today, as well as yesterday have started slow. this is all due to my heavy and sore arms and legs. yes you guessed it, i had my 2nd personal yoga lesson. the great thing is, my original pains have been greatly reduced because the new ones have pushed them out the way...anyhow it is now 48 hours later and i can lift my arm above my head again. i reckon by monday i will be fully recovered so i can do it all over again...
so the heavy, aching limbs have greatly impinged on my 'making'. i have achieved 4 completed bags, 5 shells of bags and alot of 'pieces of fabric that are supposed to be handles' are still lying around in my studio (no thanks to the elves). talking of my studio, it needs help, it needs to be loved and cared for, i have done neither for several weeks and now it is chaos. i tried to sort it yesterday, but my useless arms would not allow me to...and to add to it, all around me there are piles growing in the house. let me show you what i see...
all of these delights belong to our #4 child who leaves a snail trail where ever he goes. the worst is, he doesn't see it, take a look at this in my lounge. i hate to admit it, but those stinky things are going into their second week adding to my room decor. i am waiting to see how long it is before anyone notices them...
just when all the piles were getting me down, the mail man came to call. horrah for the mail man, he had my package from superbuzzy and it had all the wondeful fabrics i ordered last week in it...

they are all so yummy (what a strange word, but it describes them perfectly) and they will all be starring on bags very soon. here are a few of the bags i got round to this week before my arm issues...
off now to investigate what mischief the washing machine has got up to with dying my slips. not all great successes this week, although some have come out so beautiful, you could get married in them...shall show you the results next time...
*aching* Tif
I've been drooling over lovely slips every time they pop up in the "sold items" when I browse the time machine (on etsy, of course!) I thought it was high time I came over to say what a gorgeous shop you have! I want to come live there! Keep up the dreamy, fabulous work!
i'm so excited to know that someone has jumped from my etsy shop to my little blog space...thanks and you are welcome to visit anytime :)
the bags are gorgeous~love the appliques :) I'm sure they will do well on etsy.
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