dear readers, it would be true to say that you find me today, quite frankly good for can i be when tomorrow Gladys arrives. after a few of you mentioned this lovely place, i spent what should have been 'dinner making time' just looking at all the lovely trailers one can spend a few blissful days in...
then i started to get that "i'm so excited, i think i going to be sick" feeling and had to pull myself away from the web and muster up something edible...i do have high hopes that owning an airstream (wait, let us just focus on that...i will be an airstream owner, gosh what a responsibility) back to what i was saying...i do feel that somehow owning 'Gladys' will help me become a better cook. i have no idea how this will occur but it just stands to reason that if such a beauty is viewed from one's kitchen window the chances are heightened that the meal you are cooking will be more creative and possibly more edible...

in between my 'i can't quite believe it's happening' moments i completed the kitchen table. it is very white, very shiny and very new looking. i took myself down to the d.i.y. center late last night to hunt down the perfect set of casters. i do believe dear readers that my 'caster' plan is going to be a very short lived one...don't get me wrong there were casters of all sizes under the sun but did any of them have 'little brakes' on them...nope.

now even me and my sometimes 'not so practical' ideas realized it would not do to have casters on the bottom of a table on a wood floor without little locks on. i am quite sure in the hey day of "changing rooms" (that good old show from the great bbc) they would have dismissed that little detail but i could not.
later when 'the shed' was sleeping i mentioned to my man that i had no luck in my 'casters search'...this of course was the first i had spoken of my plan, i had hoped to just 'do the deed' and deal with the consequences afterwards but as i was frustrated by my 'lack of findings' i needed to share.
"and why do we need to have wheels on the bottom of our table?" he asked, to which i explained my need to push our little table outside and eat 'el fresco' (i hope that's right) at any given moment.
he then pointed out a very obvious thing (a habit men have sometimes) "don't we already have a garden table to eat at, already conveniently outside the back door"...i explained quite patiently i felt that this was not the point, he had completely gone off topic...the topic being 'that casters with little brakes were not easy to find' and that the topic was not 'do we require a rolling table or not'...i shall spend some time tracking down the casters now just prove how lovely it is to wheel a little white table outside on a sunny evening even if we have a perfectly good one already outside...
and so i must away to get on with 'dithering' around the place, pretending to put laundry away, 'sorting' things and preparing ahead for tonight's meal (ha!)...while all the time thinking how nice it would be for Gladys to have a flower bed or two outside her door...
she's thanking you kindly for your lovely words on Gladys..and Lynn this one's for you ~ Tif
Lee Valley Hardware has locking casters. Here is one version:,240
(And we have purchased other items from them, so I can vouch for them as an excellent company!)
perfect :)
i have bought things from them before...i shall hop, skippity, jump over there right now...
Tif x
Congrats. Tiff on the airstream trailer, it's gorgeous! I haven't seen any of them over here but they have a lovely vintage look to them.Is it from the 50's? looks like it.
gladys is from the early 70's but the early ones do go back to the 50's i believe...
outdoor tables are NEVER as good as indoor tables pushed outside...casters are a must! and I dream of locking casters for our island in our some-day-to-be-remodeled kitchen so now I know where to find them ha! PS- Have you seen the new American Country Living Mag? I think they have been spying on you and your doilies...
i LOVE every single picture in this post! I now want to make a doily shade, paint my table white, and put pictures all over a door. I think the sunshine must be putting my "DIY to-do list" in overdrive!
Men just don't get it do they Tif!I'm trying to persuade mine thatwe NEED a crystal chandelier in our dining room and no it won't look 'naf' and doesn't he trust me?
Thank you for the cat love:)
Don't Ikea sell castors with locks on?
I will surf the netty later....I can't have your dreams not realised Tif...
of course you need casters!
congrats on gladys, she is beautiful :-)
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