i played hooky today, actually it was only three hours, but it felt good. i hopped on Noa and headed over to my friend's house ( i don't drive a pretty car, too many kids, i can't park an airstream outside, too many neighborhood 'rules', but i can ride a pretty bicycle!)...i spent a lovely few hours with Beth, Suzanne and Laurie, whom i have sadly neglected over the past few weeks. we had soup and watched 'dream girls', ooh i love that movie, i love the clothes, i love the music and i love the furniture in the background...

my man ~ "you don't use capital letters on your blog", "the way you sweep the floor and then leave the pile in the corner", "leaving your clothes around the bedroom creating little nests, after twenty one years i've learnt to live with it" then he quickly added '"apart from this you are perfect"
our #1 ~ "when you ask my opinion about dottie angel, when you go on about your business or when you have sold something", "also you are always late picking me up and worst still you forget me sometimes"
our #2 ~ "well, where do i start", "you ask annoying questions", "blogging", "the fact that you have a song for every situation", "you shop at forever 21 (just kidding)", "you favor #4 with photo taking", "you go on and on about crafting", "you say the food you cook is edible when quite often it is not", "you always say it is salad for dinner and then it turns out to be something unrecognisable"
our #4 ~ "asking me to pick up piles all the time", "you always give me dinner after the others have got theirs"
our #3, oh yes our sweet #3 ~ "you don't have any, you're perfect"
off to rewrite her will ~ Tif
cool bike!
i have just recently found your blog and your beautiful altered vintage slips. Tthey are soooo delightful. I am inspired by your energy - 4 children, a business, and a home to keep on top of. wow!
Laughed about your sock story. Ours go in a bag and everyone has to scrummage around in it to try and find two that are at least similar.
And your bad habits...seem more like charming quirks. don't you think?
My very own dear mother was explaining to me just last week why every bicycle needs a basket; "That way when you see/steal flowers and lawn ornaments you have a place to put them for the getaway".
I should change my will too...
With you on the sweeping into corners.
I really want a bike!I can't really believe I said that though x
Ok, that was the funniest post! I am lovin' it all!!! Also I love the bike, as I too do not have a pretty car. I do have an old bike that sits in the shed with all the other "to do" projects. Sigh. Maybe one day...
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