the last few days have passed in a blur of paint and rain...our #4's bedroom is finished apart from requiring a new floor covering and the platform for his bed (all in good time)...

i have now turned my attention to the landing and stairs, with the doors and frames finished it was down to covering up the dingy 'hasn't seen a lick of paint in years' knock down.
dear readers it was not unlike trying to paint a cliff face (not that i have ever tried to paint a cliff face, i am merely using my imagination here)...who ever used his talent to create the texture on my wall must have fallen asleep when waiting for the plaster to be 'just right' for knocking down...he missed his window of time and now i have been left 28 years later with an incredibly heavy surface to cover...however the good news is all the white is doing a marvelous job of making the hallway feel bright and cheery even on the dullest of days (and there's a lot of those at the moment)...i just have the stairwell bit left to do and quite frankly i am leaving it for my man, a little treat for the weekend...
Winston is not a happy bunny, i moved him down the yard as my man said it was all looking a little crowded...then the storm came through and appeared not to care about Winston in the least when it came to debris...

miss josephina lola has taken up residence in my flower bed...i am worrying as to how long she will survive our inclement weather
my veggie patch isn't looking very exciting either, unless we get a bit of sun soon i fear any seeds i have planted are no longer in my patch but washed down the hill residing at a neighbor's...i can see it now "honey, did you plant cauliflower and peas in my herbaceous border?". "why no Frank, i did not"..."mmm, well i'll be"...
and so you can be sure that the dreary (and cold, i might add) weather is slowly going to my head. that and the knowledge tomorrow is my last full day before school ends...enough to make a grown woman cry...
she's thinking there's nothing for it but to go and do a bit of thrifting to cheer the spirit ~ Tif
Everything is looking great, I love #4's sleeping alcove. I can empathize with the rough plaster, not only a pain to paint but a pain to scrape up against!
thrifting is always the answer.
love the red and white...!
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