
Sunday, September 19

the day before...

please excuse my unexplained absence...
when i awoke on friday morning, Mr Lurgy had me in a vice like grip,
thus our plans for the day were scrapped.
Debbie had to make do with crocheting in our lounge
instead of the 'blah and beige' waiting room of the DOL.
she kindly made no comments about my horribly horrible state of lurgyifiedness,
other than to offer me medicinal cups of tea and comforting words.
we watched several movies and put the world to rights.

today we made up for the little hiccup in our agenda
and headed into Fremont, Seattle.
i was still rather foggy brained
but we managed to pottle around the place quite happily
in our matching Clarks clog sandals.
(which my mother kindly gifted to me this summer)
upon seeing them, Debbie recognized them for what they were,
pretty sweet and comfy.
as one gets older,
words such as 'comfy' for footwear become spoken more frequently.
shortly afterwards we became clog twins who pottle well together.

i have no idea if the word 'pottle' exists
but i felt it described exactly our movements of this morning,
therefore i am now adopting it as my word of the week
i shall be sure to say in a loud voice every day
things like
"oh, how lovely the mail man has been, i shall pottle to fetch the mail"
or perhaps
"little olive, why do you look so suspicious, do you need to pottle outside for a visit"
then again
"gosh, is it friday already, i must pack my bags and pottle into Seattle to meet my lovely dearies"

now we are back holed up in the shed,
i am watching the rain turn into a small river outside my studio window.
indeed i am thinking i should say
"oh, i see the rain has pottled into a river outside my window"
whilst i am watching water pottle
Debbie is doing secrets in the kitchen.
secrets to do with my birthday tomorrow...
this is terribly exciting,
for it is not often someone does secretive secrety things in my kitchen
on my behalf.

she will be back tomorrow, another year older and perhaps quite possibly a little wiser ~ Tif
footnote: i am thinking in future to not cause light headiness for some readers, i will place a warning sign above any photos taken in my local thrift store. it has become such a norm for me, i did not think about what a shock to the system, aisle after aisle of such bounty, could cause.
so be warned before you read the next line... particularly if you are a Brit.
my thift store is the size of a medium Tescos or Sainsbury.
there are others i frequent that are the size of Tesco superstores.
quite unimaginable really...


  1. I think "pottle" is a very good word :~)

  2. Oh my goodness Tif time has flown by...
    Another year has come and gone...
    A few more grey hairs have taken over and a few more laugh lines have appeared...Funny really as I do not really recall laughing that much...
    Not to warrant the appearance of such a crease that is...

    I do hope Debbie is whipping up a storm in your kitchen...Maybe something non-orange...perhaps...

    Have a perfect day my dear friend...
    Hugs and best wishes form far across the seas...

  3. So does this mean you are not going to give the name of the thrift store from yesterday's post? And my comment asking about the name got deleted. So secretive!

    I'm not going to go there and buy the good stuff- me & you don't have the same taste.

  4. I'm at a loss at such bounty around your town, so i think i'll pottle off to the kitchen for a tottle. I mean tipple.

  5. 'pottle' is most certainly a lovely word and obviously quite useful. I am also quite taken with 'lurgyfiedness' but first i will have to learn how to spell it. Birthday blessings! jx

  6. Pottle should definitely be a word. It's very onomatopoeic.

    I hope your birthday is childlike, with lots of squeals and surprises.

  7. delighted you will be pottling around your nests my dears!

    and neeka! no comment from yesterday was deleted that i know of, it is quite possible it was sucked into cyber space...
    my local thrift store is a Value Village, nothing secretive about it my dear... i frequent Goodwill and Sally Army's as well.
    hope that answers your question and hope you get to spend many happy hours pottling around them :)

  8. and thank you michelle for making me smile about those extra pesky gray hairs and wrinkles!

  9. Hello, Tif,
    I wish you a happy birthday enjoying the secrets from your soulsister, friens and family.
    I`ve been following your blog for a while now (with the help of leo the dictionary who sometimes strikes because of his lack of fantasy)
    and I find it the greatest blog ever!
    So, blog- and birthday congratiolations combined with greetings from germany!

  10. Pottle is a great word, feels good to say: it may replace pootle for me, although I think I have room for both.

  11. oooh pottle sounds like a fabulous word indeed!
    Have a lovely birthday! x

  12. Happy happy birthday! I hope it's full of many surprises (good ones, like cake).

    Also, I cannot BELIEVE you get to thrift in such a vast arena! Charity shop-shopping just won't be the same anymore..I am envious, to say the least :)

  13. I am pottling off for a lie down, overcome at the size of your thrift emporium!

  14. May pottle please be my "word of the week" Tif?
    (I'm just pottling through my very favorite blogs right now and soon I think I'll pottle down the hall to the kitchen for some yoghurt and fruit before pottling off in my little car to craft/talk group?)

    I'm wondering how on earth did we manage before you invented this sweet and ever-so-useful word?...

