
Saturday, February 27

and the winner is...

i am thinking after the past few days we perhaps feel a little better about our addicted collecting ways.
knowing we are not alone in our 'need' to go forth, finding all sorts of waifs and strays to bring back to our nests is rather comforting.
and just as they say,
(once again wondering who 'they' are and why 'they' say it,)
i feel the old saying "someone is always worse off than yourself" is really rather true in this case. i feel my addiction to stools, chairs, tea trays, brightly colored saucepans, sugar and creamer sets, nesting dolls, yarn, doilies, vintage fabric, mid century anything and clogs, appears to be quite normal.
i actually feel rather lacking in quantity compared to many others, wondering if indeed i qualify to be called an addictive confessor at all.

so with all that waffle being said, i think it time to pick a winner.

but alas dearest readers,
i have pondered,
i have paced
i have fretted
as to how a winner may be picked.
how does one better
i fear my 'winner picking' ways reached an all time heady height with Greta and her death defying leap.

and so it came to be this morning as i sat upon the floor with little olive, still dressed in pyjamas (little olive dressed in her collar but no pyjamas, she prefers to go 'as is')
i was 'a fretting' to my man about the enormity of the occasion and what lay ahead for one addicted confessor upon my blog...
but alas and alack, i was without inspiration as to picking that addicted confessor.
and then it happened,
a happening to out do all happenings,
to ever have happened at Mossy Shed!
there was a knock...

i, little olive and used dog pottered to the door
me in my pyjamas
little olive in her collar
used dog in her spiffy neckerchief.
upon opening the door,
the angels up above started to chorus
glory shone all around the shed.
as the dazzling light before me began to dull it all became clear,
for upon our doorstep,
as handsome as handsome can be
was none other than
thee Colin Firth

"hello" he said quite casually and with a tone of intimacy, i noted
"i was just in the neighborhood, thought i would drop by... thing is, i googled my name the other day and dottie angel popped up. it appears you have a lot to say about me. i'm working on meeting my fans and getting to know them a little. so here i am"
suddenly i was very aware of my 'night attire' and not pretty 'night attire' but old bag lady 'night attire' that was in no way helping aid a youthful fresh 'come hither' look.

my man called from the depths of the shed "who is it Tif?" whilst watching the Rugby...
the intimate moment of 'Colin and me' immediately crumbling.
with my night attire, a man already in residence and several children milling around i knew the hopes of a 'mysterious, beautiful, eclectic woman of a certain age' getting together with Colin Firth for one brief moment in time, was lost.

but before you hang your heads dearest readers and weep for my lost opportunity with Colin.
it would appear all was not lost,
for somewhere out of nowhere a thought appeared...
a thought that made me think,
just how wonderful it would be to have a celebrity such as Colin to pick a winner,
surely that was indeed a grand idea, perhaps one of my grandest yet.
and so it came to be,
one saturday morning in a mossy shed near Seattle

Colin Firth picked a winner for my 'ordinary extraordinaries' giveaway

i noted upon his picking, that he did indeed have very youthful hands

he told me the secrets of his handcream and i immediately wrote it on a scrap of paper, knowing my gnarly paws would benefit greatly from Colin's wisdom

Colin was not only handsome and generous in his time, but he had humor as well, something i admired greatly in those few stolen moments we shared together.
when he insisted on sticking the winner upon his forehead, who was i to disagree...

then he was gone, up the road to my friend Trish's house. after admiring my chickens i told him of her addictive collecting of feathered friends and so he thought it rather nice to pay her a visit too.
i have spent the rest of the day in my pyjamas, claiming to my man i will never ever wash them again,
for i do recall,
in fact i am quite positively sure,
that for one brief moment in time, Colin Firth touched the sleeve of my granny cardigan (masquerading as a dressing gown) and apart from not washing it, i am very close to 'framing it'...

and so dearest readers, we have a winner, a winner picked by Colin Firth no less

and that winner is

My name is Kat and I am a shoe-aholic. It has been 6 hours since my last purchase.

