
Wednesday, December 18

driving flying home for Christmas…

well i can hardly believe we are finally here. just a couple more days and we cross the pond to spend our first christmas in old blighty since we set sail for the states in the year 2000. tis nothing short of a small miracle in my mind...

i am beyond giddy to be going home for the holidays and have been plotting and planning for months now. mossy shed and the critters will be well taken care of by a most delightful family moving in, so no lonely shed nor critter hearts come next week. Mister Muchly however is packing his suitcase and will spend his holidays with my adopted auntie because he is rather fond of their little green bungalow having been several times before.

my plotting and planning consists of:

several days in london catching up with clan and of course seeing my girls (yippee!), visiting with my lovely friend Emily (hurrah!), a pilgrimage to Loop (hooray!), brick lane market and columbia road (spiffy!), a first time visit to the creative world of Jessie Chorley (magical!) and for my lads of three, a total first, a premier soccer game, Arsenal vs Chelsea (miraculous!)

christmas eve, taking the train down to Bath to meet up with my folks whom i have not seen for a whole live long year (magical!), spend christmas with one of my brothers and his clan (crazy good!), dragging my mother out to the boxing day sales (hahahehe!), seeing my eldest turn 22 on boxing day (priceless!), waking up on the 27th to our lad turning 18 and seeing him head to London with his sisters to celebrate in style (memory in the making!).

staying with my soul sister Debbie for 2 nights and a day, just enough to catch up on 2 yrs of separation (jubilation!), meet up again in london with the missing clan members, say good bye to Our #1 and fly to Edinburgh, Scotland to ring in the new year (celebrations!) and then head to where we once called home, Cambridge, to see my man's mum for a few days (peachy perfect!) before winging our way back to mossy shed and our small gaggle of critters.

tis a whistle stop tour, and tis throwing caution to the wind traveling public transport in mid winter around the british isles, but we do not care, we are not fretting on what might or might not be. we are just winging it and as long as we have our thermal undies, our tooth brushes, a stock pile of yarn and a place to lay our weary heads we know it will be the bees knees of a trip.

you can follow along if you like over on instagram where i hope to post a pic or two. or else i will see you back here in the new shiny year, all ready for fresh crafty adventures. so it just leaves me to say, i am wishing each and everyone of you, critters and plants included, the most happiest of happy holidays and may you all have a little miracle or two of your own this festive gleeful season

"Tif, what is all that yarny goodness going on?"
"ahhh, yes, that would be the beginnings of my mish mash wrappity wrap"
"so bascially a scarf then?"
"ummm, well since you put it that way, yes"

disaster has struck, i have lost not one but two stitches and a terrible yarny mess has ensured. i have not wept quite yet, although i am close... all i can think of is, thank goodness i work in a yarn store and thank goodness the folks that work there know what they are doing and can rescue me tomorrow... "ummm Tif!?"