it has been over a year since the chickie peas came to live at mossy shed,
over a year of being a mother hen...
they were indeed the very reason for moving to the shed and it's acre of moss.
in a year they have been my constant source of daily delights,
in short they are all i had hoped they would be
and so much more.
if you are sitting on the fence,
debating whether or not to bring a feathered friend or two into your life and your backyard,
i would advise you to think no longer and just do it,
and i am quite certain my advice is echoed all around
for many of you already know the joys i'm talking about...
the joy of having a few funny birds,
just doing their thing,
day after day,
never talking back to you,
always happy to see you,
wonderful at keeping secrets
never a complaint about your food offerings.
quite simply put,
i hope never to be without a few backyard chickens,
for the rest of my days

she is busy sweating it out with Miss Ethel and trying to keep billy no mates out of the shed ~ Tif
There was recently a garden expo at our local garden center and there were GORGEOUS chickens there. Wanted a couple of chicks after that. The city said sorry but no :( Sigh.... Just have to keep this in mind when we move next. Yours are beautiful!
I do so agree with every word...we welcomed our Dixie Chicks into our kypos last Oct...and love every minute with them..such funny things..husband chats to them constantly!!
you make me wish I did not live in the city! that nice brown egg is very pretty.
such cute pictures! we're thinking of adding a few chicks~
Tomorrow is the two week anniversary of the arrival of our chickens, and I love them, they are just fantastic! Your chooks are gorgeous!xx
Love those chickies! The pic of the one looking in through the window is so cute!
Chickens make a garden a better place, and in our case, our neighbour's gardens too. Waiting for the next batch of cheeps to hatch out - a very broody mother hen won't let us anywhere near!
love the pic of you and chickidee both facing the wall. And the peering through the window.
I have been contemplating a purchase for a while now-and you have only succeeded in making me want them even more! I am just worried about the practicalities and peeing off the neighbours. Sigh.
You blow me away......your creativity is endless. How inspiring!
ooh that hit the spot. Been thinking about getting chucks for a while. should I shouldn't I etc. but they do seem such an ideal backyard companion, and they earn their keep...
BTW my word verification is 'prettio'. thankio.
Ohhhh these pictures are so wonderful!! I love chickens!!! when I was a little girl I played the whole day with my aunts chicken. Now I´m 34 and since that day I´m dreaming to have chickens......
We bought a house with a huge garden and NOW I will definitely buy some of those feathered ladies:).....
Did you build up the chicken house by yourself? It would be so nice to see some pictures of it to get a bit inspired:) I´m sorry for my bad english and I hope you understand everything.... hugs from Denmark *Marie*
Yes, yes, yes! I so agree. Getting chickens a few months ago was the best thing ever! I adore my feather-friends. They add a positive dimension to our outdoor space! Can't say enough good things about them! Love your photos! Jamie V in MT
Your hens are fantastic! I have wanted hens for years, but I guess I have to live without... And they make such a great addition to your product photos!
(At least I have my printed hens.)
I am really looking forward to having chickens one day soon. What great photos, I was really having a giggle over a couple of them.
I totally agree. I love my girls. Love your girly pics as well.
i really want some chickens but don't have enough space for them. I also fear the dog might eat one.
Thank you for your encouragement. This is the year Poopsie and I will build a coop!
Second Hand Chicks
Dear Tif,
What a joy!Such a lovely post at the end of a difficult day.I used to keep chickens as a child and had them for years.Sadly our garden isn't big enough but when I retire I shall have lots of gorgeous girls.My brother has many hens and they are what we call fancy hens on this side of the pond.I will try to post some photos. Anne x
What a great post! I just love your beautiful chickens and what you write about them. Keep the pictures coming; would love to see more. This really makes me want to get some of our own! Love the pic of brown one peeking in the window!! Thank you for sharing.
