if you are sitting comfortably, then i shall begin...
Tif was looking through her stash of yarn, hoping to find some 'warmth'...the shed was cold and lonely since her folks had left. she was also looking for 'inspiration'...
the snowballs had been completed and now she was turning her attention to 'christmas trees'...minatue ones made from yarn, a little something for the wee pesky gnomes to make them feel 'more loved' as it was becoming quite clear they were not going to 'get over' eleven months in a box quite as quickly as she had hoped...
knock, knock...
"oh" said Tif to used dog, "who can that be, shall we go and see?"
(she opened the door)
"hello, are you Miss Tif and is this Mossy Shed?" asked the visitor
"what if i said it wasn't?" Tif was quick to answer.
from behind her a roar of "hurrahs" somewhere in the direction of the mantelpiece were to be heard...
"Ceril, Ceril...is that really you, did you get our postcard about needing to brighten the place up a bit...come on in and make yourself at home"...
next thing Tif knew...Ceril, a rather dubious pesky gnome pushed through her feet and marched on into the shed...she noted with some 'horror' that he bought a pot of yellow paint with him and worse still he had mislaid the lid...
Tif returned to her 'yarn stash' and empty corner of the shed where her folks had sat just the day before to knit and read...
a few minutes later...
knock, knock...
"oh no" whispered Tif to used dog "let's hope it's UPS or FedEx and not who i think it could be"
(she opened the door again)
"hello" said a rather jolly looking christmas gnome (quite obviously pesky and well fed)..."is this where wee 'pesky gnome in charge' and his cronies live?"
"what if i said it wasn't?" asked Tif
too late...another cheery welcome was called from the mantelpiece...
"uncle Bert, is that really you, did you get our postcard with the S.O.S on it...and more importantly did you bring your sack of 'christmas cheer' with you...quite honestly Tif is a 'crap' host and we haven't had a drop to drink since last christmas when we found her 'wee supply' for light weights"
"uncle Bert, is that really you, did you get our postcard with the S.O.S on it...and more importantly did you bring your sack of 'christmas cheer' with you...quite honestly Tif is a 'crap' host and we haven't had a drop to drink since last christmas when we found her 'wee supply' for light weights"
"i, that i did my wee pesky gnome nephews" uncle Bert replied, whilst pushing past Tif and into Mossy Shed "i knew it was a matter of most importance and so i came a running, never one to miss out on a 'wee party' with my family"
Tif and used dog returned to yarn hunting...
knock, knock...
"i can't face it used dog, you will have to go alone this time"
used dog answered the door and looked around, nothing there...just as she was about to close the door and report back to Tif, a little voice squeaked...
"down here"
and sure enough used dog counted eight little pesky ladies on the door mat...
"we're here to spend christmas with wee 'pesky gnome in charge' and all his cronies...we come from sweden and we like to party..."
and the roar of appreciation from the mantelpiece inside the shed was heard from several blocks away...
"oh yes, boys" cried 'pesky gnome in charge', tears of joy on his cheeks..."all our christmases have come at once"...

she's thinking those wee pesky gnomes aren't going to need crocheted trees to keep them warm and cozy this christmas ~ Tif
she's quite bonkers! Rachaelxo
You must keep it quite cold at Mossy Shed ~ even your candlesticks are wearing sweaters!
Time to stop lurking I think,it's getting very crowded at MS I do hope your visitors behave and don't eat you out of house and home,or should that be shed.
Happy Christmas and thank you for all the smiles and the few tears .
Judith in the UK
Ohhhh come on now! Just when I think it can't get any freakin' cuter than the lil gnomies you bust out those sweet lil girlies?!
*faints from cuteness*
Can I come live on your mantle? :> So cozy and cheery! Absolutely adorable. I will show my boys your pesky gnomes in the morning. Our house is known to have tickle bugs, particularly at Christmas time, as they like to come inside to live in the pinecone forest.
oh dear me thinks that tif will be building a few bungalows in about 9 months from now...
by the looks on those pesky gnomes faces...
a dear friend just gave me one each of those little ladies. aren't they the sweetest?
Ah, the gnome cycle continues. Better adventure than Lord of the Rings!!!!
I really enjoyed this post! Haha! Pesky ladies *and* pesky gnomes - not.a.good combination, I'm thinking...
They all look so lovely
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