
Tuesday, June 10

a thing or two ...

a thing:

last week a roving reporter dearie came to visit.
she was terribly lovely and took photos of my 'atelier of sorts'
and other bits and bobs around mossy shed

the only time someone of the professional sort 
has taken photos of our space and its contents 

it tis quite interesting to watch someone else
see things you would never see through a lens.
now i must wait (albeit it nervously) to see her view
when the article comes out sometime this week

or two:

in the meantime i have given 
my collection of Liberty Wool 
preferential treatment.

it does look all quite worryingly pink
but i will not fret,
for i know on the inside are some rather lovely
sludgy grolly colours waiting to be discovered... 

as soon as i pop this up for all to read
i discover the article is out there.
if you fancy a ganders
you can find it over here