Tuesday, August 26


i say to myself, "surely tomorrow, i will find a little time to get lost in dottie angel's world" but alas dear readers (are you still out there?) tomorrow comes and before i know it 'tomorrow' has turned into 'yesterday' and my little blog lies neglected in cyber land...

but not today...oh no, 'today' will be the day that Tif sits down at her little desk and blots out the calls of "mum"... yes, she will over come her 'guilt' at leaving her readers 'high & dry' and yes, she will start to 'tippity tap' on those dusty keys...

i have missed you, you make me 'whole' in a way i can not explain...i know i should be just 'blogging' away for myself and my sanity, but in the end i have to tell you, it's knowing that you are out there 'listening' to me that makes me carry on, so if you can forgive my 'unforgivable' silence and allow me to carry on like i have never been away then i know i can 'blog again'...

so let me start by telling you i have had one of the loveliest summers, short of finding more sunshine, i don't think it could have been better...i went home for some 'care' which my folks kindly gave to me...i returned with a lovely dose of 'old blighty' in my heart and felt ready to tackle the final stages of the shed's remodel while spending the last of the summer with my kids and then to refocus on some crafting...(blimey, that's a right old 'rambling' ramble, a little bit rusty on the old 'writing' skills, i'm afraid...)

over the next few weeks i shall 'back date' a few things as quite frankly most days i was desperate to tell a tale or two and of course my children were not up for listening to their mother's ramblings for very long...

she's shouting out "hello" and hoping not to hear just an echo back ~ Tif


Tracy x said...

is it you?
is it really you?....

it is soooooo nice to see you again

i can rest easy tonight knowing that the dot is back in town


many hugs to you
t x

Anonymous said...

ah-ha! hooray!

dottie angel said...

...and a 'tear' gently drops into Tif's cup of tea, "thank goodness" she says to herself "there wasn't just an echo"...

Gigibird said...

Thank goodness for that I was thinking of coming over and strapping you to your computer and making you type out

I must blog at least once a week
I must blog at least once a week.....

Lucykate Crafts... said...

hellooo!, nice to see you back : )

am looking forward to a gladys update!

roseroomnz.com said...

Hi Tif, I have missed you! Glad you had a great summer and looking forward to some 'back tales' of Mossy Shed! Rachael

Leisa said...

Hi Tif - Just assumed you were having a wonderful summer in England !! Great to see you back!

Anonymous said...

glad you're back! I can go back to my morning cuppa and a chuckle at your antics... its all been rather sensible since you've been gone. I meant that to sound more complimentary than it came out by the way!

drouillards said...


i love your stories and ramblings. :>

Dawn said...

Yay! You're back?!

Unknown said...

hallo old friend, old pal! Welcome back. I think we are all traipsing back in after a summer away...

Veronica said...

Ooooh, hooray! You're back! So glad to hear that you're back, and you had a nice time back home.

Welcome back! :D

Michelle said...

yes your back, and were never forgotten.even way over here in australia.i have a little link in my side bar that tells me when my favorite blogs post (niffty idea)
and i looked every time i got on line and wow your back...can't wait for more dottie posts...

Jesse said...

So glad you're back!

French Knots said...

You're back! Hurrah!

Anonymous said...

Oooh I'm glad you're back - did you grow gills whilst enduring our lovely UK monsoon summer?


Anonymous said...

Its great to see you're back! I've missed you and kept checking to see if you were there..glad you had a lovely summer, can't wait to see what you've been up to. Cxx

Jane said...

You're back!
That poor bird will fade away.

A Saucerful Of Secrets said...

HeeeLLLLOOOOOOO TIFTIFTIFtiftif,lovely to finally have you back,can't wait to hear your tales,that girl can spin a yarn ,.I tell you......Annie x

Kristy said...

Well hello there stranger! I thought that big mossy shed had sucked you into another vortex!

KELLY said...

hallooooo! (from old blighty)
you have been missed indeed + it's lovely to see you back! your words make me smile + your pictures are happiness on this dull so called summer day here in england. xxx

Unknown said...

Welcome back!

Louise said...

Oh yay - welcome back!! Hope you had a great rest and look forward to updates on your fab home!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you are back! I've been checking every few days and have been so disappointed to find that you hadn't returned. Welcome back!

Lindz (Yankee Girl Designs) said...

Your Back, Yay!!!!!

Jenny S said...

Yay! Good to hear from you again!
I've really missed your posts

dottie angel said...

'i blog therefore i am'...thank you for reminding me...

Tif x

Violette Crumble said...

I took the summer off myself. I am always amazed that you are able to create so much AND blog about it in addition to caring for your entire family. Welcome back! Can't wait to see what you have been up to.

Diane said...

I'm still here and glad you are too!

RetroLeeTX said...

I'm so inspired by you and glad you're back to blogging. You are the first blog that I really started reading. I didn't know what blogging was all about until I came across you. I've missed reading your stories and seeing all of your creativity. Welcome back!

Unknown said...

Yeah! So glad you're back! I love your blog and how you tell a tale!

Gigibird said...

Dottie Who?

ha ha ha

Couldn't resist:)

Hear Me Roar! said...

There are apparently loads and loads of us out here who have been anxiously awaiting your return! I'm SO glad you're back, and now we must work on plans of one day being in the same fabric and/or yarn store at the same time!

Anonymous said...

And, of course I didn't check for a few days, and here you are! Welcome back my inspiring blog friend! I've missed you this summer, and I'm glad you had a good one. I'm off to read your newest post...

Love the gorgeous birdcage. I've been on the hunt for one, myself. It's been a bit elusive, but I don't get discouraged that easily!

~ Jennifer

Anonymous said...

A belated hello !! (I'm a bit more 'sporadic' at the moment too :) Nice to see your return.