We just love your style. WOW! Lovelig pictures and lovely colours and lovely skirts:)
from Silje and Vibecke
Oh, I love your chickie poohs. Last night I asked my hubby if he thought we would be allowed to have chickens. He said he didn't think so but we were allowed to have a horse. We live on less than an acre. We looked back into our neighborhood restrictions a few years back. They said we couldn't have a home business. We could have a horse but no fences or barns. Funny, huh. I am always talking about chickens. I would expect my hubby to laugh at me but he doesn't So I obviously love your chicks.
Oooops, I forgot. Love the Airstream in the background. My Mother and brother used to work for Airstream.
I would love so so much to have chickens but my back garden just isn't big enough. It's the one downfall of our lovely home, I'll just have to wait until we can have a home with land - then my dream is to have chickens, a few sheep and pigs plus pygmy goats!
here's a little link to how our chicken coop looked nicely new and clean
it has worn very well, we now have sheeting added at the back for weather purposes... we bought the plans online and my man built it, whilst i did the very important job of picking the color, painting it and making the bunting :)
despite the worries of our dogs, it has never been an issue, for they belong to their pack, one big family... little olive is a pesky one with them but she just wishes to get a closer look.
one's biggest worries are what lurks outside the yard, but so far we have had no trespasses and i hope it stays that way.
so delighted my year of being a mother hen in photos has cheered your day... it cheered mine just looking at them, i couldn't help but smile at their ability to 'perform' for the camera!
and i had to laugh at my shiny wellies in the first photo. bought especially for my moment of becoming a mother hen, they do not look like that anymore!
i finally talked my curmudgeon-ly man into chickens a couple of years ago, and we love them. they're so relaxing to watch pecking around the yard, so sweet! your pictures are wonderful-i must say i haven't invited mine INSIDE the house yet...!!:) love your very inspiring blog!!
I would venture to say they made great models as well! :) just darling Tif....
This post is a delight ... words and photos have made me smile, and dream a bit of living in a place with a back yard/garden with ... a few hens.
Best wishes from NYC!
I've been trying to convince the land-wealthy Father to get a couple...I think I'm wearing him down. :)
I live in the city downtown...No land. :(
Love these photos!
The photo of you and the chicken both facing the wall is great!! Who copied who?
Vivienne x
These photos brought fits of giggles to my entire family. There is no way to choose a favorite, although I think the one where you're turned away from the camera and the hen is on the stool beside you wins by a hair (feather?). Thanks for making my day!
your posts are inspiring, uplifting, and always farm fresh and free range!
such inspiration and lovely color in your photos! I appreciate the doile over tree stump - fabulous idea!
I love your photos of your girls Tif! Very stylish chicks they are. I would love to have some sweet little chickens in our yard, I just have to convince hubby that he does too. Unfortunately we have neighbouring cats that seem to think they live here. I'm guessing it's not going to be a good mix? Are they messy in the garden too? I really have no idea but they look great and it's the only animal I'm not likely to be allergic too!
Brilliant pictures! I love the little lady peeking through the window, too funny! We're thinking of getting a couple of chooks, we don't have a huge space, but enough I think. Hubby would LOVE to get them...
Love the photo of you with the baby chicks and your son...too cute. I would so love to have chooks but im afraid my Dearest Dog would have a feast!
dearest readers, do not be afraid of a chicken and a cat. remember these are farmyard creatures... dogs and cats tend to leave their own pack alone, there is an unwritten rule between them... a cat may watch, a cat may fancy but a cat will never have. (obviously if its a big cat like a tiger, i'm thinking my lovely little assumption isn't true) but a domestic cat may try it's luck but none it will have... chickens show the cat whos who and where they may roam within the boundaries of what is comfortable.
of course no doubt someone will tell me that's a load of old cod's wallop but as far as my experience is, things are pretty peachy in my back yard...
