Monday, December 17

glad tidings of joy...

well the count down to christmas is really on, i have had 'three' sightings of santa, first the one when i was carrying my wood pile...the second whilst waiting at Safeway's deli for some cheese...
"look" i said to our #1 "not three yards from you is santa"

"that's not santa that's just an old man with a long white beard, who probably hates this time of year 'cause people like you point and whisper" she replied

"no, no, that is santa, he is just wearing his 'day off' clothes and collecting his deli chinese meal for dinner. it's all about believing"...

"i don't believe" (gasp!) it took me a while to recover, i had trouble looking her in the eye because she is heading to 5ft 10 inches, so i tippy toed and said

"i shall pretend that i never heard that"

a festive monster from our #4 (with a little help from Miss Ethel)

the third time was this saturday just gone, i was busy struggling with a queen size mattress and our van in the parking lot when he wandered by...

"morning santa" said i from under the mattress

"ummm, yeah, hi"
what was that, is that how santa would talk to you, i think not...lucky for him i was doing my balancing act. i have now come to the conclusion 'this santa' that always seems to be hanging around our local parking lot is not the 'real mccoy'...he must be an else can i explain the 'ummm, yeah, hi' bit.
surely santa still goes "ho ho ho"...even if he ends it with a "dude"...

and so dear readers i have some fan-tab-u-lous has been one hundred and forty days since we first stepped inside the yellow house and started to dream about moving.
the ups and the downs have taken their toll...i have doubled my gray hair count, added at least four new frown lines to my forehead and am requiring some serious under eye cream these days...but i am letting you know we are 'sold' and we will be moving to mossy shed (hurrah) can uncross your weary fingers and toes for the holidays (i thank you kindly for doing that) the moment i am surrounded by packing boxes as we have decided it would be a very wonderful exciting thing to pack and move most of our belongings, four children and several pets (accept heavy furniture because i'm a weakling) by ourselves...yes it is true to say we are going to go nuts...

in seventeen days (yes, heard me right) we will be living in our 'mock tudor' number amongst total chaos, me with my 'rose colored' spectacles and my man with his "where's it all going to go" "there's no attic space" "the ceilings are very low" "i think i need a shed" 'man blinkers' on...

so i wish you all a very merry time, what ever your celebrations this december...and i will return some time around the 14th January 2008 typing at my little blue desk, in the corner by the lovely fireplace at mossy shed...

she's wishing you a Happy New Year ~ Tif


Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Hey I lost your blog...Good to be back...will catch up with your goings on tomorrow with a cuppa...
Suzie Sews

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Congratulations Tif! That is awesome news. I wish you guys all the luck in your move - during.the.holidays! You can do it. You're off to a new adventure! Best of luck to all of you - and to settling in much faster than we are over here. ;) Have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!! We'll all be anxiously awaiting updates on your new dwelling and the move, once you return! That's very exciting news!

dottie angel said...

you lost my blog...ooooh now this concerns me, what if i lost my blog...
now i shall add that to my 'what to worry about' list that i have on the kitchen side at the moment ;) said...

Congratulations Dottie Angel, looking forward to photo's of Mossy Shed, no offence but I was getting a little tired of seeing the immaculate-ness in your current old home. Made me feel quilty about my own mess. Merry Christmas. Rachael:)
p.s. I believe and yes there are some Santa imposters out there, I'm sure of it!

tess said...

that's great news, hope the move goes really well, and in the meantime have a very happy Christmas, next year you can plan where to put the christmas tree in the mossy shed.

dottie angel said...

why thank you for your kind words...

the rose room - "no offense taken"...i too am looking forward to living 'normally' again ;)

junkyard jennifer - thanks for the good luck

driftwood - you guessed my thoughts, last night as i was sitting by the tree i was already planning where it would go next year at mossy shed ;)

Hear Me Roar! said...

Let me know if you need any help with the dirty work of moving!

Anonymous said...

Oh my!! So glad to hear the great news about your moving!! Good luck with packing and getting everything to the new house (and celebrating the holidays in the midst! we did a December/January move seven years ago, so I know the chaos!)!!! :)

Happy holidays to your and your family!! Can't wait 'til you're back with the report on the new house and getting all settled in... :)

Gill said...

Great news....hope the move goes smoothly for you and you have a Merry Christmas in between! Look forward to reading all about your new home next year.

Anonymous said...

That's the best news ever!
Joe (6) was given a book at school by Father Christmas... he came home in a very grumpy mood saying his teacher had tricked him. That it wasn't the real FC at all. Why I said? Because he had a short beard and last year he was wearing glasses!
There are imposters out there Tif- be warned.

Asti said...

Excellent news.....hope it all goes well and have a fab Christmas! Look forward to hearing all the goss about it in the New Year....x

Anonymous said...

thank was all getting so hard - typing and all with crossed fingers. it was slowing me down no end. oh how my work was suffering.
well done on moving, merry christmas and happy new year xx

jade said...

oohhhh Tif, very good news indeed! Congratulations and hope all goes well, as well as any move can go! : )

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and congratulations! :)

dottie angel said...

thanking you for all your good is warming my heart as i pack up my shelf of 'crafting' books wondering how i will manage without them and just how long it will be till i locate them the other end ;) at the same time i am dreaming about vintage wallpaper...

Anonymous said...

Hello Tif I'm a lurker but I have been crossing fingers etc. and I just wanted to say congratulations on the house and wish you a very happy Christmas. Moving! Good luck!

Nonnie said...

Oh congratulations on the move. I'm rather glad fingers and toes can finally be uncrossed. Have a wonderful Christmas amongst the packing boxes and I hope the move goes really well. Looking forward to photos of the mossy shed.

Francesca said...

oh hoorah hoorah! have a wonderful christmas tif and a stressless move to mossy shed.

Lori said...

Oh... how i'll miss your posts! Good luck with the move. can't wait to hear all about it!

Monica said...

Wonderful news Tif!! I wish you and your family lots of wonderful Christmas moments and the best in the New Year at Mossy Shed!

dottie angel said...

thanking you all again :) and wishing you all a very merry christmas too!

The Naturalist's Daughter said...

Oh Tif, that is fatastic news. Congratulations ! Best wishes for your move into the new house. I have been a long time lurker here, and it was very exciting to read your news.
Hope you and your family have a Wonderful Christmas. I know you will have a fantastic New Year.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a wonderful Happy Christmas!

laundryetc said...

I can't wait to see what new creative ideas your new home and 2008 will inspire. Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

I want to give you and your blog a " you are an amazing blogger" award. You can get the award picture from my blog. Part of the fun is listing seven random facts about yourself and then passing it forward.

I adore all the beautiful and inspirational things you make!

Lucykate Crafts... said...

by my reckoning, 17 days till moving day means you should be in your new house by now. hope it's all gone ok.