Wednesday, June 20

'eye candy' ~ part four with 'show and tell'...

on Tuesday night i couldn't sleep for worrying.
you see dear readers, i had suddenly realized that if i found myself in the South of France, out in the countryside going to a market to buy my fresh fruit, what would i carry it in...i have my trusty friend who has done me well over the past eight years, but i was needing a certain "je nais se quoi". after all i would be wearing a pretty headscarf, a vintage slip with i imagine a floaty peasanty linen dress over the top...on my feet my flip flops and by my side, the lovely Noa...i feel that my skin would look sunkissed and not resemble a tan from a children would skip along by my side as i peddled ever so gently towards the town square..however none of this would look perfect if i didn't have the right bag, so late at night i crept back into the studio and started to get to work on my 'shopper', or as my man said later "le summer sac"...

i pulled out some old linen tablecloths (from generations ago, others acquired along the way), thrift store bedsheets and pillowcases, beautiful bits of old lace and doilies and set to work with the help of Miss Margery...i added little labels and details where i felt necessary and lined them with linen...the back of the bags are all made with contrasting fabrics. i think what i like most about this whole idea is, apart from the linen inside the bag, recycling old fabrics and notions...(very important for our little planet..)
the bags have turned out so big, that you could fit in your 'pain francais', your 'onions', your 'fresh fruit' and still leave room to carry your youngest child home or possibly a smallish dog, if they are weary from market shopping..

i feel much happier and can now sleep at night knowing that if i found myself ad mist the beautiful countryside of France, i would be prepared for some serious market shopping...
until then i will fill my "grande sac" with library books, farmer's market produce, beach gear and possibly a small weary child if i am feeling kind hearted...i am test driving one this saturday at our local market and am hoping that someone says "bonjour, une summer magnicenco" (do you believe me now, when i tell you i don't speak a foreign language and definitely cannot spell one)
so for 'show and tell' and today's 'eye candy', i give you "le french market summer sacs", they will be making an appearance here along with full and half slips plus camisoles tomorrow, (which really means nothing to anyone as we all live on different days and times).
this will be my final shop update before i head over the pond to live in a trailer with my kiddies for the month of July, with my 'french summer sac'...

and just incase you would care to see them closer up, plus an idea of size you can check here and here...

wishing her studio looked like this, instead of this, sigh ~ Tif

as a little foot note: i wished i owned a 'pain francais' for my little photo shoot and VOILA! there was one, rock hard and a whole week old in the bread's that for a bit of 'Miss Lady Luck' shining down on me...


Hear Me Roar! said...

I NEEDED a bag like this for my zoo trip Monday, and since I didn't have one all I could do was ask this guy to follow me around all day.
I SO hope you can follow this link and see how lovely my green purse looks with two large lunch sacks hanging out of it, and imagine how great he looked walking all through the zoo with it.

I also have to laugh because I sent the same picture of Manda's studio to Travis yesterday telling him that THIS is what a workspace should look like. I say these things in an accusatory tone like it's his fault that my studio is messy or I don't have the right bag. It's a miracle we have men around willing to work on our machines and carry our bags sometimes, isn't it? But THANK YOU for showing your studio, as that's what mine really looks like and no one ever share the REAL picture.

Oh yeah, and can I be snuck into your luggage? I need a vacation!

Anonymous said...

le lovely!

Hear Me Roar! said...

I e-mailed the photo to you because it is I who is Flickr challenged...

Anonymous said...

Tres bon!

Anonymous said...

Oo La la, c'est magnifique!!
Just the job for those lazy summer picnics where the sun shines, there are no wasps and the children play happily - or even the real ones that we have in the car because of rain with the children bickering in the back!

Jesse said...

Those are beautiful - each one looks like a painting!

Anonymous said...

i love the bags & your tags - where did you get those made? (that tags that is...i know where you got the bags made - lol)

Tracy x said...

as usual lots of lovely items that i neeeed in my life but cannot buy as it would involve more packing - and really i am standing on the edge of a tall building threatening to jump over the whole packing thing.....
but so much more important are the small words you spoke about a vacation in a trailer?????
are you staying in an airstream???????
could you be so lucky????????

and why could i not own the one i saw yesterday???????
and why does Stephen not understand????????
far too many questions for one day....
sending airstream love your way x
tracy x

and do not even get me started on the beauty of THAT studio and the sweetness of the girl who owns it.

Gigibird said...

Your sewing nook looks like I have just visited. The reason your work is so beautiful and sort after is because it’s a reflection of you and if you had a workroom that looked all neat and tidy it wouldn’t be Dottie Angel.
The fact you have a week old prop in your kitchen that could have been smothered in chocolate spread and eaten if discovered earlier demonstrates how busy you have been in the last week.

Anonymous said...

I really hope you'll update your blog while you're away! I'll really miss reading what you have been up to!
P.S: I LOVE your bags!

Anonymous said...

I have to say although NEAT is what we would all love for calm and peaceful thought while working...I actually love all of your fabrics all strewn about. It not only shows you've been busy but also allows the pretty fabrics to show. If they are all folded neatly away then you couldnt see them and appeciate the beauty. Just a lil positive thought :)

Casey Maura said...

lovely!! your aesthetic sense is so beautiful... :) these are definately large totes that i wouldn't mind carrying around (since most large totes are just too unelegant, imho!). :)

and the studio picture made me giggle. it looks just like my room (which is a bedroom/office/studio/wardrobe!!)! lol. every time i try to get it set up looking perfect, it just doesn't stay that way! i'm just far too disorganized i suppose! lol.

dottie angel said...

christina, those little labels are a labor of love...they are cut by hand from heavy canvas, then washed, unfurled, ironed, trimmed and then hand stamped...when possible i get our #2 to do the stamping, but i have to get her on the right day!

Racheal Miles said...

Hi, I love your blog and plan to read some more, I read your profile and I saw that you have two airstream trailers. Please could you post a picture of them.
I would love to see where you have your studio.

Lori said...

Your workspace might be a bit messy, but you sure have beautiful things to mess it up with! Wahoo for messy workspaces. :)

Toni said...

such adorable totes! wonderful style and unique touches. love them!

Diane said...

Thanks for the dose of reality by showing your studio in its actual state of "creative chaos." As much as I enjoy the perfection of magazine photos, it is healthy to admit the way we really live. Your bags are beautiful!