It has only just occured to me that I have a problem, but as you suggested, I have just looked around my house and noticed that I have AT LEAST 15 pairs in each room (we have 9 rooms) there is also an ever growing pile at the bottom of the stairs. I have 40 (full) show boxes at the back of my walk in wardrobe. I have a couple of pairs in my office at work. I have 3 pairs in my car boot. A few pairs at my mums house. I have heels, flats, wedges, stilettos, sandals, flip flops, LOTS of boots (including my latest lovlies which are furry lined with toggles up the sides!), wellies, slippers - lots of slippers, trainers. Black ones, red ones, blue ones, pink ones, shiny ones, sparkly ones... oh god, I'm feeling the need to buy more, I've got myself all excited!

So, yes, I'm Kat and I am most definitely a shoe-aholic. I also collect buttons. I have some shoes with buttons on.

congratulations to you Kat, my dearest addictive collector of the bestest kind, i think it is a win most deserved!
this little vignette of vintage goodness will be winging it's way to you...

and now i must away
to recline upon my couch,
reflecting upon the day
Colin Firth came to play at Mossy Shed

she will be back on Monday with tales of little olive her hopes and her dreams ~ Tif


  1. How kind of Colin Firth to pop by to pick a winner for this fabulous prize.

    Please say that you let him stay and fed him grapes and teeny tiny cupcakes.

  2. Dear me you have me in tatters...I laugh I cannot breathe I'm on the verge of peeing my pants!

  3. Congrats to Kat and thanks Tif for a fab Sat night giggle - I even had to call my hubby and son over to have a giggle at Colin Firth and his youthful hands :-) Can you give away the secret of how he keeps them so youthful in a future giveaway?

  4. Lucky you, Lucky Kat!!! Very envious of the Colin Firth visit. MMMMM he's so yummy.
    Love how you tell the story so well.
    PS I'm totally addicted to collecting bears, old bears, bear related things ( teatowels, cups, bits,crockery whatever), old toys, beer glasses, snowmen, , salt and pepper shakers, garden gnomes, and just bits, I love BITS. anything really, almost every day some new collection or obsession starts, so you are no alone. : )

  5. ..hey..hoped to buy some of your lovely stuff to put on my newmade linnen pillows in white....but could not find anything in your you have something ypur blog by the way..great inspiration.....marit in norway

  6. Congrats to Kat. I actually read hers aloud to Mr. B. (my man). I am sure all of us were quite deserving in our own dysfunctional ways, but your wisdom to allow someone so famous and with such youthful hands to pick made it all so proper......enjoy Kat.

  7. Hooray!
    Colin Firth must have known I'm not much of a fan of his :P

  8. Tif, You have outdone yourself!

    I was sorry to have lost, since my collection of dust so clearly met the criterion; "a quantity of something within your dwelling that upon realization, is rather shocking to the system."

    Congrats`to you for your close encounter with CF, and to kat for her win!

  9. congratulations to princess and the pea. and thank you dottieangel for continuing to inspire me with your little mossy shed window on the world. :)

  10. Well, if I had known Mr. Colin Firth was involved, I would have most certainly told you about my handbag
    collection....ok...addiction. If I had known Colin's probing hand would lovingly caress my name on a little paper tag and then, perhaps, cradle it in his warm palm and then, oh my.....lick it with his ,well,*tongue* I most certainly WOULD HAVE PLAYED! In the futureI think you should explain little details like this. Harumph.

  11. congratulations to the winner! Tif, i love how you write, it always brightens my day!

  12. Aw, I love Colin Firth! I do wish he would come visit me here in Tulsa. That would be a treat of the utmost kind!

  13. perfect, just perfect...and congrats to Kat

  14. What an exciting adventure, I do believe I would faint dead away if Colin Firth was to show up on my doorstep. Congrats Kat!

  15. I had to smile when I saw the pot with all the entries in it...I have one just like it! My mom gave it to me and it's at least 40 years old! I use it every year to make wassail, which is what she used it for. So I have to ask, where did yours come from? Love your blog! xo, Nan

  16. Wow, what an experience meeting the youthful handed Colin Firth. I must say I'm jealous as can be!

  17. You lucky girl! To have Colin show up like that. I loved your story and it made me smile first thing early sundaymorning. Keep those pyamas!

