i am delighted to report,
headscarf wearing,
hand stitching,
has kicked into first gear
and whilst the going is good,
i need to keep on 'a stitching' and 'a penning'.

so i think it would be wise for me to take a little blog break, but shall we have a rendevous time? i think that would be quite lovely, something for me to look forward to, because i will miss my shiny place and of course you, my dearest readers of the utmost kind.
oh my goodness! i have just looked at my Snoopy Calendar, a christmas gift from Our #4, so i might find the perfect date to rendevous and my little eyes note it is the Chinese New Year today!!! how terribly thrilling for little lucky bunny and his cape of crochet sitting all spiffy and 'good lucky' up there on my blog banner.
well that just made me most smiley and even more excited about the two chinese fortunes i have sticky taped on Colin the Computer. they are both from recent fortune cookies that came my way over the past few weeks.
one says
'you will soon vacation in a place of cool climate'
and t'other says
'you have remarkable power which you are not using'
i am wondering if i should dust little lucky bunny today, so his luckiness stays at optimum lucki-ability (what a grand word, lucki-ability, Mr Spell Checker scoffed at it but i rised above his scoffing ways and did not allow it to cloud this happy new year day)
so why don't we aim for Tuesday 15th Feb for our little 'hurrah! back together again' day
and just so you know in advance, cause i cannot wait until the 15th to tell you.
upon my return i will be planning a give-away, to celebrate a lovely happening that happened this week, till then, i wish you a few peachy days, ney a week or so of doing what you like to do best, and if you need a little help with this, do not forget wise 'dottie angel do' number four.
'do feel a little crafty at least twice a day'
she is wearing a red floral headscarf today, courtesy of her lovely friend Carol and it is doing quite the handy dandy job of aiding her pennings ~ Tif
Hi Tif, glad the scarf is doing its job!
My "most happy" trio of notebooks have arrived, almost too nice to write in!
I shall take your advice and try to "feel a little crafty at least twice a day".
May I be so bold and offer a little advice to new Dottieangel readers who can't wait until your return - "begin at the very beginning, a very good place to start".
I have high hopes the stitching and a penning will be of the most creative type.
Carol xx
D'you know....I'm off to hospital with my No1 in a few days, and as I was pootling over to your blog I was thinking how on earth am I going to get through next week with NO blog reading/doing?.
So you have saved me the misery of wondering what I am missing :0)
Good luck with you penning ways Tiff.
And happy New Year to you and yours. x
Tif, your blog is such an absolute joy but if you must retire to do dotty-ish things (I'm very much an 'ish' girl) in order that you return refreshed, so be it.
Happy penning and stitching.
Anon, Heather x
Good luck...
Can't wait to see what you will cook up ... so see you later...btw can't wait for the little notebooks to arrive in my mailbox...;0)
Hi Tif,
I'm going to ask my master if I can have some fortune cookies stuck on me too. That would be just spiffing (old english word for cool).
Love, CTC
I shall miss your pennings and dottie angel-isms, but I look forward to our "meeting" again...take care, keep covered, and have adventures of the utmost craftiest kind.
You will be sorely missed. The 15th February has been duely marked on my calendar.
Dear Tif...
I will be looking forward to your return...and I hope I can keep up your Dottie Angel Do number four...
I do believe it is time to get out of my rut and move forward into the New Year...Maybe all I have been waiting on is the Chinese New Year to start...
I can't even imagine how excited your must be getting about your book...
I am so glad I pre-ordered my copy as I am sure they will be sold out...
Have a sweet break from blogland...
Full of lucki-ability...
I hope your bloggy break brings you much creativity and writings, looking forward to your book.
you will be missed my little head-scarfed bloggy friend!
If I read right, you're taking a holiday -- I'll miss you. I have to tell you, your bunny with the cape is significant to me. My daughter was digging around in our attic to find her childhood collection of Breyer horses - and found other things from her childhood. She had something I'd made in 7th grade art class - a bunny shaped like yours, it had a hole where it's tail should be where you put cotton to pull out and use. There is a crack where the hole is.. so I am going to crochet MY bunny a cape to cover it's "owie". Thanks for the idea.
Have fun while you're away.
Hugs, Teresa from Oregon
I have followed your blog for a long time and love your unique, humorous and quirky style. You have a real gift for the lifting of the spirits! Thankyou for the pleasure you bring to us all, and I can't wait for the book. :)
Jennifer in Adelaide South Australia
oh gosh that seems forever away!!! but i understand good luck with the penning and happy chinese new year!!!
You will be missed
gosh, thank you my dears, how lovely that you should miss me... i guess it is quite the while, but i think it the best thing. today i finished off a large 'to-do' of hand stitching for the book, which i started at christmas and it feels grand to tick it off my list :)
Carol, i will be mailing you shortly :)
donna, good luck my dear with your #1, i'll keep you in my thoughts
michelle, i think that perfect you see this day as THEE day to get out of your little rut. good for you my dear :)
teresa, what a lovely tale, and yes i think your bunny would be most appreciative of a cape of crochet!
the 15th isn't too far away, it will be here hoppity quick, just wait and see my dears :)
while you are away i shall try to get the word 'ney' into one of my posts. as a little hommage. x
Have a lovely crafty break. :) Liz
Enjoy your break Tif I will miss your Dottieness, but will do as Carol suggests and start at the very begining!
take care x
Have a good and productive blobby break, dear Dottie!
I know I'll be here when you resume your delightful postings.
Ciao Bella!
Creative Carmelina
Have a great time and looking forward to your return.
$100 APART Style Giveaway
lovely blog!
I just found you via twitter and i must say...
i heart everything!
Fabulous photos.
is it the 15th yet?
looking forward to your sweet posts :-)
...I Love your blog
just found it..
Thank u :)
Your blog is so lovely <3 and I am a big fan of your handcraft <3
All the best - from a reader in Norway.
dottie = I think you are crazy - in a good way - in a great way - I love coming to your site - you make me smile always... I was just over on your etsy site and wanted to buy some of the notebooks cuz I love the covers but they are too small - can't you make some a little bigger dottie - please - also I just love your write up on you etsy site for each of the items - you are the best - you make me laugh you make me smile
come visit me sometime soon okay
love, LOVE your blog and your creative style! good luck in all of your endeavors!!!
hello! you don't know me, but i have been reading your blog for awhile now, and i just LOVE it! i would like to pass on the 'stylish blogger award' to you! feel free to check out my blog at: http://crashingmyworld.blogspot.com/2011/02/who-me-stylish.html to see more details about the award, and then feel free to pass it on to other bloggers! Thanks, and have a great weekend!
gosh my dearies, how i have missed our visiting hours together, roll on the 15th :)
You genuinely inspire me, thank you for your wonderful blog and quirkiness... it's quite pleasant.
Be well,
Tiffany :)
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