Monday, April 25

feeling crafty...

on friday when out and about doing easter bunny things, i happened to pass by our local thrift store. as i have not been for quite the while, i was overcome with desire to pottle amongst the shelves of despair. i am glad i succumbed to some thrift store pottling, for the little end aisle which does a grand job of holding lots of smallish picture frames came up trumps. i took my triumphant pair of brown frames home and pondered their fate.

after a bit of pondering i decided to go with turquoise, this is partly because my can of turquoise paint seems to be never ending and partly because i thought the colour perfectly fitting for the end result. as my paint dried i rustled around in my granny's dressing table drawer and unearthed two photos of my girls, taken nearly 12 years ago on the morning of my soul sister Debbie's wedding. they were sitting on the bed in their underwear looking lovely to me, watching all the goings on around them, their hair all freshly washed and their bridesmaid dresses waiting

i printed off a background paper from a photo of patched together lace and linens and then stitched my girls photos on, mirroring the stitching on the background paper. after a bit of a struggle with the frame and its backing, due to it being rather old and on its last legs, i had myself two lovely little frames which i promptly popped on the wall in my studio. perfectly suited for my melancholy moments.

i am especially feeling crafty this week, inspired by these two lovely 'how-tos' i came across. first my friend Lola has done wonders with some pretty butterflies and then my friend Jane has made the most brilliant display boxes for the wall. both these 'how-tos' have me wishing to break out my crafting cap and make little vignettes of crafty goodness all around the shed.

she is adding a few wares to her shop window this week whilst doing a sundance ~ Tif


Carol said...

Evening O'Crafty one, I spotted the clever photo cube creations too, will be looking for them at the carbooty or charity shops....
Love the photos of your girls in their new frames, you'll be able to look at them and think of happy times, not be melancholy because that isn't allowed (well only very occasionally).
Carol xx

Bonita Rose said...

thrift store shopping always makes me smile. xo hugs

Pomona said...

Hope you are a bit less iffy - hoping to get to the shop before it all sells out!

Pomona x

And the word verification is 'bless' - how patronizing is that?! Or perhaps it isn't in American? I feel quite put down, but maybe I should feel ennobled.

PeregrineBlue said...

what terrific finds. and you painted them in my favorite color. you are always so inventive or should i say re-inventive.

silly old suitcase said...

From feeling iffy to feeling crafty, that's good!
It's a very nice colour which you used for those pictureframes.

Have a nice evening!

Tone said...

Lovely colour!

Tracey@bountifully said...

The frames are delightful, I am looking, looking, looking for one similar to house a little birdie watercolour I bought off etsy.

kait said...

these are adorable and ooohh-so-creative!! love the choice of turquoise, too - it really makes the frame pop while still being perfectly pretty.

Anonymous said...

These are just beautiful. And it is so lovely to hear the story behind the pictures.
I love them.

::The Beetle Shack:: said...

Fabulous colour! I have painted Way too much of my home this shade- i fear it has become an obsession! Enjoy crafting this week, I hope you have a sunny spot to do it in!


p.s How amazing are jane's display boxes?! One of my fave blogs right there! said...

The frames look lovely - I especially like the turquoise on them. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. Bente

Trisha Brink Design said...

These are so sweet! I am struggling with some little vintagey finds myself at the moment...your little frames have encouraged me to press on! :D You have also reminded me to take more photos of my little matter what they might be doing.
Thanks again dear Dottie!

Eleni said...

Although I am impressed with your marvellous new frames, I am captivated - nay, enthralled - by your bunny lamp and your candelabra!

Francesca said...

oh tif, it's us you're talking to. you don't have to pretend you just 'happened' to pass your local thrift shop. we know full well the easter bunnies were just an excuse for you to go there direct! lovely frames and lovely memories. x

a pink-bee said...

Where did you find the WONDERFUL bunny lamp? Your posts are so much fun :).
HaPPy dAy :)

dottie angel said...

haha heehee Fran, you know me so well :)

the bunny lamp came from Emily Chalmer's store Caravan. a souveneir of my trip to old blighty :)

the candelbra was an old wooden one i found in the thrift store, i painted it turquoise and added vintage decals to it :)

Trisha! gosh i was not good at taking snap shots of my children and i do not have many at all from when they were little, even less of them as teens. it is my one regret that i did not take the time to get the camera out more often.

glad you liked the frames my dears and thank you kindly for your lovely comments :)

oh and Pomona, yes i guess it is a bit isn't it. Our #1 says it to me sometimes in a way that appears she is patting me on the head and going "there there mother" like i am a little bit mad or something. so yes we must agree never to say "bless" until we are grannies, then i am thinking it perfectly okay, along with wearing odd looking hats :)

Ruth said...

Oh no - don't tell me your bunny LIGHTS UP!!! Oh my goodness!! Years ago, in the 1960's, maybe early 70's, there were "Gladys Goose" lamps. By the time I realized I had to have one, they were no longer available. Wish you could find one of those, too! I LOVE your stuff, Tif!!! xoxoxox

dottie angel said...

Ruth i do believe you can still get the goose too! perhaps a little different from the original ones but none the less, a mother goose :)

jane said...

O, Tif, your frames are lovely and thank you so much for mentioning my display cubes:-) X

Annas Camping said...

So sweet idea!

iheartsunnydays said...

I absolutely love this! Your frames are so beautiful, and I adore the colour you chose. I'm not a real crafty person, but you have inspired me to give things a try, so Thank You so much Dottie - you are wonderful :)