares on flickr
i blame my new found 'embracing' of color
i blame my rubbish stash of sludgy colored yarn
i blame my not rushing out and stocking up before the challenge
i blame a little book that lurks inside my cabinet.

for this little book has made me lust like i have never lusted before

for the first few weeks of our living together i kept the book beside my bed, every night i would check on it, carefully looking from page to page, admiring the colors, admiring the styling and above all admiring the colorful yarn

once my challenge began, i had to lock the book away, for it was causing me to think terrible thoughts, to plan, to plot, to deceive, and yes... to dare myself to buy yarn.
"gasp, shock, horror" i hear you cry...
(i'm quite pleased with getting 'horror' in somewhere seeing as it's that time of year)

last saturday i found myself wandering the aisles of the yarn shop, i picked up balls, i hugged them, i played with color combinations, all the time the 'devil' himself upon my shoulder, encouraging me, daring me.

i'm pleased to report, i did not waiver from the path of my handcrafted thrifty challenge, but i did cry... i left empty handed and went home to look at my small pile of colorful acrylic yarn and reflect upon my little book

it would appear dearest readers, that i did the right thing, for not less than two days later i had the 'wonder' of spying some yarn at the thrift store, in creams no less... perfect for yarn balls at christmas. amongst the cream was a turquoise skein that positively made my heart sing.

and as if that wasn't enough to lift my spirits, the very same day, in my inbox was the lovely Ami, telling me she had an abundance of thrifted acrylic yarn in the colors i was craving.
she said she had so much, that perhaps some would like to come and live at mossy shed.
i have no doubt it was 'karma' for shunning the devil and his 'yarn tempting' ways

as i await my little package in the mail, i have set forth to conquer crocheted circles... for some, 'easy peasy' but as i am 'crappity crap' at anything other than squares or rectangles, it is a brave step.
whilst hiding out with my watermelon hair last night, i attempted a circle
and it would appear the 'handcrafted' gods shone down on me.
for my circle stayed a circle...

i could hardly breath, could it truly be i had mastered such a skill.
i started off thinking i'll just do enough to make a 'dot' for a garland, no need to push my luck.
then i thought, "mmm perhaps a coaster",
next my thoughts ventured to a cushion cover,
"dear god Tif" i thought to myself, "how about a circular cover for one of my stools"
in my giddiness the world of 'crocheted circles' was my oyster...
i was riding high with 9 rounds completed.
today however, i'm back to reality, thinking i'll just make a little mat instead, not to get above my 'crocheting stations'...

and so it appears even with my yarn supply being 'upped' i continue to have 'yarn envy' when i glance upon my little book...
thus my need to share 'snippets of it' with you today,

so perhaps you too may share my 'yarn envy'...
and if not, no worries for i know i am not alone in my envying ways,
ah yes, it would appear i have created a 'yarn envying' monster to rival even myself

she is wishing you plenty of 'yarn action' this weekend along with some 'spooky' good times, and will see you on monday ~ Tif
isbn # for book is
just incase it makes you lust too :)


ami said...

And a lovely circle it is, Tif!! Well done!

Every time my daughter attempts a flat circle, it becomes a cozy for a mug of tea!! No idea how she manages it, but Granny gets one every year for Christmas!


Lola Nova said...

Lovely circle! Fab book (now I have book envy)! How you have managed to get so much light in your photos on such a dark day I just don't know, very nice.

I made a mad dash into the crappity crap thrift store nearby this morn. A whole giggly pile of yarn sat before me on the shelf, I looked furtively around me and grabbed. Sadly, as I waited in line I took a closer look, and more importantly a little sniff...the stench cannot be described without using vulgarity, so I will leave it to your imagination. It was beyond any fixing. As I placed it back on it's shelf, a wee tear rolled down my cheek - from sadness perhaps, or lingering fumes. To have such a treasure in one's grasp and so cruelly snatched away - tis a terrible thing and I am still nursing the wound.

Anonymous said...

oh me oh my!
i've only been able to knit scarves--- but this crochet bug is spreading....
and YOU are not helping!
with your delicious colors and that BOOK!
total gorgeous eye candy!

Nanette said...

lordy, I've never had any real desire to crochet before reading this..I think I need that book! So lovely here, as always.

Cat said...

I was going to ask about thrift stores. In my area they always have yarn! I've only bought one skein brand new. :-D

Jen said...

Hi Tif, new to your blog, but love this post! I did a search for the ISBN but am coming up with nothing :( do you have a translation of the title? where did you get it? it's ADORABLE!

Tamara said...

oh lordy...I thought stash envy was bad enough but yarn envy I get where you are coming to buy the book now...thanks for spreading the disease:;...Tam xo

Michelle said...

Tif your circle is perfect...
Looking quite impressive!!!
and my the book is so gorgeous...
the colours are just lovely...
Did a Dottie inspired photo shot for my latest cushion...
I don't think it looks anywhere near as perfect as your have a nack for photo's Tif...
and also can't wait to see your cards up close...I am planning on putting a set in little frames...

dottie angel said...

jen, you are right, i have spent the best part of an hour trying to locate this book online and it would appear the isbn doesn't work...
however after studying the back page i got the authors name in english which led me to a search on google and i came up with this

きれい色のニット雑貨 by Kazuko Ryokai

if you copy and paste the above and pop it into google you will find the book on

i hope that helps you...
and sorry to cause you all yarn lust and then have the frustration of not being able to source the book. i have in the past bought from and received my books quickly and correctly...

of course for this year i can no longer do that :)

Elicia said...

what a lovely book. and such lovely yarn colors. perhaps i shall attempt a cushion cover for my little stool.

