
Friday, September 13

no longer missing in action...

i am hippily happy to report, my long lost crafty groove has been located. it took me several attempts and quite a lot of determination but late on weds eve, just before getting some shut eye i paused as i passed the open door to my studio. after i paused, i pondered and after i pondered, i pottled through the doorway where upon the need to be a roundie and not a squarie gripped me with quite an intensity. such was the intensive grip i postponed my bedtime and went about merrily seeking out roundies. when my favourite roundies from around the shed had been gathered i placed them in a pleasing order

where upon it happened. the happening i had been hoping would happen, did indeed happen the moment i stepped back to admire my roundies in a row. i looked closely and amongst all my lovely roundie friends i saw my crafty groove lying there. he did not seem particularly sorry for causing me a merry dance, nor did he seem particularly delighted at me having discovered his whereabouts. he just sort of shrugged and seemed like it was just another ordinary day (or night) and when were we going to get started...

and start we did, the very next morn, hippily and happily back together beavering away on my 'collection of sorts' which has laid neglected and forlorn for several months. as we were both feeling roundie still, 'little medals of good lucky' seemed a perfectly perfect place to begin

as i finished off later that day and turned my attention to critters, clan and cleaning (in that order)... (actually not cleaning, i didn't clean at all, that is a wicked lie used only because it sounded nice with the critter and clan bit and i couldn't think of another word beginning with 'c' except for crappity crap). and so as i finished off, i did indeed feel most relieved, and somewhat achy, but wholeheartedly happy to be back on track, crafty groove intact and a 'collection of sorts' slowly but surely coming together...