  15. I gazed into the Newmarket Cancer Research chazza shop on Saturday. I thought of your Sainsbury-sized thrift Emporium. I gave a sigh with a slight envious edge. There was one small shelf of crockery.

    However, I was not downhearted and turned my attention to a twirly linen skirt with painterly granny-style florals, a lace edging and a heeeuuuge belty strap for tying a cheering bow. It was all the world like a Dottie Angle creation (but was actually made by Mr Marks and Mr Spencer - how did they know???). It came home with me. Of course. £4 and I am a happy happy lady.

  16. I think 'pottle' is a lovely word - I tend to 'poodle' but if you did that it might upset little olive. I am also astonished at the size of your thrift store. If we had one that big I'd have to be dragged out screaming and clinging onto the doorpost! Hope you feel much better in time for your birthday and that it's filled with lovely things.

  17. oh I am a Brit but I did not heed the warning you gave and I gasped out loud when I read how big the thrift store was, in fact my fellow thought I had read something quite shocking - he didn't get how shocking it was, you lucky, lucky lady, I would be penniless if I lived near one of your stores.

  18. Oh dottie, I hope mr lurgy leaves you alone now. The green-tinged madam envy has been perched right next to me as I nearly faint from the sight of the Tesco sized thrift shop. As you very well know, even though we are blessed with sweet little charity shops in UK, they are rarely spacious enough to shimmy out a vintage bedspread in!

    I am still wondering / pondering about where the British 'trashures' are really hidden....

  19. I think there could be a nice line of business for someone in your town - "Thrifting Holidays" - 'specially for us Brits. Yep, a one week special tour of all the humungous thrift stores. Although, if the Brits stripped the shelves bare, it would rather spoil your fun, so maybe not!!! Happy Birthday!
    Gorgeous x

  20. "Pottle" ~ such a lovely word, and so sort of British LOL I like the word "pootle" and use it a lot ;-)

    My jaw dropped in awe at the size of your goodwill stores! There are a number of little charity shops in the town where I live and to be frank, I think you could put all of them in my local Tesco and still have room to spare!

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday :-)

  21. Envying the rain and jacket weather, and loving the clogs. Looks like they are not available in US?

  22. oh how lovely to think of every one of us 'pottling' around this whole week and for many weeks to come.
    when quizzed to how our days have been spent, you know the sort of quizzing that comes from those that think we idled our hours away...
    we will be able to reply with a knowing smile upon our faces,
    "why i have been most busy pottling, how about you?"

    thank you for the birthday wishes my dearies!

  23. Love you photos! And pottle should be a word if it isn't - it says it all! Hope you have a grand birthday! Please stop by my history blog - it's about St. Nicholas. (Humm I wonder if he pottled... he lived to be 95 so he must have all the time!)

  24. It is now "tomorrow" as I read this, so I am wishing you a big, a really big, great big..."HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!"

  25. I think the word pottle is wonderful and I know I pottle about all over the place!
    Do wish I could be joining you at the workshop, as I'd love to make what your making and to meet you! Sadly, I won't be able to ... darn.
    A very Happy Birthday Tif ... do hope your day is wonderful!

  26. I confess to frequently 'poddling' and 'pootling' - but I have yet to try 'pottling'
    Lovely new word!!

  27. Like Sharon, I am one for "pootle", as in "I reallllly want to come and pootle around your super-dooper massive thrifty shops!" Happy Birthday my dear, I hope the lurgy has gone away! x

  28. happy birthday :)

    i don't think the warning is clear enough - i am typing this from the floor and wondering how on earth i can get a green card and emigrate to thrift store land :D

  29. I think there should most definitely be room in the next edition of the oxford dictionary for 'pottle'.
    I think I will stop my usual pottering and pottle instead from time to time...
    *weeping at the thought of superstore size thrift stores and storms off in a teenager kinda way*

  30. SIGHT! I SO love ur blog.........................

  31. thank you for the kind birthday wishes! indeed i spent the day doing a grand amount of pottling, the perfect way to spend a birthday!!

  32. oooh i forgot to say, i have spent the day smiling at thoughts of you all now pottling
    and silver pebble, i love the thought of you and your new/old twirly skirt pottling around town together :)

  33. did you know that pottle is actually a real word? it refers to a pot or drinking vessel that holds 2 quarts (or the liquid in said vessel); it's also an old english liquid measure equal to 2 quarts. so instead of a half-gallon of milk one could purchase a pottle of milk (or a milk pottle i suppose). happy bday tif!


  34. Happy Birthday Tif. For all us Brits I intend setting up "High Hopes Tours" - for those who really seriously neeeeed to visit those shelves of neglected souls ...

  35. oh my goodness! you are quite right, darren dictionary has confirmed it is indeed a word in existence! i hope one day darren will change his explanation of the word to two meanings!

    ticking stripes! i love that idea, thrift store trips, coach loads from across the pond... haha, heehee!