  18. Oh, Colin looks as dreamy as ever and what a nice guy he is, too!

    You know, my hubby once made a Colin mask for himself when he was feeling a bit overshadowed by my "Pride and Prejudice" dvd (the series, of course, not the movie.), and it worked like a charm! The mask I mean.

    And about the dvd... The bit where Mr Darcy dives in the lake and then walks about with his shirt all wet... I've almost worn it out. My sisters were complaining that the dvd got awfully jumpy at that point and made the experience less than agreeable.

    So... I just got a feeling I could share this with you. I'm a colinfirth-aholic and not a lot embarrassed by my condition.

  19. Ah, Colin is such a gent as I can testify. He popped round to introduce himself to me last Tuesday, but on peeping through the window and espying me so absorbed in my knitting he decided it would be rude to disturb my concentration and just turned right round and went on his merry way. So thoughtful and considerate. Yes, a TRUE GENT.

  20. Tif, you are a mad woman, in the nicest posible way!! What a great start to the day it was reading that and laughing my head off! And it would happen that way wouldn't it, if Colin Firth turned up at the door unexpectedly, old PJs, or a face pack, or a husband...ho hum...enjoy the rest of your weekend, Penny x (Planet Penny)

  21. LOL This is funny..I am a shoe-aholic. It has been 6 hours since my last purchase.
    What happens when you lose you souls.[soles]

  22. Congratulations to Kat ...that is truely a collection I will have to tell my friend she was worried that she has 45 pairs..I have 7 ummm obviously have to work on that one...How nice of Mr Firth to come visit..must be the Great British Good Manners !!:)

  23. I love this post Tif, it has made me laugh very much! How kind of Mr Firth to drop by and see you, maybe Daniel Craig will be doing the rounds near me today......

  24. Obviously, utterly DISTRAUGHT that I didn't manage to win your giveaway Tif but oh, the image of Colin Firth's hands will stay with me for ever! I laughed and laughed so much ...
    Well done to Kat on her prize.

  25. Wow! Thank you so much, I have never won anything in my life! My secret love affair with Colin has obviously paid off, his heart must have passed messages to his hand whilst picking my name out of the hat!

    I shall have to go and celebrate by buying more shoes!

    Thanks so much Tif, I truly love your blog, it always brings a ray of sunshine to my life on an otherwise dull rainy English day. I have just the spot for my new Dottie Angel lovelies - now there will always be a bit of your cheer in my house!

    Sorry to all of you who didn't win - some of you really are addicts of the "utmost kind"


  26. Lucky lucky Kat!!!!

    BTW I just picked up a copy of Sublime & who did I find nestled in the covers... none other than your lovely self! Well done xx

  27. Hello again Tif! Just letting you know I am all set to join your 'challenge of the utmost kind' starting today! Too exciting!

  28. Wow I have just found your blog through sfgirlbybay's blog, and I love it, have linked you on my own blog:
    Beacuse you have some wonderful photos.
    Can't wait to have time to have a good read through because so far I have only looked at the photos. I see you are a Brit, where are you from origionally?

  29. *sigh*
    So glad for Kat....(was that enthusiastic enough, good sport that I am?)

    Onward to the next contest and to the next contest selector....Hmmmm..who shall it be??

  30. Now if Colin Firth had been the PRIZE....Yummmmmmy! Cx

  31. hurrah little ted canvas! good for you my dear... i'm delighted you have joined the challenge of the utmost kind!

  32. this made me snort laugh. but you can't have Colin Firth, he's mine, i say!! i've tried hard to look like Jennifer Ehle for many years but to no avail. just saw 'a single man'. let's just say he's been to the gym a few times, shall we? i thought i'd faint. :)

  33. Congratulations to Kat the Shoe! And I'm glad you had a nice visit with Colin!!!!

  34. Hello, I've just stumbled upon your blog and have to say I just love your use of language! The post with Colin Firth is an absolute masterpiece - thank you! :)

  35. j'adore Colin Firth!!!j'aime beaucoup tout ce que vous faites!!!bravo!!!
