Tuesday, January 29

word of the week...

doil - i - fy

1. to customize with doilies
2. to add doilies for decoration

-related forms
1. doil - i - fied

example: "oh Tif, like your new curtains" to which Tif replies "why thank you, i have doilified them"

2. doil - i - fy - ing

example: "so Tif, care to tell us what technique you are using?" to which Tif replies "as it happens, it's an ancient craft called doilifying...i am using this technique to enhance my 'on clearance' shop bought linen curtains"

3. doil - i - fi - er

example: "have you been up to much lately Tif?" to which Tif replies "well since you ask, i have been using a lot of doilies for customizing my 'linen lovelies' that hang at mossy shed. it would be true to say dear friends that one could call me a doilifier"

she's thinking it all sounds a bit dodgy ~ Tif


Francesca said...

love love love miss tif!

Anonymous said...

Me want! Me want! Me want! Love the curtains. They are ab fab!

Gigibird said...

What a triumph in doily application. As a crimes against doilies officer ( there’s a lot of doily abuse out there is blogland) this is one case I can honestly say fabbydandosey:)

Anonymous said...

so lovely...looks like the perfect spot to daydream...


debbie said...

oh, I'm smiling, and I miss you!

Hear Me Roar! said...

Your curtains are absolutely positively doily-riffic!

gayle said...

Ah, now I know what to do with that wedding present I never use. Thank-you!

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful - doil-i-erific in fact! I love the bottoms of the curtains.

dottie angel said...

phew, i can breathe a sigh of relief...i was worrying that i had lost my tiny 'doily' mind on this one...

Di said...

You made me grin from ear to ear- doilfy!!!! I love it and the actual doilified curtains are great too!!

Anita said...

Oh My!! That is absolutely fabulous... Love love love that!

Rubyred said...

Love the doilified look.Absolutely doil-icious!

Tracy x said...

not dodgy
just beautiful
loving the mossy shed x
t x

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

:) I Love it! Your 'doilified' curtains are gorgeous.

A while back, when I pulled out a never-opened, all-white shower curtain, that I've had for more years than I care to admit, I was wishing I had a bunch of doilies to scatter across it for embellishment. Er. I mean, for doilification.

I have a large one, but it's a bit tattered, and I don't have enough small ones to scatter around it to hide the tattered edges...yet. Can't wait for garage sale season!

Anonymous said...


Cally said...

So pretty.

Anonymous said...

These are lovely and I have this same idea in mind for my bedroom curtains. :>