(a door opens once again somewhere around the globe)
"oh, it's you again" says the dearest reader
used dog clears her throat before launching into her canvassing patter
"ah yes madam, so sorry to disturb you once again but it is of the utmost interest i feel"
"well you better make it snappy, i've just sat down to my pea soup and a re-run of The Waltons" announces the dearest reader
"quite so, i can't imagine anything worse than cold pea soup. so as quick as a quickity quick thing, i must tell you i am back in the neighborhood canvassing votes for Tif"
"oh but i've already voted and i've been wearing my little badge and i showed Doreen next door the very nice 7 x 5 glossy photo of Tif. i'm quite sure if you went next door and gave her a badge and a glossy photo she too would vote for Tif" continues the reader
"well that is wonderful and heartwarming, i must thank you kindly for spreading the word. which leads me to tell you, it would appear that Tif has been nominated in more than one category. in fact it would appear she has been nominated in four!"
"oh i say! she must be overwhelmed with it all, i'm thinking she is probably beginning to feel a little like Angelina Jolie no less. fancy, four nominations in four different categories... that doesn't happen every day does it? talking of Tif, where is she then? if she's needing my votes i would expect her to come herself and not be sending her used dog and a pesky one, who by the way has wreaked havoc with my bulbs"
"good question dearest reader"
continues used dog, trying to stay focused on the task at hand and not notice that little olive was indeed rearranging the bulbs in the ground...
"Tif would love to be here today but unfortunately she is down at the local shopping precinct with her sign and kissing random babies that walk by. as i did such a good job last time she has sent me along again to rustle up more voting"
"fair enough... hang on a moment" the reader turns and hollers down the hallway
"Harold, be a love and put my pea soup back on the stove would you, i'm going to be a little while."
turning back to used dog she says
"go ahead then, tell me what the categories are?"
"well first up is
favorite handmade crafter" started used dog
"oh yes, i've done that one, what's next?"
"then there is
"interesting, hadn't thought much about Tif being an eco artist, but then she does do a lot with recycled textiles so i'm guessing that makes sense"
"next we have
"mmm, that's another thought provoking category isn't it? never thought about Tif making handmade textiles but i guess she does doesn't she?" ponders the reader
"quite so"
continues used dog thinking about how she could do with some pea soup and if she plays her cards right perhaps some may come her way.
"and last but by no means least, in fact i must tell you this is the category that got Tif blushing with pride and writing on walls,
"oh yes!"
exclaims the dearest reader quite excitedly, used dog notes
"i can just imagine she would be blushing, for indeed her little blog is quite the shiniest of places and having visited on the few occasions that i have, i can tell she takes pride in it"
"so that is it, dearest reader. i just popped by again to tell you how much Tif appreciated your voting last time and was hoping against all hopes that you may perhaps find time after eating your delicious pea soup to vote for her again... she also"
used dog adds in quickly
"wanted me to give you a gold sticky star for your commendable loyalty and hopes you will wear it with pride"
"is that one of those lovely gold sticky stars i wanted so badly in school when i was little but never seemed to get one, although i remember Alison next to me seemed to get them every day" remarks the dearest reader
"why yes it is, and Tif also said i was to put a 'V. Good' next to it so you knew just how good you have been to her"
by now used dog was feeling rather weary and her tummy was beginning to rumble
"well, that's it then, Tif aka dottie angel, has got my vote again... and i hope you don't mind me saying so, but you are looking a little peaky, perhaps you may care to come in and share some pea soup with Harold and me?"
the reader glances nervously over used dog's shoulder to where little olive has been making dirt sculptures in the yard
"is she toilet trained? i've just had my carpets cleaned you see and i don't want any messes"
"oh yes little olive is toilet trained and really has the best table manners, although to look at her now, you wouldn't know it" smiles used dog with her sweetest smile
"well what are you waiting for then, pea soup it is" the reader announces letting used dog and little olive into her cozy abode for an evening of merriment, leaving Tif out in the cold, on the street corner with her little sign, thinking how nice pea soup sounds...
she, used dog and little olive are once again thanking you most kindly for considering her ~ Tif
I wish I could vote for you twice on everything (except that I'm up for favorite eco artist as well, but still). Good luck! xoxoxo
thanks for the heads up on the fact there are four awards awaiting our Dottie Angel
I actually voted for you on most of those when I was on poppytalk yesterday! Good luck!!!
You delight me to pieces.
of couse I will vote!congrats for the nominations
Would it help to use this quote " I think Tif should be immortalised by standing on one of her stools on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square for she gives us such wonderfully gratuitous pleasure whatever she does" or is that too cheesily over the top? (It will mean something to all those this side of the pond!)
lovely photo :) ! i vote for you
i can't exactly remember how i found my way here, by way of new zealand i think...
however, i am so completly charmed by your adorable blog, you are delightful, funny, talented! and MOST deserving of these lovely nominations, now i'm off to vote, even though i'd really love to stay around a little more. Good luck dottie angel,
all the best!
♥ lori
Oh yes, such a favourite blog!
Do know that your shameless canvasing is working for me! I've put in my votes:)
I voted for you in all 4 categories - Good Luck!
I plan on taking up your challenge! I'll be honest with you... I've been doing the secondhand thing for a couple of years now. Probably because it's my job (I own a vintage home furnishings/accessories boutique), so that is my whole life! But... I'm interested in following your journey and in improving my own!!
Tif, Congrats on all the wonderful nominations. I voted the other day and thanks to your busy little workers I have placed my vote for you in all the other areas as well. I am quite sure I saw Used Dog and Little Olive boarding the ferry in Anacortes headed for Orcas Island with a sack lunch in tow. What wise souls they are to take a beautiful trip and corner all the passengers on your behalf at the same time.... Good luck.
I'm weary from voting but it is done.
If I get a fine in the mail for not voting in our local elections, I shall forward it on to Ms Dottie Angel, for it will be her fault entirely that I was "all voted out" and unable to attend the polling booth even one more time.
What? Oh yes, well aren't you cute! I'll take 3 boxes of the plain butter cookies, shoot, what are they called again? Oh, is there anything new, none of those thin mint thingers, don't care for those at all.
What's that you say dear? No, cookies? For heaven's sake, what is it then? Oh that, well I've already voted as many times as they'd let me and I'm afraid that is all I can do. Anytime dears, and you tell that dottie angel I said "Hey!"
Okay you have my votes. Now will you please tell me where you got those black boots in the photo for your challenge. Please.
Have carried out said task!! :o)
Great Scott...I had no idea it was you chasing me and my pushchair at the shops today, although in my defense I didn't notice your sign, it's hard when you're running as fast as a rather snug fitting purple velour tracksuit and tassled moon boots will allow! I can't apologise enough, you must have thought me very rude...How can i make it up, I know I'll go and vote for you right now, in all 4 categories.
You got my vote!!
I voted for you:) there should be a category for most fabulously dressed blogger and i would of voted for you there too:)
oh wonderful dearest readers... you have made my day and used dog's too!
ticking stripes... be as cheesy as you wish for you just made me smile and smile :)
hope you win! you've got my vote for sure.
Voting done, good luck!
Well of course I voted for you in every category!!!!
Love all that you share!
congrats!! you are now one vote closer to winnning!!
I own the first five seasons of The Waltons! You know your readers! Pea soup is not my fav, but I am a fan of soups. ;)
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