
Monday, March 10

TENDing to a blog hop today...


i have never ever ever done a blog hop before, truth be told things like that seem to be quite a responsibility and i am tres pants the moment i am given a deadline. however i was given plenty of time and i told myself this was a blog hop of the utmost importance and how fortunate was i to be invited to participate, and then all was well again...

TEND is a new online magazine which you may well have heard whispers or indeed shouts about around the blog-sphere. it is the brain child of Debbie from the blog my so called life life and other lies whom i have had the most loveliest of pleasures to know for quite the years in blogging land. she has a most fabby team of contributors who helped her bring life to her online magazine dream and you can find out who they are over here
i do think the title does a jolly good job about explaining what it is all about in a nutshell...

to nourish the head, the hand, the heart and the home
to take note of the bonds within your family, your world, and others in the world
to care about the food you put on your table and where it came from
to be inspired to live more cleanly and more ethically
to be incouraged to TEND to the small things in our day to day life
so we may in turn find happiness and harmony in the small things.
and perhaps in turn, the big things will follow and fall into place

yes, it is a magazine full of inspiring images, but it goes way beyond that, it is filled with sound advice, not tricky to understand or follow, simple recipes for healthy eating, ideas for the home and garden, educational topics for children and crafting how-tos (you will find one from me in there) which includes a knitting pattern, a sewing pattern, a bird project and other creative activities to do as a family or indeed as just yourself. it really has a lot of jolly good advice for folks to make a more informed choice of how they wish to TEND to their well being and that of those around them. 

you can also find quite brilliantly, a free seed packet template to print off and the bird embroidery patterns are available free to everyone who signs up for the newsletter. well that is quite marvelous! but wait, there is more... ("really Tif?"... "oh yes indeedy" say i)

if perchance you would like to win a free copy of TEND you can leave a comment here and i have a spiffy code to share which will give you 20% discount on the cost of TEND too. just enter in DOTTIE20 in the right little place for it to do its magical thing.

and last but not least, next on the blog hopping trail is the most peachy Heather from Shivaya Naturals where you can have another chance at winning a copy of TEND too! oh hurrah hooray.

or you can visit all these lovely folks who hopped before me and enter there too!

beauty that moves

here we are together

wholly rooted

patch of puddles
for further nitty gritty on this rather refreshing and quite extra ordinary online publication you can found out all the nitty gritty by visiting here 

righty ho, happy monday to those that are just beginning, or ending, and happy tuesday to those just beginning... i am hopful that covers all around the globe :)


  1. This looks a fabulous magazine - I'd love to win a copy!

  2. Count me in Tif for it looks divine x

  3. Oo yes please count me in for the giveaway! x

  4. I love the title of the magazine - beautifully phrased and describes the feeling I have for what I want from life. :)

  5. Sounds like a lovely magazine! Thanks for sharing :)

  6. I'd love to win a copy and see what its all about. thanks.

  7. We'll that all sounds rather lovely.....a happy Monday to you too Tif! :)
    V x

  8. Ooh, that looks like a lovely magazine - I do like the idea of TENDing to the small things in your life. They make all the difference. Tonia (

  9. that sounds very interesting,maybe i'll be the lucky one :-)
    happy monday!

  10. Oh I would love to try this magazine, thanks for the chance!

  11. Oh, looks great! I love to join!!!
    Wishing you a springy week!

  12. fingers crossed...tend looks great ! xo

  13. i love visiting you here - always leave with a smile on my face. hope it's ok i'm doing a post about you this week.

  14. and p.s. do hope the lovely doggie continues to do better.

  15. Fingers crossed for this beauty x

  16. Well, this sounds like great fun! Thanks!

  17. I like the look of this, count me in! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  18. Put my name down! Prettiest purlease x

  19. Well, yes, I'd like to win a copy... but may have to buy one -- I have no patience, lol

  20. Always game for a 'new' periodical!

  21. I am quite taken with Tend and think this sort of publication is just the way to indulge in this reflective season. Thanks for the opportunity!

  22. Tend looks fabulous! I'd love to win a copy of this new publication.

  23. Those lovely pics in Trend reminded me of my favorite embroidered vintage tray cloth which has the words 'Oh wind, If winter comes, can Spring be far behind'.......

  24. Wow, this looks like a really lovely magazine and thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  25. I've been drooling over this since Debbie announced it on her blog. I'm so glad you all went and did this blog hopping thing. Yay... may the winner enjoy it and the non winners buy it.

  26. would be a dream to win thanks Dottie. Ciao monica dall'Italia

  27. Ooh yes please I'd love to win a look at this new mag - it looks great!

  28. I'd love to see this magazine. Looks like a fun one.

  29. What a lovely title for a magazine. Would love to win a copy of "Tend". Thanks for the chance.

  30. I've cancelled most of my magazine subscriptions because I'm trying to economise. I miss them. This would be a great thing to win ..
