Tuesday, November 2

a 'high hopes wrap' for a chilly day, how-to...

now some folks may say,
"oh Tif, i think you may be mistaken,
for it would appear you are wearing a glorified blanket around your shoulders
and not as you say, a high hopes wrap"
but i know
and you know dearest readers,
what they obviously do not know.
all one needs is a pair of rose colored specs
and an imagination of the utmost kind,
for the glorified blanket around my shoulders
to become a 'high hopes wrap' for a chilly day.

not a super duper freezy chilly kind of day
but a medium sort of chilliness day,
when one can still maintain a little bit of charm in the clothing department,
and not so freezy chilly one loses all cares of looking charming,
reaching for the nearest duvet to drape around ones self before leaving the nest.

ingredients ~

* one pair of rose colored specs
* one imagination
* one Mrs Hook size K/6.5mm
2 balls of fisherman (color #099)
1 ball of silver grey (color #155)
1 ball of charcoal (color #152)
* one doily
* one kilt pin
* a few left over bits of yarn from your stash

just a word before i proceed with my little 'how-to' for a chilly day.
to be honest you can use any yarn or color combination you wish.
Mrs Hook is a size K hook,
so if you wish to follow my measurements perhaps use a yarn suited to her ample size.
the final measurements for this peachy wrap is roughly
15" wide x 51" long
38cm x 130cm

as with all my crocheting tutorials, it is quite simple,
however i have used the joining technique of the 'ordinarily extraordinary' blanket,
if this is a "no-no" for you,
then i would suggest making your individual colored strips
and then slip stitching them together at the end.
and last but by no means least!
i have used the US double crochet term throughout,
which is UK treble crochet :)

so with all that being said, to borrow a phrase from the brilliant RAMONES
"hey ho, lets go"...

recipe ~

using the fisherman cream yarn, chain 20 plus 3 (for turning)
double crochet into 3rd chain from Mrs hook
and continue double crocheting happily for 130 cm (51")

attach new color, sliver grey and chain 10 plus 3 (for turning)
double crochet happily back towards your cream strip

when you have reached your cream strip,
join the grey to the cream

(at this point you will be at photo #7 of the blanket 'how-to' close ups, so follow from there)
continue along your happy way,
joining the grey to the cream strip as you go.

when you come to the end of the silver grey strip,
join the third color charcoal, chain 5 plus 3 (for turning)
double crochet back towards the heather grey strip,
again using the 'ordinarily extraordinary' join as you go

once you have finished your charcoal strip, finish off your yarn.
weave in any threads needing to be disguised.

you will now have a lovely rectangle strip of crocheted goodness.
looking not unlike a narrow blanket :)

gather up your doily, pin and yarny leftovers.

carefully stitch your doily down in one corner of your wrap,
by weaving yarny colored leftovers in and out of the doily's pretty pattern.

i also used a bit of green yarn to wrap around my kilt pin,

this was to keep him warm, i thought about him being chilly too
and thought how nice for a little pin to have his own 'warm wrap' whilst out in the cold.
and there you have it!
a 'high hopes wrap' for a chilly day

i am thinking so many possibilities here,
jollier, brighter colors,
weaving lace or ribbon through the 'ordinarily extraordinary' eyelets,
edging the wrap with picot or shell edging,
just with a bit of imagination,
i have no doubt you will take this woolly wrap 'how-to'
and make it you own

she is brainstorming her 'table of contents' with used dog and little olive ~ Tif


emerson-j said...


liz said...

That is tops!! Gorgeous ideas. :)

Sharon Stanley said...

excellent wrap for going out, staying in, chair sitting in front of a little fire and/or taking walks in chilly weather....well done you!

Marianne said...

Cute :)

Rixen said...

I just love this one! Gonna get startet making one myself as soon as I finish the projekt im working on at the moment. Thank u for sharing <3 xx

Regina said...

Love - love your high hopes wrap! It is cool enough in Kansas today to stay warm beneath.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Only you could take something so simple and make it absolutely extraordinary !!!!! That's why you are truly unique. :) Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

Anonymous said...

I just adore your wrap, although I fear my skills in crochet are non exsistant. Looks just so warm and cosy!

karen said...

so lovely!! i love the stitched doily too :)

vesna said...

very nice

Jennifer said...

Oh Dottie, this just jumped right up to the top of my "to make" Christmas list. It's gorgeous and it will be perfect for some of my family (me too). Thanks so much for the tutorial, it truly is a most hope giving wrap.

misschris said...

And it is with much delight and gratitude that i believe this is within my doable powers!!! Tif, my dearie, this is so especially perfect. Thanks for the tute! XOXO

Annie B said...

Tif this is fabulous!! I was sitting watching Coro Street last night and feeling a little chilly (it is supposed to be almost summer here in the antipodes and although the days are sunny & warm, the nights are still very cool), not wanting to miss any of the excitement of my programme by nipping off to get a cardi, I wrapped my crochet knee rug around my shoulders. I was instantly warmed & I said to my hubby " I now know why old ladies used to wear shawls - they are so warm and snuggly". Then this morning I am reading your post - and here is your lovely wrap!!! Now I am really going to learn to crochet - but 1st I must run & put the Ramones record on the turntable.
Isn't it funny how even though I am on the other side of the world we seem to be on the same wave length.

