
Monday, June 11

the missing door ~ part 2...

remember this dear readers.

well, today i left my little studio and Tasha left her little cubicle and we ventured forth on a 'door hunt'...our travels took us to RE in Ballard, thanks to some top tips from some trusted sources. (ie. Tasha's mom and Knittingiris)

to my delight a whole aisle of doors awaited us and as i 'ummed' and 'ahhed', Tasha very patiently shifted and sorted through all the categories. you see dear readers, i was faced with a dilemma , after not finding any doors, i now had the choice of 'screened', 'panelled', 'glass' and the list goes on...
plus, my plan to move the door around my house according to the light was becoming pretty unlikely as my little weakling arms could hardly lift any of them.

after a while (Tasha, i am sure would inform you it felt much longer) we settled on this screen seemed perfectly 'dottie angel'...

however, as we rounded the corner to seek out any other treasures that might need a home... gleaming, sparkling, with a chorus of angels around her (ask Tasha, she heard them too) was "THEE DOOR"...dressed in 'vintage old ladies knickers' colored paint, perfectly proportioned and requiring only a wipe down. the best bit of all, she was in the 'bargain section', so the price for my "nobody loves you like i do" door was only $10...
so here is a sneaky peek, but that's all, 'cause this little beauty is being revealed in all her glory in 'show and tell'...

she was lacking in the handle department and so we poked around in a cabinet... actually i did the rummaging while Tasha ever so patiently propped the door up...what a grand way to spend your one day a week free from a cubicle...but my eyes did alight upon this, just perfect for 'Miss Lady Love'...

thanking you all for your lovely comments yesterday (and your understanding of my allergies, remember it is all a bit of "silliness really") ~ Tif


  1. I have the same glass door knobs:)
    I can't wait to see your door in situ.
    It's funny how whenever I go to scrap yards there seems to be women looking either on their own or with a friend.... you would think it would be a man place....

  2. How could door shopping be anything less than fabulous when shopping with the Amazing Tif? If I hadn't been there I would have WISHED I were there, based on the lovely photos. You did Door Aisle Number 1 much more justice than I could have. Did the thought pop into your head however that the cats must have been there for mice, and they were VERY fat?

  3. can i just say - DOOR KNOBS xxxxxx
    they are truly beautiful - i almost do not care what the door looks like......
    much nicer to go door shopping with a girl!
    tracy x

  4. I'm avoiding work too (re comment left on my blog), although officially, i shouldn't be working at ten to nine in the evening, i should be in the hammock with my husband. in fact...i'm off!
    ps your slips are going to look perfect on that door with those beautiful handles. i shouldn't be let near reclamation yards for fear i would come home with rusty old shop signs and random bits of stained glass window...anyhoo...

  5. A tantalising glimpse of a door - can't wait to see more, and with your lovlies adorning it too. Oh, and I love your new 'currently avoiding' section.

  6. Oh that shoppe is to die for. I think I would just jump up and down with glee if I was confronted with that many doors and knobs. I have a great door I bought a while back and am in-love with it. But more is better right?

  7. You did it. You found the perfect door! And at a great price, no less. It's awful to think of now but I was in Ballard THREE times last week, within a block of the RE store each time and DIDN'T go there. Ouch. What was I thinking? And now I'm two states away.
    We might have crossed paths!
    And then my dad mentioned that he had a $10 certificate we could have that they gave him when he dropped some things off there recently.
    We once bought a door solely for the knobs...we haven't used it yet, but it's beautiful.
