it would appear dear readers that i am not alone in the 'receiving gifts that miss the mark' issue...and as i got to reading a few of your comments, enlightening me of your own 'what were they thinking' gifts, a little thought struck me...
it has been such a long time since i did a 'give away' long in fact i can't even remember what it was (pause, while i recollect...ahhh, that's right it was this), that it's time to throw caution to the wind and give away a 'thing or two'...

it's so easy, all you have to do is leave me a comment telling all about your most 'horror of horror' gifts (if loved ones names have to be changed to avoid hurt feelings, i quite understand) return i will enter your name into a mitten...if i get too many and my mitten becomes bulgy (oooh, that would be something eh!) then i shall go onto my other mitten.
up for grabs, out of my little mittens are
(drum roll please...)
1st prize: a nora cushion cover

measuring 20" x 20"
(here's the back for your perusal)
2nd prize: a nellie book bag

12" x 15"
(close up of nellie bag for your perusal)
so there we have it, quite simple, nothing too stressful for the old brain cells on a monday morning (actually it's the afternoon, but i liked the sentence with 'morning' in it)...
i shall leave this little 'give away' open until Sunday 5th Oct and on Monday 6th, a lovely little assistant will pick the winners.
"what lovely little assistant would that be Tif?", well since you asked, i am very excited to say my besty oldest pal from way back when (okay from when we were 11, sometime in the nineteen hundreds) is coming to stay and bringing a 'wee child' with her...
in a few hours, i must summon up my courage and drive to the airport in rush hour...i have managed to avoid the 'airport pickup' for eight years (quite a feat i can tell you), but alas my man has put his foot down and told me now i am of a 'certain' age i need to branch out and over come my fears.
so there it is, i hope to enjoy a lovely week with my friend (that's if i don't end up in Oregon, never to be heard of again) and with a bit of luck will be back on Monday for the results of my
'dottie give away'
she's practising her deep breathing skills for freeway driving ~ Tif