
Friday, September 6

hurray hoorah for a most glorious day...

yes indeedy! 
despite laying awake late last night listening to the thunder and lightening, 
i awoke with high hopes Mr P. ItDown had buggered off. 

i fear i was not alone with those high hopes 
for many an intrepid treasure hunter appeared at Glorious Gladys' doorstep

and so i must say a very gigantic
"thank you kindly"
to all those who made their way to see me and Gladys 
despite the rather pants weather

i must also not forget to thank most kindly the marvelous dearies out in cyber world 
who have sent such cheery good luck greetings to me for today and tomorrow.  
"hello hello"

once again i am left marveling at the kindness of others 
and after closing up Glorious Gladys' door 'tis true, i felt a little pang,

but i know tomorrow is another day where Gladys' and i get to play 

before she heads to pastures new to live out the next chapter in her life 
with a most wonderful dearie called Angel

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