and as for mess, yes there is mess, ours are free range and they go where they please so mess we have, the dust is rather tiresome on the back overhang furniture and of course when they lay eggs where one is about to sit... but to be honest every little creature comes with a bit of mess, i think their companionship, their fresh eggs and their willingness to 'play dottie angel' far outweighs the mess :)
and as i said before, the best thing of all, you can tell them your troubles, your secrets and it will never go any further, they look at you with a beady 'all knowing' eye, nod the nod and go on their way, safely keeping your secret to themselves....
oh but that doesn't mean the neighbour's dog won't want them for dinner. probably your chickens biggest problem is the dog next door so that is something to be aware of... as we have dogs, the other dogs don't come sniffing around, plus we have a fenced in yard, but given half a change a stray chicken is a pretty big temptation for a passing dog...
They are gorgeous!! And I love their pale blue abode :)
delightful photos and adorable chicken family!
The charm of a 'chouck' you can't beat them, sadly Foxy loxy lurks in our neighbourhood and we keep ferrets so chickens would not be safe if our little haven!
Nicky x
great pictures!!
Oh Tif I do wish my "sophia's" and now 3 "nicks" were better behaved...
They really are not trained very well...we now have enclosed them in there coop so no more scratching my new vegie garden up...
Little Millie is most unhappy now as she can not spend her hours chasing them around the yard...
Love all your pictures...
I just adore chickens... hope to have some of my very own one day! And such beautiful pictures yet again :)
I have chickens too, they are fab friends aren't they (especially giving me egg presents every day :-) ).
I do know of someone whose dogs *did* have the lot of them, but on the whole so long as they are well trained dogs aren't an issue. And if you have dogs you are less likely to be bothered by foxes.
Cats are no bother - our cat used to sleep in the chicken coop and they all used to get along just fine. But then, our cat was a sensible cat who only killed bunnies and tinned fish...
You truly tempt me. I wonder if city peeps have chickens here in Grand Rapids? Also, love all your boots. Oh, and I'm to be getting some stump tables that will now definitely be having lace on them as some point this summer!
the butts shot is best!! great post!
and another thought...
yes we have predators in the ways of coyotes and possums.
when building the coop it was built with the mesh going deep into the ground. we were told if a two year old child can open the coop then a possum can, so latches are lockable if needed.
we have not had coyotes sniffing around but then we have dogs and a lot of toing and froing in the yard by us... but saying that we had a mild winter so wildlife perhaps did not need to come into town.
we do not live in the country, mossy shed is in the heart of a city or large town as we would say in the UK, i live an urban life but with a bit of countryside in my back yard. our city rules allow for a certain amount of farm animals depending on your land size.
not having a rooster means most people don't even know we have them until i mention it... but don't get me wrong, when wishing to lay an egg, one or two of them let me know just how fabby they are by making a whole lot of noise so i take notice!
and yes, i think the 'bottoms' picture is priceless. i needed a 'back shot' and the chicken on the stool turned around and did what i was doing... i'm thinking chickens are much smarter then they are ever given credit for :)
ohhh... I love this! I had no idea. we got our plans for a little playhouse coop and need to get busy to make it happen this year. I've always wanted chickens!
I love my chickens, and now we have introduced Mr Chicken, so things could get very interesting!
i adore this entire post!!!!!! love your chickies!
over a year? really?!
and it's you! it's you! lovely pic of you smiling away in the chickie house. although my fave is the one of someone peering in the kitchen window at your russian dolls. great great pics and so pleased it turned out to be all you hoped, and more. kisses to you. x
hey, have you done a posting about your camper?
I have four feathered friends who sing to me ! ( I posted about it a couple of days ago....)
ahh my favorite post visit of the day... the camper in the background is a great addition :)
I would love to have some the meantime I really enjoy yours!
Oh, don't push me off the fence!!! I have a book about chickens in the living room, loaned to me by a dear friend (she has a collection of back yard chickens) and my daughter has informed the family she will give up the ground floor of her treehouse to house chickens . . . I think the love of my life is looking on Craig's list for chickens right now . . .
soon to be back yard chicken owner --
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