Vickie said...

Dear Tif,
Really, can Olive get any cuter?? I can see the caption now - "didn't do it"....Thanks again for yet another book I have to get - are the directions in English? If not I would be in a world of hurt since I'm not quite that talented yet to just go by a picture - but I would be willing to try. If I ever happen to see you out in the Seattle area with little Olive - beware of the crazy lady running up to hug your dog!

Lin said...

Well done! I have just started crochet also - I am working on my first granny square - it's going to be a big one, because I am having so much fun and can't stop!

Floss said...

I think you have encountered Denise's 'Provider of All Things Second Hand' with your yarn! Those pictures (yours and the book's) are just wonderful.

Geek+Nerd said...

So happy that the thrifting gods smiled on you!

Jules said...

Hi Tif

Little Olive needs to swap tips with my BERT - who recently committed the Exact Same Crime with the wool, only he hid under the coffee table, ball of wool still in mouth (poking out the side), evidence all over the floor and tangled round his legs, with a "Wot Wool?????" look on his face.

Chuckling to myself in Blighty! Ho ho ho x

Unknown said...

oh, miss Tif! nevermind yarn envy, i have serious book lust now... that wee devil on my shoulder is just winking at me... ;)

and your crocheted circle looks fabby too, there's no stopping you now... you're turning into a real crocheting mama!


ps ~ i tried posting this earlier but blogger seemed to go a bit screwy, sorry if you got it twice... :)

Lotta said...

Yarn envy ;) hehehehe.... I love it. I found some tiny wee embroidery hoops today at a garage sale to use to display some wee crocheted rounds I picked up at an opshop some time ago. *Yay*

Welcome to the world of colour - in all its boldness and beauty. Your life will never be the same!

Elissa said...

that little olive!

yarn envy, check. book envy, check. skill envy, double check. :-)

Bee Designs said...

I can't knit or crochet but I do lust over that beautiful book, hhmmm pretty pictures to look at!
As I said I don't crochet and am very impressed with your circular circle, i'm sure if I did attempt it would be far from circular!
Have a great weekend!

cathleen said...

What an absolutely deliciously lovely post. Yes, I am having the same yarn thing going on. I searched for 2 hours online looking for the best price on Manos del Uruguay for a scarf I want to knit. That is one very beautiful book!

ninainvorm said...

What a good story, and oh... the book! I'm not even a crocheter and I already go crazy when I see those pages!

And hurray for your good karma!

Debbie said...

You can always buy hand spun yarn from Etsy, no? Handmade is OK for this challenge!

Anonymous said...

love the colours - so inspiring!

dottie angel said...

ladies, lovely to know i'm not completely a fruity nutcase for having yarn lust when looking at this book...

debbie, i have looked at handcrafted yarn but the thing is, it is mainly natural and to be honest i find it too much of a hassle to crochet with natural fibres anymore. i just end up wanting to scratch my eyes out and we all know that is not a very good thing for a crafter :)
thanks for the suggestion... i appreciate it!

i've been a thrifting... tee hee :)

Michael said...

I LOVE your photos and LOVE your write up in the latest Artful blogging magazine. how wonderful to get a call from them did you ever find out how they came across your blog, btw?

I have to ask you one thing--in your article you state you have an later ego who homeschools with 8 kids and then you say later that the blog keeps you real and you can be yourself? Explain please if you would be so kind? That stumped me.

Anyway, regardless, beautiful stuff here and always nice to meet another ex-pat.


Michael said...

Do you have any "challengers of the utmost kind" yet? I want to do this and will add your button to my side bar... just as soon as I'm through my Christmas blog Tea set up and party (do come) first! (I LOVE that graphic too.)

BTw, if would be very helpful if you had a way to follow you on your sidebar as well.

dottie angel said...

hi ...mmm...

thanks for stopping by my little world. to answer your questions, my blog keeps me real by allowing me to be myself by the very reason, it accepts that i have an alter ego and that i'm 'a okay' to have one :)

as to a challenger sidebar, there is one along the lefthand side of my page, featuring over 40 links to challengers of the utmost kind. they are a great group of handcrafted thrifty folk :)

i chose not to put a followers bar on my blog, i'm not too concerned about such things...

hope that answers your questions and thanks for the lovely words of kindness

Tif :)

Cadi said...

Oh, I forgot... I'm at

me said...

I'm so glad you're finding some yarn Karma at the mossy shed. Nothing worse than yarn lust, other than no yarn at all! Thanks for your inspirations!

moline/yvonne said...

Oh I could live with this book and never get enough of looking at it...

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

What a lovely book! The layout & photography, superb!
I am going to try and get hold of one if I can.
I do understand yarn envy, since learming how to crochet in the summer I keep buying yarns. I love seeing the lovely balls of wool stacked up on my shelf and in a basket
Isabelle x

Yoshiko said...

im from japan and was very much surprised to find an english blog which has introduced a japanese crochetting book!:)
this author, kazuko ryokai is one of my favourite(shes famous in japan), and she has lots of other fantastic books that you can get online.
(she has other fabulous books on sewing and knitting.)
ive heard that she likes cath kidston's fabrics too.

i love your pictures, the colours of yarns are really pretty.
although im hopeless at knitting, everytime i look at the book by kazuko-san, i find myself wanting to head straight to a thrift shop.:)

yoshiko xx

mamaquehaces said...

Felicidades por tu circulo azul, me he alegrado de leerte, yo tambien tengo un diablo sobre mis hombros Cuando entro en una tienda de lanas y no siempre puedo alejarlo.
Pero ... que mas da Mientras PODAMOS hacer circulos planos!