Blessed Serendipity said...

I always enjoy your posts so much with charming dottie angel. Your shawl is wonderful and the doily makes it extra special.


sabrina said...

Oh, this is TOO CUTE! I love the way you wrote your tutorial like a recipe. <3

I was going to buy a crocheted wrap/bolero type thingy off of Etsy for my wedding next summer, (because I expect the Oregon coast to be a bit chilly, even in August) but with this tutorial I suppose I could make my own! As you stated, I could use ANY color and embellish my little doily and kilt pin however I choose! This makes my day. :) Thank you SO much for posting this, Tif! <3

mel @ loved handmade said...

I absolutely adore it!! Thank you for sharing. We are mid spring here, though i think it would be the perfect accessory for those cool evenings..eeekkk, can't wait to make a start!!

Karen said...

well I for one adore your glorified blanket!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing another great project! I am off to check my yarn and get started... thanks!

Michelle said...

Tif...You can make something so "simple" look like the most amazing creative piece of "art" I have ever seen...
I love you for that...

You have brightened my day...
Which is perfect for today I was heading to the "big smoke" to go wool shopping...
Pity it's spring...
Oh well one can plan for next winter...
I still think it would look just lovely on this sort of day thou...
Which I would call "cardigan weather"...

Can't wait for next year- I have ordered my copy of your book...

Anonymous said...

What a great wrap, thanks for the recipe!
I really enjoyed making your blanket, the little join was a great idea. :)

Unknown said...

Lucykate Crafts... said...

love it!

blue corduroy said...

oh, your a genius!

rachelle said...

ooh i love lion brand yarn wish we had it here in the UK, I emptied a suitcase & filled it with vanda's choice when we were in New York but alas it has all been used up :-( wrap looks great with or without the rosr specs rxx

Helmi said...

very nice, thanks for sharing.
grt, Helmi

Claire Garland said...

Tiff! Now you've done it... no sleep for me until Christmas. I simply have to make one of these, so super stylish. Thing is I have a huge, huge list of other things to make - my pledge to myself this year was to make every family member a Christmas gift, instead of buying one - I've yet to start them of course.
Thanks for the pattern.

polly said...

I am loving what you've done to the doily on your wrap. very clever

YarnRoundHook said...

I love your 'high hopes wrap'...who cares if people think you're wearing a blanket when it looks that good!

Vickie said...

Hi Tif

Another brillant design from Tif....no pressure, but keep them coming. I am in granny heaven!!! My hands can't work fast enough to create all your wonderful ideas - if only new dog Mina could crochet......

Vickie in Seattle

dottie angel said...

oh you are so lovely indeed!
my 'high hopes wrap' for a chilly day and myself are positively beaming with your kind words :)
thank you my dears!

Owls design a sunny day said...

Love the color of your images.

whileshedreams said...

this wrap is sooooo pretty! i really do need to learn to knit... le sigh.

Rebecca Newport said...

So pretty Tif!

Bree said...

the world is so much a nicer place with rose specs and high hopes and imaganation. i would say one [me] das need it most, just to survuive.
make sure to never loose it!
you look fab!

thnx for your high hopes blog

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for this....I think possibly that even "I" really can do this. I want to make one for my dear mom who is a breast cancer patient, undergoing chemo...once a week. Thank you for the beautiful photos, and simple instructions. I hope to make it for her as a Christmas gift. I am so grateful for stuff like this that can keep my mind busy.

I do so much love your beautiful blog.

XX Rena in chilly Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

oh goody no one mentioned the color combination so i get to be original for once! (i have a complex about that, being perennially anonymous) anyway i love the colors and how they are arranged! im like how can something so simple and almost naive look so adorable but it does!lion chunky is one of my favorite yarns but i knit in lieu of crochet! woe is me!

dottie angel said...

thank you again my lovelies!
i too was rather happy with the colors and how they turned out :)

and Rena dearie! gosh i am so touched to know this little 'high hopes' wrap will keep your mind busy and your mother warm this christmas, you are both in my thoughts :)

Anonymous said...

beautifull! your creativity is fabulous!
Greets from the Netherlands, Katharina

dragonfly said...

I absolutely adore this! Thanks so much for sharing the pattern.

Peggy said...

Oh I love it! My 10 year old daughter is ga-ga over crochet- she taught herself. She is going to try to make one of these!

dottie angel said...

peggy! this is wonderful, i am so delighted to think of your daughter not only teaching herself to crochet but to make her own high hopes wrap for a chilly day!
hurrah for her :)

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Very Anthropologie! I love your high hopes wrap.

...and I really wish I knew how to crochet.

~ Jennifer

Swirlyarts said...

Morning! I just wanted to let you know that I have featured your tutorial (lunch money) on Cuteable this morning and that I found you via Whip Up.

Lynsey x


Unknown said...

çok sevdim :)

Peggy said...

I LOVE this!! My 10 year old daughter is making it for me for Christmas!! Can't wait!

Ana Luisa said...

Hello! I just saw your pattern posted on Ravelry, would you like to put up a photo of your wrap for all to see? It's a shame it has no popularity from the lack of a photo.
Thanks for sharing!