agreed agreed! most pants of me indeed dearest readers to not share my 'pantaloons of greatness' with you. to be truthful not a single clan member i asked late that day would record the moment for me. i am not sure if they just could not be bothered, or if they wished not to record my moment of pantaloon wearing to protect folks from the vision.
'tis neither here nor there, i will in due course produce photographic evidence of my 'pantaloons of greatness' (or as i am beginning to suspect 'glorified sweatpants') and you, dearest readers may be the judge and jury.

in the meantime can i show this pretty picture to make up for my lacking in 'pantaloon pictures'. this lovely little retro jug with the most spiffiest of rosey decals upon it, was picked up on my travels around old blighty a few weeks back. it truly made my heart sing when i spied it amongst the shelves of neglected china. it made my heart sing even more when i noted how well it suited my lovely plastic granny knicker pink flower and even kitschy-er doily which came from Spitalfields Market in London. they are now doing a peachy job of making this end of the kitchen look blooming lovely.
Mr Spring is still dragging his feet around these parts but not to worry, me and my folks have been working flat out with adding a 'blooming springy feel' out front of the shed the past few days and hope to continue doing so.
she has been told by those in the know, rain will stop the 'blooming work' tomorrow... how do they really know these things, do they just lick their fingers, pop them in the air and make it all up ~ Tif
Is that a plastic "tatted" doily! I love it haha. So vintage. But nothing beats the real thing. (;
I look forward to the pantaloon pics. As long as they are not skants I think we're safe ;)
Beautiful flowers, I love Spitalfields Market.
grt, Helmi
Hi, just discovered your blog (I think....... my memory is truly terrible!!) and been having a good old read. I can't wait to see the pantaloons :D
Mel xxx
Oh I remember those plastic doilies! How clever of you to find them. Love this nostalgic arrangement.
Just had to say that while I was readying for work yesterday, your pantaloons of greatness kept me chuckling. Do share a picture. Of late, I've been sporting a braid, thanks to your inspiration. Wasn't sure this 50-something gal should, but I've gotten several thumbs up. Thanks for all the inspiration here.
Lovely picture, I love the flowers :D!
thank you for cheering up a soggy morning here at the shed :)
Laurie! i am so delighted to hear of your braid wearing, i have to say i am most attached to mine and how spiffy others noted your braid donned coif!
Leanda! brilliantly brilliant link my dear, i feared i would see my 'pantaloons of greatness' looking straight back at me however with slight relief i did not... what a great word 'skants' :)
lovely photo. I love Spitalfields market.
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